blob: 9375509e1c560865586e9949e8107f1b8ba7cc37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
import '../util/flutter_utils.dart';
const _desc = r"Don't put any logic in createState.";
const _details = r'''
**DON'T** put any logic in `createState()`.
Implementations of `createState()` should return a new instance
of a State object and do nothing more. Since state access is preferred
via the `widget` field, passing data to `State` objects using custom
constructor parameters should also be avoided and so further, the State
constructor is required to be passed no arguments.
MyState global;
class MyStateful extends StatefulWidget {
MyState createState() {
global = MyState();
return global;
class MyStateful extends StatefulWidget {
MyState createState() => MyState()..field = 42;
class MyStateful extends StatefulWidget {
MyState createState() => MyState(42);
class MyStateful extends StatefulWidget {
MyState createState() {
return MyState();
class NoLogicInCreateState extends LintRule implements NodeLintRule {
: super(
name: 'no_logic_in_create_state',
description: _desc,
details: _details,
group: Group.errors);
void registerNodeProcessors(
NodeLintRegistry registry, LinterContext context) {
var visitor = _Visitor(this);
registry.addMethodDeclaration(this, visitor);
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor {
final LintRule rule;
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
if ( != 'createState') {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is! ClassDeclaration ||
!isStatefulWidget(parent.declaredElement)) {
var body = node.body;
Expression? expressionToTest;
if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
var statements = body.block.statements;
if (statements.length == 1) {
var statement = statements[0];
if (statement is ReturnStatement) {
expressionToTest = statement.expression;
} else if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
expressionToTest = body.expression;
} else if (body is EmptyFunctionBody) {
if (expressionToTest is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (expressionToTest.argumentList.arguments.isEmpty) {
rule.reportLint(expressionToTest ?? body);