blob: e5bdd3badc3578cdb037ba6634270bab6fb7081f [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `pub run test -N prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables`
// Hack to work around issues importing `meta.dart` in tests.
// Ideally, remove:
library meta;
class _Immutable {
const _Immutable();
const _Immutable immutable = const _Immutable();
class A {
const A(); // OK
A.c1(); // LINT
const A.c2(); // OK
// no lint for constructor with body
A.c3() // OK
class B extends A {
B.c1(); // LINT
const B.c2(); // OK
// no lint for constructor with non-const super call
B.c3() : super.c1(); // OK
B.c4() : super.c2(); // LINT
class C implements A {
// no lint with implements
C.c1(); // OK
const C.c2(); // OK
class D {
final _a;
// no lint when there's a non const expression in initializer list
D.c1(a) : _a = a.toString(); // OK
D.c2(a) : _a = a; // LINT
D.c3(bool a) : _a = a && a; // LINT
D.c4(a) : _a = '${a ? a : ''}'; // OK
class Mixin1 {}
class E extends A with Mixin1 {
// no lint because const leads to error : Const constructor can't be declared for a class with a mixin.
E.c1(); // OK
class F {
const factory F.fc1() = F.c1; // OK
factory F.fc2() = F.c1; // LINT
// no lint because const leads to error : Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.
factory F.fc3() => null; // OK
const F.c1();
class G {
G.a(); // LINT
G.b() : this.a(); // OK
const G.c(); // OK
G.d() : this.c(); // LINT
const G.e() : this.c(); // OK
class H {
final f;
H(f) : f = f ?? f == null; // OK
// no lint for class with final field initialized with new
class I {
final f = new Object();
I(f); // OK
// no lint for factory redirected to non const constructor
class J {
factory J.f1() = J.c1; // OK
factory J.f2() = J.c2; // LINT
J.c1() {} // OK
const J.c2(); // OK