blob: 3dea1b72ca96da1894f2d4ba905454591384944a [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `dart test -N null_closures`
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
void list_firstWhere() {
// firstWhere has a _named_ closure argument.
<int>[2, 4, 6].firstWhere((e) => e.isEven, orElse: null); // LINT
<int>[2, 4, 6].where((e) => e.isEven); // OK
void iterable_singleWhere() {
// singleWhere has a _named_ closure argument.
<int>{2, 4, 6}.singleWhere((e) => e.isEven, orElse: null); // LINT
<int?>[2, 4, 6].singleWhere((e) => e?.isEven ?? false, orElse: () => null); // OK
void map_putIfAbsent() {
// putIfAbsent has a _required_ closure argument.
var map = <int, int?>{};
map.putIfAbsent(7, () => null); // OK
void future_wait() {
// Future.wait is a _static_ function with a _named_ argument.
Future.wait([], cleanUp: null); // LINT
Future.wait([], cleanUp: (_) => print('clean')); // OK
void list_generate() {
// List.generate is a _constructor_ with a _positional_ argument.
new List.generate(3, (_) => null); // OK
void map_otherMethods() {
// These methods have nothing we are concerned with.
new Map().keys; // OK
new Map().addAll({}); // OK