blob: 63c4dbde882818bef252eae11b893cec6a120e24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N unnecessary_null_checks`
int? i;
int? j1 = i!; // LINT
int? j2 = (i!); // LINT
m1a(int? p) => m1a(i!); // LINT
m1b(int? p) => m1b((i!)); // LINT
m2a({required String s, int? p}) => m2a(p: i!, s: ''); // LINT
m2b({required String s, int? p}) => m2b(p: (i!), s: ('')); // LINT
class A {
A([int? p]) {
A(i!); // LINT
A((i!)); // LINT
m1a(int? p) => m1a(i!); // LINT
m1b(int? p) => m1b((i!)); // LINT
m2a({required String s, int? p}) => m2a(p: i!, s: ''); // LINT
m2b({required String s, int? p}) => m2b(p: (i!), s: ('')); // LINT
m3a(int? p) => p!; // OK
m3b(int? p) {
return p!; // OK
operator +(int? p) => A() + i!; // LINT
operator -(int? p) => A() + (i!); // LINT
int? f1(int? i) => i!; // LINT
int? f2(int? i) { return i!; } // LINT
f3(int? i) {
int? v;
v = i!; // LINT
f4(int? p) {
int? v;
v ??= 1;
v += p!; // OK
autoPromote() {
int? v2;
v2 = v2!; // OK
f5(int? p) {
int? v1;
v1 ??= p!; // OK
Future<int?> f6(int? p) async => await p!; // LINT
Future<int> f6ok(int? p) async => await p!; // OK
List<int?> f7(int? p) => [p!]; // LINT
List<int> f7ok(int? p) => [p!]; // OK
Set<int?> f8(int? p) => {p!}; // LINT
Set<int> f8ok(int? p) => {p!}; // OK
Map<int?, String> f9(int? p) => {p!: ''}; // LINT
Map<int, String> f9ok(int? p) => {p!: ''}; // OK
Map<String, int?> f10(int? p) => {'': p!}; // LINT
Map<String, int> f10ok(int? p) => {'': p!}; // OK
Map<String, int?> f11_if(int? p) => {if (1 != 0) '': p!}; // LINT
Map<String, int?> f11_if2(int? p) => {if (1 != 0) if (1 != 0) '': p!}; // LINT
Map<String, int> f11_if_ok(int? p) => {if (1 != 0) '': p!}; // OK
Map<String, int?> f11_for(int? p) => {for (var a in <int>[]) '': p!}; // LINT
Map<String, int> f11_for_ok(int? p) => {for (var a in <int>[]) '': p!}; // OK
Iterable<int?> f12(int? p) sync* {yield p!;} // LINT
Iterable<int> f12ok(int? p) sync* {yield p!;} // OK
Stream<int?> f13(int? p) async* {yield p!;} // LINT
Stream<int> f13ok(int? p) async* {yield p!;} // OK
Future<void> f14(int? p) async {
var f = Future(() => p);
int? i;
i = await f!; // LINT
Future<int?> f15(int? p) async => p!; // LINT
Future<int> f15ok(int? p) async => p!; // OK
dynamic f16(int? p) async => p!; // OK
typedef F17 = Future<int?>;
F17 f17(int? p) async => p!; // LINT
typedef F17ok = Future<int>;
F17ok f17ok(int? p) async => p!; // OK