blob: a3cebabf92b827f0ea4240c0c8b0d6513ba2685a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_void_to_null`
// TODO(mfairhurst) test void with a prefix, except that causes bugs.
// TODO(mfairhurst) test defining a class named Null (requires a 2nd file)
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:core' as core;
abstract class X {
dynamic get foo;
class Y extends X {
Null get foo => null; // OK
class A<T> {
Future<T>? something() {}
class B<T> implements A<T> {
Null something() {} // OK
class C {
FutureOr<void>? something() {}
class D implements C {
Null something() {} // LINT
class E {
Never? something() {} // LINT
class F implements E {
Null something() {} // OK
void void_; // OK
Null null_; // LINT
core.Null core_null; // LINT
Future<void>? future_void; // OK
Future<Null>? future_null; // LINT
Future<core.Null>? future_core_null; // LINT
void void_f() {} // OK
Null null_f() {} // LINT
core.Null core_null_f() {} // LINT
f_void(void x) {} // OK
f_null(Null x) {} // LINT
f_core_null(core.Null x) {} // LINT
void Function(Null)? voidFunctionNull; // OK
Null Function()? nullFunctionVoid; // OK
Future<Null> Function()? FutureNullFunction; // LINT
void Function(Future<Null>)? voidFunctionFutureNull; // LINT
usage() {
void void_; // OK
Null null_; // LINT
core.Null core_null; // LINT
Future<void>? future_void; // OK
Future<Null> future_null; // LINT
Future<core.Null> future_core_null; // LINT
future_void?.then<Null>((_) {}); // LINT
future_void?.then<void>((_) {}); // OK
void inference() {
final _null = null; // OK
final nullReturnInferred = () {}; // OK
final nullInferred = nullReturnInferred(); // OK
void emptyLiterals() {
<Null>[]; // OK
<Null>[null]; // LINT
<void>[]; // OK
<void>[null]; // OK
<int, Null>{}; // OK
<String, Null>{}; // OK
<Object, Null>{}; // OK
<Null, int>{}; // OK
<Null, String>{}; // OK
<Null, Object>{}; // OK
<Null, Null>{}; // OK
<int, Null>{1: null}; // LINT
<String, Null>{"foo": null}; // LINT
<Object?, Null>{null: null}; // LINT
<Null, int>{null: 1}; // LINT
<Null, String>{null: "foo"}; // LINT
<Null, Object?>{null: null}; // LINT
<Null, // LINT
Null>{null: null}; // LINT
<int, void>{}; // OK
<String, void>{}; // OK
<Object, void>{}; // OK
<void, int>{}; // OK
<void, String>{}; // OK
<void, Object>{}; // OK
<void, void>{}; // OK
<int, void>{1: null}; // OK
<String, void>{"foo": null}; // OK
<Object?, void>{null: null}; // OK
<void, int>{null: 1}; // OK
<void, String>{null: "foo"}; // OK
<void, Object?>{null: null}; // OK
<void, void>{null: null}; // OK
// TODO(mfairhurst): is it worth handling more complex literals?
variableNamedNull() {
var Null; // OK
return Null; // OK
parameterNamedNull(Object Null) {
Null; // OK
class AsMembers {
void void_; // OK
Null null_; // LINT
core.Null core_null; // LINT
Future<void>? future_void; // OK
Future<Null>? future_null; // LINT
Future<core.Null>? future_core_null; // LINT
void void_f() {} // OK
Null null_f() {} // LINT
core.Null core_null_f() {} // LINT
f_void(void x) {} // OK
f_null(Null x) {} // LINT
f_core_null(core.Null x) {} // LINT
void usage() {
void void_; // OK
Null null_; // LINT
core.Null core_null; // LINT
Future<void>? future_void; // OK
Future<Null> future_null; // LINT
Future<core.Null> future_core_null; // LINT
future_void?.then<Null>((_) {}); // LINT
future_void?.then<void>((_) {}); // OK
parameterNamedNull(Object Null) {
Null; // OK
variableNamedNull() {
var Null; // OK
return Null; // OK
class MemberNamedNull {
final Null = null; // OK
extension _ on Null { // OK