blob: d58675bcece3a23b98d6bf2914f3a4d72dfe7ac6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N list_remove_unrelated_type`
void someFunction() {
var list = <int>[];
if (list.remove('1')) print('someFunction'); // LINT
void someFunction1() {
var list = <int>[];
if (list.remove(1)) print('someFunction1'); // OK
void someFunction3() {
List<int> list = <int>[];
if (list.remove('1')) print('someFunction3'); // LINT
void someFunction4() {
List<int> list = <int>[];
if (list.remove(1)) print('someFunction4'); // OK
void someFunction4_1() {
List list;
if(list.remove(null)) print('someFunction4_1');
void someFunction5_1() {
List<ClassBase> list = <ClassBase>[];
Object instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction5_1'); // OK
void someFunction5() {
List<ClassBase> list = <ClassBase>[];
DerivedClass1 instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction5'); // OK
void someFunction6() {
List<Mixin> list = <Mixin>[];
DerivedClass2 instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction6'); // OK
void someFunction6_1() {
List<DerivedClass2> list = <DerivedClass2>[];
Mixin instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction6_1'); // OK
void someFunction7() {
List<Mixin> list = <Mixin>[];
DerivedClass3 instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction7'); // OK
void someFunction7_1() {
List<DerivedClass3> list = <DerivedClass3>[];
Mixin instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction7_1'); // OK
void someFunction8() {
List<DerivedClass2> list = <DerivedClass2>[];
DerivedClass3 instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction8'); // OK
void someFunction9() {
List<Implementation> list = <Implementation>[];
Abstract instance = new Abstract();
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction9'); // OK
void someFunction10() {
var list = [];
if (list.remove(1)) print('someFunction10'); // OK
void someFunction11(unknown) {
var what = unknown - 1;
List<int> list = <int>[];
list.forEach((int i) {
if (what == i) print('someFunction11'); // OK
void someFunction12() {
List<DerivedClass4> list = <DerivedClass4>[];
DerivedClass5 instance;
if (list.remove(instance)) print('someFunction12'); // LINT
void bug_267(list) {
if (list.remove('1')) print('someFunction'); //
abstract class ClassBase {}
class DerivedClass1 extends ClassBase {}
abstract class Mixin {}
class DerivedClass2 extends ClassBase with Mixin {}
class DerivedClass3 extends ClassBase implements Mixin {}
abstract class Abstract {
factory Abstract() {
return new Implementation();
class Implementation extends Abstract {
Implementation() : super._internal();
class DerivedClass4 extends DerivedClass2 {}
class DerivedClass5 extends DerivedClass3 {}
bool takesList(List<int> list) => list.remove('a'); // LINT
bool takesList2(List<String> list) => list.remove('a'); // OK
bool takesList3(List list) => list.remove('a'); // OK
abstract class A implements List<int> {}
abstract class B extends A {}
bool takesB(B b) => b.remove('a'); // LINT
abstract class A1 implements List<String> {}
abstract class B1 extends A1 {}
bool takesB1(B1 b) => b.remove('a'); // OK
abstract class A3 implements List {}
abstract class B3 extends A3 {}
bool takesB3(B3 b) => b.remove('a'); // OK
abstract class A2 implements List<String> {}
abstract class B2 extends A2 {}
bool takesB2(B2 b) => b.remove('a'); // OK
abstract class SomeList<E> implements List<E> {}
abstract class MyClass implements SomeList<int> {
bool badMethod(String thing) => this.remove(thing); // LINT
bool badMethod1(String thing) => remove(thing); // LINT
abstract class MyDerivedClass extends MyClass {
bool myConcreteBadMethod(String thing) => this.remove(thing); // LINT
bool myConcreteBadMethod1(String thing) => remove(thing); // LINT
abstract class MyMixedClass extends Object with MyClass {
bool myConcreteBadMethod(String thing) => this.remove(thing); // LINT
bool myConcreteBadMethod1(String thing) => remove(thing); // LINT
abstract class MyListMixedClass extends Object
with MyClass
implements List<int> {
bool myConcreteBadMethod(String thing) => this.remove(thing); // LINT
bool myConcreteBadMethod1(String thing) => remove(thing); // LINT