blob: 75ea1506ef6713aa058e375550bcca1daab2f942 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
Annotation? extractAnnotation(int lineNumber, String line) {
var regexp =
RegExp(r'(//|#) ?LINT( \[([\-+]\d+)?(,?(\d+):(\d+))?\])?( (.*))?$');
var match = regexp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) return null;
// ignore lints on commented out lines
var index = match.start;
var comment = match[1]!;
if (line.indexOf(comment) != index) return null;
var relativeLine = match[3].toInt() ?? 0;
var column = match[5].toInt();
var length = match[6].toInt();
var message = match[8].toNullIfBlank();
return Annotation.forLint(message, column, length)
..lineNumber = lineNumber + relativeLine;
/// Information about a 'LINT' annotation/comment.
class Annotation implements Comparable<Annotation> {
final int? column;
final int? length;
final String? message;
final ErrorType type;
int? lineNumber;
Annotation(this.message, this.type, this.lineNumber,
{this.column, this.length});
Annotation.forError(AnalysisError error, LineInfo lineInfo)
: this(error.message, error.errorCode.type,
column: lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset).columnNumber,
length: error.length);
Annotation.forLint([String? message, int? column, int? length])
: this(message, ErrorType.LINT, null, column: column, length: length);
int compareTo(Annotation other) {
if (lineNumber != other.lineNumber) {
return lineNumber! - other.lineNumber!;
} else if (column != other.column) {
return column! - other.column!;
return message!.compareTo(other.message!);
String toString() =>
'[$type]: "$message" (line: $lineNumber) - [$column:$length]';
extension on String? {
int? toInt() => this == null ? null : int.parse(this!);
String? toNullIfBlank() => this == null || this!.trim().isEmpty ? null : this;