blob: c6d108a291b8be4ae734dd5a1386ff4ee1585474 [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `pub run test -N recursive_getters`
class C {
final int _field = 0;
int get field => field; // LINT
int get otherField {
return otherField; // LINT
int get correct => _field;
int get correctBody {
return _field;
int someMethod() => someMethod();
int get value => plusOne(value); // LINT
int _field = 0;
int get field => field; // LINT
int get otherField {
return otherField; // LINT
int get correct => _field;
int get correctBody {
return _field;
int get value => _field == null ? 0 : value; // LINT
int plusOne(int arg) => 0;
class Nested {
final Nested _parent;
Nested get ancestor => _parent.ancestor; //OK
Nested get thisRecursive => this.thisRecursive; // LINT
Nested get recursive => recursive; // LINT