blob: c43a6e609b0e04a695338d448a86f56013532ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_iterable_whereType`
var foo = [42].where((num) => num is! int); // OK
main() {
var l = [];
l.where((e) => e is String); // LINT
l.where(// LINT
(e) {
return e is String;
l.where((e) => (e is String)); // LINT
l.where((e) => e.f is String); // OK
l.where((e) => l is String); // OK
l.where(p); // OK
l.where(// OK
(e) {
return e is String;
l.whereType<String>(); // OK
[]..add(0)..where((e) => true); // OK
bool p(e) => e is String;
class A {
bool where() => true;
m() {
final o = new A();
o.where(); // OK
where(); // OK
class B {
bool where(bool Function(Object e) f) => null;
m() {
final o = new B();
o.where((e) => false); // OK
where((e) => false); // OK