blob: b093c254e8f191b07a8f26b63f9bf4066e5766d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/registry.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:linter/src/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/util/score_utils.dart' as score_utils;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// todo (pq): reign in the nullable types
const _allPathSuffix = '/example/all.yaml';
/// We don't care about SDKs previous to this bottom.
final Version bottomDartSdk = Version(2, 0, 0);
final Map<String, String?> _dartSdkToLinterMap = <String, String?>{};
final _flutterOptionsUrl = Uri.https('',
final _flutterRepoOptionsUrl = Uri.https(
'', '/flutter/flutter/main/analysis_options.yaml');
List<String>? _flutterRepoRules;
List<String>? _flutterRules;
int? _latestMinor;
Iterable<LintRule>? _registeredLints;
final _repoPathPrefix =
Uri.https('', '/dart-lang/linter/');
List<String>? _sdkTags;
List<String>? _linterTags;
Map<String, List<String?>> _sinceMap = <String, List<String>>{};
Future<List<String>> get flutterRepoRules async =>
_flutterRepoRules ??= await score_utils.fetchRules(_flutterRepoOptionsUrl);
Future<List<String>> get flutterRules async =>
_flutterRules ??= await score_utils.fetchRules(_flutterOptionsUrl);
Future<int> get latestMinor async =>
_latestMinor ??= await _readLatestMinorVersion();
Iterable<LintRule> get registeredLints {
if (_registeredLints == null) {
_registeredLints = Registry.ruleRegistry;
return _registeredLints!;
Future<String?> dartSdkForLinter(String version, Authentication? auth) async {
var sdkVersions = <String>[];
var sdks = await getSdkTags(auth);
for (var sdk in sdks) {
var linterVersion = await linterForDartSdk(sdk);
if (linterVersion == version) {
return sdkVersions.isNotEmpty ? sdkVersions.first : null;
Future<List<String>> fetchRulesForVersion(String version) async =>
Future<String?> findSinceDartSdk(String linterVersion,
{Authentication? auth}) async =>
await dartSdkForLinter(linterVersion, auth);
Future<String?> findSinceLinter(String lint, [Authentication? auth]) async {
var linterReleases = await getLinterReleases(auth);
for (var version in linterReleases) {
var rules = await rulesForVersion(version);
if (rules != null) {
if (rules.contains(lint)) {
return version;
return null;
Future<List<String>> getSdkTags(Authentication? auth,
{bool onlyStable = false}) async =>
_sdkTags ??= await _fetchSdkTags(auth, onlyStable: onlyStable);
Future<List<String>> getLinterReleases([Authentication? auth]) async =>
_linterTags ??=
(await _fetchLinterReleaseTags(auth)).reversed.toList(growable: false);
Future<String?> linterForDartSdk(String sdk) async =>
_dartSdkToLinterMap[sdk] ??= await _fetchLinterForVersion(sdk);
Future<List<String?>?> rulesForVersion(String version) async =>
_sinceMap[version] ??= await fetchRulesForVersion(version);
Future<String> _fetchDEPSforVersion(String version) async {
var client = http.Client();
var req = await client.get(
Uri.https('', '/dart-lang/sdk/$version/DEPS'));
return req.body;
final _linterReleasePattern = RegExp(r'\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)');
Future<String?> _commitReferenceToVersion(String version) async {
if (_linterReleasePattern.hasMatch(version)) {
return version;
// Get all tags which include this commit reference
var result = await'git', ['tag', '--contains', version]);
var output = result.stdout;
if (output is String) {
var tags = _linterReleasePattern.allMatches(output);
// Take the earliest (first) release which includes this commit
var latestTag =;
if (latestTag != null) {
return latestTag;
return null;
Future<String?> _fetchLinterForVersion(String version) async {
var deps = await _fetchDEPSforVersion(version);
for (var untrimmedLine in deps.split('\n')) {
var line = untrimmedLine.trim();
if (line.startsWith('"lint')) {
// "linter_tag": "0.1.59",
var oldSplit = line.split('"linter_tag":');
if (oldSplit.length == 2) {
// "0.1.59",
return _commitReferenceToVersion(oldSplit[1].split('"')[1]);
// "linter_rev": "f2c55484e8ebda0aec8c2fea637b3bd5b17258ca",
var newSplit = line.split('"linter_rev":');
if (newSplit.length == 2) {
// "f2c55484e8ebda0aec8c2fea637b3bd5b17258ca",
var parsedLinterVersion = newSplit[1].split('"')[1];
return _commitReferenceToVersion(parsedLinterVersion);
return null;
final _releaseTagPattern = RegExp(r'\d+');
final _stableReleasePattern = RegExp(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$');
Future<List<String>> _fetchLinterReleaseTags(Authentication? auth) async =>
await _fetchRepoTags(
'dart-lang', 'linter', auth, _stableReleasePattern.hasMatch);
Future<List<String>> _fetchSdkTags(Authentication? auth,
{bool onlyStable = false}) async =>
await _fetchRepoTags('dart-lang', 'linter', auth, (t) {
// Filter on numeric release tags.
if (!t.startsWith(_releaseTagPattern)) {
return false;
// Filter on bottom.
try {
var version = Version.parse(t);
if (version < bottomDartSdk) {
return false;
} on FormatException {
return false;
if (onlyStable) {
if (!_stableReleasePattern.hasMatch(t)) {
return false;
return true;
Future<List<String>> _fetchRepoTags(String org, String repo,
Authentication? auth, bool Function(String) where) async {
var github = GitHub(auth: auth);
var slug = RepositorySlug(org, repo);
print('list repository tags: $slug');
print('authentication: ${auth != null ? "(token)" : "(anonymous)"}');
var tags = await github.repositories
.map((t) =>
.catchError((e) {
print('exception caught fetching $repo tags');
print('(using cached $repo values)');
return Future.value(<String>[]);
return tags.whereType<String>().where(where).toList(growable: false);
Future<int> _readLatestMinorVersion() async {
var contents = await File('pubspec.yaml').readAsString();
var pubspec = loadYamlNode(contents) as YamlMap;
var version = pubspec['version'] as String;
// 1.15.0
return int.parse(version.split('.')[1]);