blob: 6ba356052628f3f0e9b0fc00d32a23476dd19772 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// test w/ `pub run test -N avoid_types_as_parameter_names`
typedef void f1(); // OK
typedef void f2(int a); // OK
typedef void f3(int); // LINT
typedef void f4(
num a, // OK
int, // LINT
typedef void f5(
double a, // OK
bool, // LINT
typedef f6 = int Function(int); // OK
typedef void f7(Undefined); // LINT
m1(f()) => null; // OK
m2(f(int a)) => null; // OK
m3(f(int)) => null; // LINT
m4(f(num a, {int})) => null; // LINT
m5(f(double a, [bool])) => null; // LINT
m6(int Function(int) f)=> null; // OK
m7(f(Undefined)) => null; // LINT