blob: 019a3b77ad4ce96cc15513cf89571bc77999a1be [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `dart test -N avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators`
class P {
final String name = '';
operator ==(other) {
return other != null && //OK:
other is P &&
name ==;
class P2 {
final String name = '';
operator ==(Object other) {
return other != null && //OK:
other is P2 &&
name ==;
class BadPerson1 {
final String name = 'I am a bad person';
get age => 42;
operator ==(Object? other) =>
other != null && // LINT
other is BadPerson1 &&
name ==;
class BadPerson2 {
final String name = 'I am a bad person';
operator ==(Object? other) =>
!(other == null) && // LINT
other is BadPerson2 &&
name ==;
class BadPerson3 {
final String name = 'I am a bad person';
operator ==(Object? other) =>
other is BadPerson3
name == other?.name; // LINT
class BadPerson4 {
final String name = 'I am a bad person';
String getName() => name;
operator ==(Object? other) =>
other is BadPerson4
name == other?.getName(); // LINT
class BadPerson5 {
String name;
operator ==(Object? other) {
if (other is BadPerson5){
final toCompare = other ?? new BadPerson5(""); // LINT
return == name;
return false;
class GoodPerson {
final String name = 'I am a good person';
operator ==(other) => other is GoodPerson && name ==; // OK