blob: ff96590e1489652367fe686c2ef4404d02650d52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
import '../ast.dart';
import '../extensions.dart';
import '../util/dart_type_utilities.dart';
const _desc = r'Use contains for `List` and `String` instances.';
const _details = r'''
**DON'T** use `indexOf` to see if a collection contains an element.
Calling `indexOf` to see if a collection contains something is difficult to read
and may have poor performance.
Instead, prefer `contains`.
if (lunchBox.indexOf('sandwich') == -1) return 'so hungry...';
if (!lunchBox.contains('sandwich')) return 'so hungry...';
class PreferContainsOverIndexOf extends LintRule {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Both `alwaysFalse` and `alwaysTrue` should be warnings
// rather than lints because they represent a bug rather than a style
// preference.
static const LintCode alwaysFalse = LintCode('prefer_contains',
'Always false because indexOf is always greater or equal -1.');
static const LintCode alwaysTrue = LintCode('prefer_contains',
'Always true because indexOf is always greater or equal -1.');
static const LintCode useContains = LintCode('prefer_contains',
"Unnecessary use of 'indexOf' to test for containment.",
correctionMessage: "Try using 'contains'.");
: super(
name: 'prefer_contains',
description: _desc,
details: _details,
List<LintCode> get lintCodes => [alwaysFalse, alwaysTrue, useContains];
void registerNodeProcessors(
NodeLintRegistry registry, LinterContext context) {
var visitor = _Visitor(this, context);
registry.addBinaryExpression(this, visitor);
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
final PreferContainsOverIndexOf rule;
final LinterContext context;
_Visitor(this.rule, this.context);
void visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
// This lint rule is only concerned with these operators.
if (!node.operator.matchesAny([
])) {
var value = getIntValue(node.rightOperand, context);
if (value is int) {
if (value <= 0 && _isUnassignedIndexOf(node.leftOperand)) {
_checkConstant(node, value, node.operator.type);
} else {
value = getIntValue(node.leftOperand, context);
if (value is int) {
if (value <= 0 && _isUnassignedIndexOf(node.rightOperand)) {
_checkConstant(node, value, node.operator.type.inverted);
void _checkConstant(Expression expression, int value, TokenType type) {
if (value == -1) {
if (type == TokenType.EQ_EQ ||
type == TokenType.BANG_EQ ||
type == TokenType.LT_EQ ||
type == TokenType.GT) {
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.useContains);
} else if (type == TokenType.LT) {
// indexOf < -1 is always false
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.alwaysFalse);
} else if (type == TokenType.GT_EQ) {
// indexOf >= -1 is always true
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.alwaysTrue);
} else if (value == 0) {
// 'indexOf >= 0' is same as 'contains',
// and 'indexOf < 0' is same as '!contains'
if (type == TokenType.GT_EQ || type == TokenType.LT) {
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.useContains);
} else if (value < -1) {
// 'indexOf' is always >= -1, so comparing with lesser values makes
// no sense.
if (type == TokenType.EQ_EQ ||
type == TokenType.LT_EQ ||
type == TokenType.LT) {
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.alwaysFalse);
} else if (type == TokenType.BANG_EQ ||
type == TokenType.GT_EQ ||
type == TokenType.GT) {
errorCode: PreferContainsOverIndexOf.alwaysTrue);
/// Returns whether [expression] is an invocation of `Iterable.indexOf` or
/// `String.indexOf`, which is not assigned to a value.
bool _isUnassignedIndexOf(Expression expression) {
// Unwrap parens and `as` expressions.
var invocation = expression.unParenthesized;
while (invocation is AsExpression) {
invocation = invocation.expression;
invocation = invocation.unParenthesized;
if (invocation is! MethodInvocation) return false;
// The result of `indexOf` is being assigned before being compared, so
// it's important. E.g. `(next = list.indexOf('{')) != -1)`.
if (invocation.parent is AssignmentExpression) return false;
if ( != 'indexOf') return false;
var parentType =;
if (parentType == null) return false;
if (!parentType.implementsAnyInterface([
InterfaceTypeDefinition('Iterable', 'dart.core'),
InterfaceTypeDefinition('String', 'dart.core'),
])) {
return false;
var args = invocation.argumentList.arguments;
if (args.length == 2) {
var start = args[1];
if (getIntValue(start, context) != 0) return false;
return true;