blob: 962d1400d5f53d49c75c169ff1193d64d6afa19d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `dart test -N always_specify_types`
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Constructor tear-offs
void constructorTearOffs() {
List<List>.filled; // LINT
List<E> Function<E>(int, E) filledList = List.filled; // OK - generic function
filledList<int>(3, 3); // OK
filledList(3, 3); // OK - generic function invocations are uncovered -- see: #2914
typedef MapList = List<StringMap>; //LINT
typedef JsonMap = Map<String, dynamic>; //OK
typedef StringList = List<JsonMap>; //OK
typedef RawList = List; //LINT
typedef StringMap<V> = Map<String, V>; //OK
StringMap<String> sm = StringMap<String>(); //OK
StringMap? rm1; //LINT
StringMap<String> rm2 = StringMap(); //LINT
StringMap rm3 = StringMap<String>(); //LINT
Map<String, String> map = {}; //LINT
List<String> strings = []; //LINT
Set<String> set = {}; //LINT
List? list; //LINT
List<List>? lists; //LINT
List<int> ints = <int>[1]; //OK
final x = 1; //LINT [1:5]
final int xx = 3;
const y = 2; //LINT
const int yy = 3;
a(var x) {} //LINT
b(s) {} //LINT [3:1]
c(int x) {}
d(final x) {} //LINT
e(final int x) {}
class P<T> { }
void g<T>() {}
void test() {
g<dynamic>(); //OK
g(); //OK
main() {
var x = ''; //LINT [3:3]
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { //LINT [8:3]
List<String> ls = <String>[];
// ignore: avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
ls.forEach((s) => print(s)); //LINT [15:1]
for (var l in ls) { //LINT [8:3]
try {
for (final l in ls) { // LINT [10:5]
} on Exception catch (ex) {
} catch (e) { // NO warning (
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
var __; // LINT
listen((_) { // OK!
// ...
P p = P(); //OK (optionalTypeArgs)
P doSomething(P p) //OK (optionalTypeArgs)
return p;
listen(void Function(Object event) onData) {}
var z; //LINT
class Foo {
static var bar; //LINT
static final baz = 1; //LINT
static final int bazz = 42;
var foo; //LINT
Foo(var bar); //LINT [7:3]
void f(List l) { } //LINT
void m() {
if ('' is Map) //OK
print("won't happen");