blob: f0c79bdc3819e9e85c213e4825dce9b68bccc5a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `dart test -N no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers`
class P {
final int _p;
const P([this._p = 7]); // OK
var _foo = 0; // OK
const _foo1 = 1; // OK
final _foo2 = 2; // OK
void fn() {
try {
} catch(_) { } // OK
var _f1, // LINT
_f2; // LINT
const _foo1 = 1; // LINT
final _foo2 = 2; // LINT
var foo_value = 0; // OK
var foo__value = 0; // OK
var foo__value_ = 0; // OK
() {
var _f = 0; // LINT
void fn2(_param1) => null; // LINT
void fn3(param) => null; // OK
void fn4(_) => null; // OK
void fn5(param_value) => null; // OK
void fn6(void Function() function) {
fn6(() {
var _v = 1; // LINT
class TestClass {
var _foo = 0; // OK
static const _foo1 = 1; // OK
final _foo2 = 2; // OK
void foo() {
var _foo = 0; // LINT
const _foo1 = 1; // LINT
final _foo2 = 2; // LINT
var foo_value = 0; // OK
var foo__value = 0; // OK
var foo__value_ = 0; // OK
for(var _x in [1,2,3]) {} // LINT
for(var x in [1,2,3]) {} // OK
[1,2,3].forEach((_x) => fn()); // LINT
[1,2,3].forEach((x) => fn()); // OK
[1,2,3].forEach((_) => fn()); // OK
for (var _i = 0; _i < [].length; ++_i) { } // LINT
for (var _i = 0, // LINT
_j = 0; // LINT
++_i, ++_j) {}
try {}
catch(_error) {} // LINT
try {}
catch(error) { // OK
try {}
catch(error, _stackTrace) {} // LINT
try {}
catch(error, stackTrace) { // OK
for (var _e in ['']) { // LINT
void bar(var _baz) { } // LINT
void foo1(_param) {} // LINT
void foo2(param) {} // OK
void foo3(_) {} // OK
void foo4(param_value) {} // OK
void foo5(param, [_positional]) {} // LINT
void foo6(param, [positional]) {} // OK
// ignore: private_optional_parameter
void foo7({required _named}) {} // OK
// ignore: private_optional_parameter
void foo8({_named}) {} // OK
void foo9({named}) {} // OK
typedef _OutputFunction = void Function(String msg); // OK