blob: 1b7f9a8b8b9bbc8d28b90c8cbc47bb085e9c9e52 [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_constructors_over_static_methods`
class A {
static final array = <A>[];
static A bad1() => // LINT
new A.internal();
static A get newA => // LINT
new A.internal();
static A bad2() { // LINT
final a = new A.internal();
return a;
static A good1(int i) { // OK
return array[i];
factory A.good2() { // OK
return new A.internal();
factory A.good3() { // OK
return new A.internal();
static A generic<T>() => // OK
static Object ok() => Object(); // OK
static A? ok2() => 1==1 ? null : A.internal(); // OK
class B<T> {
static B<T> good1<T>(T one) => // OK
static B good2() => // OK
static B<int> good3() => // OK
extension E on A {
static A foo() => A.internal(); // OK