blob: d2bef9fc124c3c9c60ea265a908dbac1da54d880 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/util/dart_type_utilities.dart';
const _desc = r'Do not pass `null` as an argument where a closure is expected.';
const _details = r'''
**DO NOT** pass null as an argument where a closure is expected.
Often a closure that is passed to a method will only be called conditionally,
so that tests and "happy path" production calls do not reveal that `null` will
result in an exception being thrown.
This rule only catches null literals being passed where closures are expected
in the following locations:
#### Constructors
* From `dart:async`
* `Future` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.microtask` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.sync` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Timer` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Timer.periodic` at the 1st positional parameter
* From `dart:core`
* `List.generate` at the 1st positional parameter
#### Static functions
* From `dart:async`
* `sheduleMicrotask` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.doWhile` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.forEach` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.wait` at the named parameter `cleanup`
* `` at the 0th positional parameter
#### Instance methods
* From `dart:async`
* `Future.then` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Future.complete` at the 0th positional parameter
* From `dart:collection`
* `Queue.removeWhere` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Queue.retain
* `Iterable.firstWhere` at the 0th positional parameter, and the named
parameter `orElse`
* `Iterable.forEach` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.fold` at the 1st positional parameter
* `Iterable.lastWhere` at the 0th positional parameter, and the named
parameter `orElse`
* `` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.reduce` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.singleWhere` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.skipWhile` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.takeWhile` at the 0th positional parameter
* `Iterable.where` at the 0th positional parameter
* `List.removeWhere` at the 0th positional parameter
* `List.retainWhere` at the 0th positional parameter
* `String.replaceAllMapped` at the 1st positional parameter
* `String.replaceFirstMapped` at the 1st positional parameter
* `String.splitMapJoin` at the named parameters `onMatch` and `onNonMatch`
[1, 3, 5].firstWhere((e) => e.isOdd, orElse: null);
[1, 3, 5].firstWhere((e) => e.isOdd, orElse: () => null);
/// Function with closure parameters that cannot accept null arguments.
class NonNullableFunction {
final String library;
final String type;
final String name;
final List<int> positional;
final List<String> named;
// Lazily instantiated, only when this function is found to be called.
InterfaceTypeDefinition _typeDefinition;
NonNullableFunction(this.library, this.type,,
{this.positional = const <int>[], this.named = const <String>[]});
InterfaceTypeDefinition get typeDefinition =>
_typeDefinition ??= new InterfaceTypeDefinition(type, library);
List<NonNullableFunction> _constructorsWithNonNullableArguments =
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', null, positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'microtask', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'sync', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Timer', null, positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Timer', 'periodic', positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'List', 'generate', positional: [1]),
List<NonNullableFunction> _staticFunctionsWithNonNullableArguments =
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', null, 'scheduleMicrotask',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'doWhile', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'forEach', positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'wait', named: ['cleanUp']),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Timer', 'run', positional: [0]),
List<NonNullableFunction> _instanceMethodsWithNonNullableArguments =
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'then',
positional: [0], named: ['onError']),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.async', 'Future', 'complete', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.collection', 'Queue', 'removeWhere',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.collection', 'Queue', 'retainWhere',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'any', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'every', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'expand', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'firstWhere',
positional: [0], named: ['orElse']),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'forEach', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'fold', positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'lastWhere',
positional: [0], named: ['orElse']),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'map', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'reduce', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'singleWhere',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'skipWhile',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'takeWhile',
positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Iterable', 'where', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'List', 'removeWhere', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'List', 'retainWhere', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Map', 'forEach', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Map', 'putIfAbsent', positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Set', 'removeWhere', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'Set', 'retainWhere', positional: [0]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'String', 'replaceAllMapped',
positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'String', 'replaceFirstMapped',
positional: [1]),
new NonNullableFunction('dart.core', 'String', 'splitMapJoin',
named: ['onMatch', 'onNonMatch']),
class NullClosures extends LintRule implements NodeLintRule {
: super(
name: 'null_closures',
description: _desc,
details: _details,
void registerNodeProcessors(NodeLintRegistry registry) {
final visitor = new _Visitor(this);
registry.addInstanceCreationExpression(this, visitor);
registry.addMethodInvocation(this, visitor);
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
final LintRule rule;
void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
var constructorName = node.constructorName;
var type = node.staticType;
for (var constructor in _constructorsWithNonNullableArguments) {
if (DartTypeUtilities.extendsClass(
type, constructor.type, constructor.library)) {
if (constructorName?.name?.name == {
node.argumentList, constructor.positional, constructor.named);
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
Expression target =;
String methodName = node.methodName?.name;
Element element = target is Identifier ? target?.staticElement : null;
if (element is ClassElement) {
// Static function called, "target" is the class.
for (var function in _staticFunctionsWithNonNullableArguments) {
if ( == function.type) {
if (methodName == {
node.argumentList, function.positional, function.named);
} else {
// Instance method called, "target" is the instance.
DartType targetType = target?.staticType;
for (var method in _instanceMethodsWithNonNullableArguments) {
if (DartTypeUtilities.implementsAnyInterface(
targetType, [method.typeDefinition])) {
if (methodName == {
node.argumentList, method.positional, method.named);
void _checkNullArgForClosure(
ArgumentList node, List<int> positions, List<String> names) {
NodeList<Expression> args = node.arguments;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
Expression arg = args[i];
if (arg is NamedExpression) {
if (arg.expression is NullLiteral &&
names.contains( {
} else {
if (arg is NullLiteral && positions.contains(i)) {