blob: 2c76ed70c87f99275f86e50c4c73c63e62f91445 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_const_constructors`
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
class A {
const A({A? parent});
const A.a();
void accessA_0() {
A a = A(); // LINT
A a1 = A( // LINT
parent: A.a(), // LINT
void accessA_1() {
A a = new A(); // LINT
void accessA_2() {
A a = const A(); // OK
class B {
void accessB() {
B b = new B(); // OK
class C {
final int x;
const C(this.x);
C foo(int x) => new C(x); // OK
C bar() => const C(5); // OK
C baz() => new C(5); // LINT
void objectId() {
Object id = new Object(); // OK
class E {
final String s;
const E(this.s);
static E m1(int i) => new E('$i'); // OK
static E m2() => new E('adjacent' 'string'); // LINT
static E m3(int i) => new E('adjacent' '$i'); // OK
static E m4(String s) => new E(s); // OK
static void m5() {
final String s = '';
E e = new E(s); // OK
class F {
final List<F> l;
const F(this.l);
static F m1() => new F([]); // LINT
static F m2(List<F> l) => new F(l); // OK
static F m3(F f) => new F([f]); // OK
class G {
final Map<G, G> m;
const G(this.m);
static G m1() => new G({}); // LINT
static G m2(Map<G, G> m) => new G(m); // OK
static G m3(G g) => new G({g: g}); // OK
// optional new :
class H {}
class I {
final H foo;
const I({required});
I makeI() => I(foo: H()); // OK
class J<T> {
const J();
void gimmeJ<T>() => new J<T>(); // OK
void gimmeJofString() => new J<String>(); // LINT
void gimmeJofDynamic() => new J<dynamic>(); // LINT