blob: 7b117d14ce39ca9820e094cdbab4471c52c4f6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// test w/ `dart test -N unnecessary_await_in_return`
import 'dart:async';
final future = Future.value(1);
final futureFuture = Future<Future<int>>.value(Future<int>.value(1));
Future<int> f1a() async => await future; // LINT
Future<int> f1b() async {
return await future; // LINT
Future<int> f2a() async => future; // OK
Future<int> f2b() async {
return future; // OK
Future<int> f3a() async => await futureFuture; // OK
Future<int> f3b() async {
return await futureFuture; // OK
Future<dynamic> f4() async {
try {
return await future; // OK
} catch (e) {
return await future; // LINT
class A {
Future<int> f1a() async => await future; // LINT
Future<int> f1b() async {
return await future; // LINT
Future<int> f2a() async => future; // OK
Future<int> f2b() async {
return future; // OK
Future<int> f3a() async => await futureFuture; // OK
Future<int> f3b() async {
return await futureFuture; // OK
Future<dynamic> f4() async {
try {
return await future; // OK
} catch (e) {
return await future; // LINT
class B {
Future<num> foo() async => 1;
Future<int> bar() async => await foo() as int; // OK
Future<num> buzz() async => await bar(); // LINT