blob: 92d3b6cca523fcd41ffc7f33028c6885922bd07d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `pub run test -N avoid_void_async`
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
() {}; // OK
() => null; // OK
() async {}; // OK
() async => null; // OK
void a() async {} // LINT
void b() {} // OK
Future<void> c() async {} // OK
void d() async => null; // LINT
void e() => null; // OK
Future<void> f() async => null; // OK
void g() async* {} // LINT
void h() sync* {} // LINT
Stream<void> i() async* {} // OK
Iterable<void> j() sync* {} // OK
void get k => null; // OK
void get l async => null; // LINT
void set m(_) => null; // OK
set n(_) => null; // OK
typedef void f1(int x); // OK
typedef Future<void> f2(int x); // OK
class Foo {
static void statica() async {} // LINT
static void staticb() {} // OK
static Future<void> staticc() async {} // OK
void a() async {} // LINT
void b() {} // OK
Future<void> c() async {} // OK
void d() async => null; // LINT
void e() => null; // OK
Future<void> f() async => null; // OK
void g() async* {} // LINT
void h() sync* {} // LINT
Stream<void> i() async* {} // OK
Iterable<void> j() sync* {} // OK
void get k => null; // OK
void get l async => null; // LINT
void operator |(_) async => null; // LINT
void operator &(_) => null; // OK