blob: fb44e541425a9a8d2cb0c34f4c10b7f1ba475048 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// test w/ `dart test -N curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures`
testIfElse() {
if (false) return; // OK
if (false) {} // OK
if (false)
return; // LINT
if (false) { // OK
if (false)
return; // LINT
else return; // LINT
if (false) {
else if (false) { // OK
else {
if (false)
return; // LINT
else if (false)
return; // LINT
return; // LINT
if (false) { // OK
} else if (false) { // OK
} else { // OK
if (false) { } // OK
else return; // LINT
if (false)
return; // LINT
return; // LINT
if (false){ }// OK
else {} // OK
if (false) print( // LINT
'First argument'
'Second argument');
if (false) { print('should be on next line'); // OK
if (true) {
} else if (true) return; //LINT
if (true) {
} else if (true)
return; //LINT
testWhile() {
while (true) return; // LINT
while (true) {} // OK
while (true)
return; // LINT
testForEach(List l) {
for (var i in l) return; // LINT
for (var i in l) {} // OK
for (var i in l)
return; // LINT
testFor() {
for (;;) return; // LINT
for (;;) {} // OK
for (;;)
return; // LINT
testDo() {
do print(''); while (true); // LINT
do print(''); // LINT
while (true);
print(''); // LINT
while (true);
do {print('');} // OK
while (true);