blob: 10770ceff7c162fe0146e38f7370d695ed43f524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `dart test -N unnecessary_parenthesis`
import 'dart:async';
void foo() {
final items = [];
(() => [].add('something')).compose(() {}); // OK
(() => '').hashCode; // OK
(() => '').f = 1; // OK
(() => '') + 1; // OK
(() => '')[0]; // OK
extension A on void Function() {
void Function() compose(void Function() other) => () {
set f(int f) {}
operator+(int x) {}
int operator[](int i) => 0;
var func = (() => null); // LINT
class D {
D.d([int? x, int? y]);
void constructorTearOffs() {
var makeD = D.d;
(makeD)(1); // LINT
(D.d)(1); // LINT
(List<int>.filled)(3, 0); // LINT
(List.filled)<int>(3, 0); // OK
var tearoff = (List<int>.filled); // LINT
(List<int>).toString(); //OK
var a, b, c, d;
main() async {
1; // OK
(1); // LINT
print(1); // OK
print((1)); // LINT
if (a && b || c && d) true; // OK
// OK because it may be hard to know all of the precedence rules.
if ((a && b) || c && d) true; // OK
(await new Future.value(1)).toString(); // OK
('' as String).toString(); // OK
!(true as bool); // OK
a = (a); // LINT
(a) ? true : false; // LINT
true ? (a) : false; // LINT
true ? true : (a); // LINT
// OK because it is unobvious that the space-involving ternary binds tighter
// than the cascade.
(true ? [] : [])..add(''); // OK
(a ?? true) ? true : true; // OK
true ? [] : []
..add(''); // OK
m(p: (1 + 3)); // LINT
(a++).toString(); // OK
// OK because it is unobvious where cascades fall in precedence.
a..b = (c..d); // OK
a.b = (c..d); // OK
a..b = (c.d); // OK
((x) => x is bool ? x : false)(a); // OK
(fn)(a); // LINT
// OK because unary operators mixed with space-separated tokens may have
// unexpected ordering.
!(const [7].contains(42)); // OK
!(new List.empty().contains(42)); // OK
!(await Future.value(false)); // OK
-(new List.empty().length); // OK
!(new List.empty().length.isEven); // OK
-(new List.empty().length.abs().abs().abs()); // OK
-(new List.empty().length.sign.sign.sign); // OK
!(const [7]).contains(42); // OK
// OK because some methods are defined on Type, but removing the parentheses
// would attempt to call a _static_ method on the target.
({false: 'false', true: 'true'}).forEach((k, v) => print('$k: $v'));
({false, true}).forEach(print);
({false, true}).length;
({false, true}).length.toString();
({1, 2, 3}) + {4};
({1, 2, 3}).cast<num>;
/* comment */ ({1, 2, 3}).length;
// comment
({1, 2, 3}).length;
print(({1, 2, 3}).length); // LINT
([false, true]).forEach(print); // LINT
Invocation? invocation() => null;
m({p}) => null;
bool Function(dynamic) get fn => (x) => x is bool ? x : false;
class ClassWithFunction {
Function? f;
int? number;
ClassWithFunction.named(int a) : this.number = (a + 2); // LINT
ClassWithFunction.named2(Function value) : this.f = (value ?? (_) => 42); // OK
class ClassWithClassWithFunction {
ClassWithFunction c;
ClassWithClassWithFunction() : c = (ClassWithFunction()..f = () => 42); // OK
class UnnecessaryParenthesis {
ClassWithClassWithFunction c;
: c = (ClassWithClassWithFunction()
..c = (ClassWithFunction()..f = () => 42)); // OK
extension<T> on Set<T> {
Set<T> operator+(Set<T> other) => {...this, ...other};