blob: 0e80005dbfde029e24c785a91714557059d4fea6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
const _desc = r'Missing conditional import.';
const _details = r'''
**DON'T** reference files that do not exist in conditional imports.
Code may fail at runtime if the condition evaluates such that the missing file
needs to be imported.
import 'file_that_does_exist.dart'
if (condition) 'file_that_does_not_exist.dart';
import 'file_that_does_exist.dart'
if (condition) 'file_that_also_does_exist.dart';
class ConditionalUriDoesNotExist extends LintRule {
: super(
name: 'conditional_uri_does_not_exist',
description: _desc,
details: _details,
void registerNodeProcessors(
NodeLintRegistry registry, LinterContext context) {
var visitor = _Visitor(this);
registry.addConfiguration(this, visitor);
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
static const LintCode code = LintCode('conditional_uri_does_not_exist',
"The target of the conditional URI '{0}' doesn't exist.",
correctionMessage: 'Try creating the file referenced by the URI, or '
'try using a URI for a file that does exist.');
final LintRule rule;
void visitConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {
var uri = configuration.resolvedUri;
if (uri is DirectiveUriWithRelativeUriString) {
var source = uri is DirectiveUriWithSource ? uri.source : null;
// Checking source with .exists() will not detect the presence of overlays
// in the analysis server (although running the script when the files
// don't exist on disk would also fail to find it).
if (!(source?.exists() ?? false)) {
arguments: [uri.relativeUriString], errorCode: code);