blob: 3a628c3bbf5aca21402f718b2265e183f5cea208 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_foreach`
void f(Object o) {}
void foo() {
final myList = [];
for (final a in myList) { // LINT
void foo2() {
for (final a in []) { //LINT
Function func() => () {};
void foo3() {
for (final a in <int>[1]) { //LINT
class WithMethods {
void f(Object o) {}
void foo() {
final myList = [];
for (final a in myList) { // LINT
class WithThirdPartyMethods {
WithMethods x = WithMethods();
void foo() {
final myList = [];
for (final a in myList) { // LINT
class WithElementInTarget {
List<WithMethods> myList = [];
void good() {
for (final x in myList) { // OK because x is the target
void good2() {
for (final x in myList) { // OK because x is in the target
class WithStaticMethods {
static void f(Object o) {}
void foo() {
final myList = [];
for (final a in myList) { // LINT