blob: b229cc0b83f6f99aed6aefce3084442f5ef2885e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// test w/ `dart test -N null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter`
T m1<T>(T p) => p!; // OK
T m2a<T>(T? p) => p!; // LINT
dynamic m2b<T>(T? p) => p!; // OK
T m3<T extends Object>(T? p) => p!; // OK
T m4<T extends Object?>(T? p) => p!; // LINT
T m5<T extends dynamic>(T? p) => p!; // LINT
T m6<T>(T? p) => p!.a; // OK
T m7<T>(T? p) => p!.m(); // OK
T m8<T>(T? p) => p!..m(); // OK
T m10<T>(T? p) { return p!; } // LINT
T m20<T>(T? p) { T t = p!; } // LINT
T m30<T>(T? p) {
T t;
t = p!; // LINT
class C<T> {
T t;
m(T? p) {
t = p!; // LINT
R m<P, R>(P? p) => p!; // OK