blob: ee4454cfd9dc657b1912ac19ea5ac0d93f96ca20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `pub run test -N prefer_final_fields`
class FalsePositiveWhenReturn {
int _value = 0;
int getValue() {
return ++_value; // OK
class BadImmutable {
var _label = 'hola mundo! BadImmutable'; // LINT
var label = 'hola mundo! BadImmutable'; // OK
class GoodImmutable {
final label = 'hola mundo! BadImmutable', bla = 5; // OK
final _label = 'hola mundo! BadImmutable', _bla = 5; // OK
class GoodMutable {
var _label = 'hola mundo! GoodMutable';
var _someInt = 0;
var _otherInt = 1;
void changeLabel() {
_label = 'hello world! GoodMutable';
_otherInt += 2;
class MultipleMutable {
final int _someOther;
var _label = 'hola mundo! GoodMutable', _offender = 'mumble mumble!'; // LINT
var _never_initialized_field; // OK : _someOther = 5;
void changeLabel() {
_label = 'hello world! GoodMutable';
class C {
int _f = 0; // LINT
void m() {
String _f;
_f = '';
class D {
int _f = 0; // OK
void accessD_f() {
D d = new D();
d._f = 42;
class E {
int _f = 0; // LINT
void useItInRightHandSide() {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
int a = _f;
class F{
var _array = new List<int>(5); // LINT
void foo() {
_array[0] = 3;
class IdBug686 {
static int _id = 0;
static String generateId({prefix: String}) {
return (prefix ?? "id") + "-" +
(_id++).toString() + "-" + _foo();
static String _foo() => '';