blob: 1999053c71ceb180710d9273a2bf55a0b30573f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
typedef bool AstNodePredicate(AstNode node);
class DartTypeUtilities {
static bool extendsClass(DartType type, String className, String library) =>
isClass(type, className, library) ||
(type is InterfaceType &&
extendsClass(type.superclass, className, library));
static Element getCanonicalElement(Element element) =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement ? element.variable : element;
static Element getCanonicalElementFromIdentifier(AstNode rawNode) {
if (rawNode is Expression) {
final node = rawNode.unParenthesized;
if (node is Identifier) {
return getCanonicalElement(node.bestElement);
} else if (node is PropertyAccess) {
return getCanonicalElement(node.propertyName.bestElement);
return null;
static Iterable<InterfaceType> getImplementedInterfaces(InterfaceType type) {
void recursiveCall(InterfaceType type, Set<ClassElement> alreadyVisited,
List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes) {
if (type == null || !alreadyVisited.add(type.element)) {
recursiveCall(type.superclass, alreadyVisited, interfaceTypes);
for (final interface in type.interfaces) {
recursiveCall(interface, alreadyVisited, interfaceTypes);
for (final mixin in type.mixins) {
recursiveCall(mixin, alreadyVisited, interfaceTypes);
final interfaceTypes = <InterfaceType>[];
recursiveCall(type, new Set<ClassElement>(), interfaceTypes);
return interfaceTypes;
static Statement getLastStatementInBlock(Block node) {
if (node.statements.isEmpty) {
return null;
final lastStatement = node.statements.last;
if (lastStatement is Block) {
return getLastStatementInBlock(lastStatement);
return lastStatement;
static bool hasInheritedMethod(MethodDeclaration node) =>
lookUpInheritedMethod(node) != null;
static bool implementsAnyInterface(
DartType type, Iterable<InterfaceTypeDefinition> definitions) {
if (type is! InterfaceType) {
return false;
bool predicate(InterfaceType i) =>
definitions.any((d) => isInterface(i,, d.library));
ClassElement element = type.element;
return predicate(type) ||
!element.isSynthetic && element.allSupertypes.any(predicate);
static bool implementsInterface(
DartType type, String interface, String library) {
if (type is! InterfaceType) {
return false;
bool predicate(InterfaceType i) => isInterface(i, interface, library);
ClassElement element = type.element;
return predicate(type) ||
!element.isSynthetic && element.allSupertypes.any(predicate);
static bool isClass(DartType type, String className, String library) =>
type != null && == className &&
type.element?.library?.name == library;
static bool isInterface(
InterfaceType type, String interface, String library) => == interface && == library;
static bool isNullLiteral(Expression expression) =>
expression?.unParenthesized is NullLiteral;
static PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetter(MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpGetter(, node.element.library);
static PropertyAccessorElement lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(
MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(, node.element.library);
static MethodElement lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(, node.element.library);
static PropertyAccessorElement lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(
MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(, node.element.library);
static MethodElement lookUpInheritedMethod(MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpInheritedMethod(, node.element.library);
static PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetter(MethodDeclaration node) =>
(node.parent as ClassDeclaration)
.lookUpSetter(, node.element.library);
static bool matchesArgumentsWithParameters(
NodeList<Expression> arguments, NodeList<FormalParameter> parameters) {
final namedParameters = <String, Element>{};
final namedArguments = <String, Element>{};
final positionalParameters = <Element>[];
final positionalArguments = <Element>[];
for (final parameter in parameters) {
if (parameter.kind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
namedParameters[] =
} else {
for (final argument in arguments) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
final element = DartTypeUtilities
if (element == null) {
return false;
namedArguments[] = element;
} else {
final element =
if (element == null) {
return false;
if (positionalParameters.length != positionalArguments.length ||
namedParameters.keys.length != namedArguments.keys.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < positionalArguments.length; i++) {
if (positionalArguments[i] != positionalParameters[i]) {
return false;
for (final key in namedParameters.keys) {
if (namedParameters[key] != namedArguments[key]) {
return false;
return true;
/// Builds the list resulting from traversing the node in DFS and does not
/// include the node itself, it excludes the nodes for which the exclusion
/// predicate returns true, if not provided, all is included.
static Iterable<AstNode> traverseNodesInDFS(AstNode node,
{AstNodePredicate excludeCriteria}) {
LinkedHashSet<AstNode> nodes = new LinkedHashSet();
void recursiveCall(node) {
if (node is AstNode &&
(excludeCriteria == null || !excludeCriteria(node))) {
return nodes;
static bool unrelatedTypes(DartType leftType, DartType rightType) {
if (leftType == null ||
leftType.isBottom ||
leftType.isDynamic ||
rightType == null ||
rightType.isBottom ||
rightType.isDynamic) {
return false;
if (leftType == rightType ||
leftType.isMoreSpecificThan(rightType) ||
rightType.isMoreSpecificThan(leftType)) {
return false;
Element leftElement = leftType.element;
Element rightElement = rightType.element;
if (leftElement is ClassElement && rightElement is ClassElement) {
return leftElement.supertype.isObject ||
leftElement.supertype != rightElement.supertype;
return false;
class InterfaceTypeDefinition {
final String name;
final String library;
InterfaceTypeDefinition(, this.library);
int get hashCode {
return name.hashCode ^ library.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is InterfaceTypeDefinition && == &&
this.library == other.library;