blob: 267b6143560c468a8f594b47430ecf2a637274a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
import '../ast.dart';
import '../util/dart_type_utilities.dart';
_PredicateBuilder _hasConstructorFieldInitializers = (VariableDeclaration v) =>
(AstNode n) =>
n is ConstructorFieldInitializer &&
n.fieldName.staticElement ==;
_PredicateBuilder _hasFieldFormalParameter = (VariableDeclaration v) =>
(AstNode n) =>
n is FieldFormalParameter &&
(n.identifier.staticElement as FieldFormalParameterElement).field ==;
_PredicateBuilder _hasReturn = (VariableDeclaration v) => (AstNode n) =>
n is ReturnStatement &&
n.expression is SimpleIdentifier &&
(n.expression as SimpleIdentifier).staticElement ==;
/// Builds a function that reports the variable node if the set of nodes
/// inside the [container] node is empty for all the predicates resulting
/// from building (predicates) with the provided [predicateBuilders] evaluated
/// in the variable.
_VisitVariableDeclaration _buildVariableReporter(
AstNode container,
Iterable<_PredicateBuilder> predicateBuilders,
LintRule rule,
Map<DartTypePredicate, String> predicates) =>
(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (!predicates.keys
.any((DartTypePredicate p) => p(variable.declaredElement.type))) {
final containerNodes = DartTypeUtilities.traverseNodesInDFS(container);
final validators = <Iterable<AstNode>>[];
predicateBuilders.forEach((f) {
..add(_findVariableAssignments(containerNodes, variable))
containerNodes, variable, predicates))
..add(_findMethodCallbackNodes(containerNodes, variable, predicates))
// If any function is invoked with our variable, we suppress lints. This
// is because it is not so uncommon to invoke the target method there. We
// might not have access to the body of such function at analysis time, so
// trying to infer if the close method is invoked there is not always
// possible.
// TODO: Should there be another lint more relaxed that omits this step?
containerNodes, variable));
if (validators.every((i) => i.isEmpty)) {
Iterable<AstNode> _findMethodCallbackNodes(Iterable<AstNode> containerNodes,
VariableDeclaration variable, Map<DartTypePredicate, String> predicates) {
final prefixedIdentifiers = containerNodes.whereType<PrefixedIdentifier>();
return prefixedIdentifiers.where((n) =>
n.prefix.staticElement == &&
_hasMatch(predicates, variable.declaredElement.type,
Iterable<AstNode> _findMethodInvocationsWithVariableAsArgument(
Iterable<AstNode> containerNodes, VariableDeclaration variable) {
final prefixedIdentifiers = containerNodes.whereType<MethodInvocation>();
return prefixedIdentifiers.where((n) => n.argumentList.arguments
.map((e) => e.staticElement)
Iterable<AstNode> _findNodesInvokingMethodOnVariable(
Iterable<AstNode> classNodes,
VariableDeclaration variable,
Map<DartTypePredicate, String> predicates) =>
classNodes.where((AstNode n) =>
n is MethodInvocation &&
((_hasMatch(predicates, variable.declaredElement.type, &&
n.realTarget, variable) ||
_isPropertyAccessThroughThis(n.realTarget, variable) ||
(n.thisOrAncestorMatching((a) => a == variable) !=
null))) ||
(_isInvocationThroughCascadeExpression(n, variable))));
Iterable<AstNode> _findVariableAssignments(
Iterable<AstNode> containerNodes, VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable.equals != null &&
variable.initializer != null &&
variable.initializer is SimpleIdentifier) {
return [variable];
return containerNodes.where((n) =>
n is AssignmentExpression &&
(_isElementEqualToVariable(n.writeElement, variable) ||
// Assignment to VariableDeclaration as setter.
(n.leftHandSide is PropertyAccess &&
(n.leftHandSide as PropertyAccess).propertyName.token.lexeme ==
// Being assigned another reference.
n.rightHandSide is SimpleIdentifier);
bool _hasMatch(Map<DartTypePredicate, String> predicates, DartType type,
String methodName) =>
(bool previous, DartTypePredicate p) =>
previous || p(type) && predicates[p] == methodName);
bool _isElementEqualToVariable(
Element propertyElement, VariableDeclaration variable) {
var variableElement = variable.declaredElement;
return propertyElement == variableElement ||
propertyElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
propertyElement.variable == variableElement;
bool _isInvocationThroughCascadeExpression(
MethodInvocation invocation, VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (invocation.realTarget is! SimpleIdentifier) {
return false;
final identifier = invocation.realTarget;
if (identifier is SimpleIdentifier) {
final element = identifier.staticElement;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return element.variable == variable.declaredElement;
return false;
bool _isPropertyAccessThroughThis(Expression n, VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (n is! PropertyAccess) {
return false;
var target = (n as PropertyAccess).realTarget;
if (target is! ThisExpression) {
return false;
var property = (n as PropertyAccess).propertyName;
var propertyElement = property.staticElement;
return _isElementEqualToVariable(propertyElement, variable);
bool _isSimpleIdentifierElementEqualToVariable(
AstNode n, VariableDeclaration variable) =>
n is SimpleIdentifier &&
_isElementEqualToVariable(n.staticElement, variable);
typedef DartTypePredicate = bool Function(DartType type);
typedef _Predicate = bool Function(AstNode node);
typedef _PredicateBuilder = _Predicate Function(VariableDeclaration v);
typedef _VisitVariableDeclaration = void Function(VariableDeclaration node);
abstract class LeakDetectorProcessors extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
static final _variablePredicateBuilders = <_PredicateBuilder>[_hasReturn];
static final _fieldPredicateBuilders = <_PredicateBuilder>[
final LintRule rule;
Map<DartTypePredicate, String> get predicates;
void visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
final unit = getCompilationUnit(node);
unit, _fieldPredicateBuilders, rule, predicates));
void visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
final function = node.thisOrAncestorOfType<FunctionBody>();
function, _variablePredicateBuilders, rule, predicates));