blob: 002af31e370b5591fc324d1fc5ec4221a9e75c23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'client.dart';
import 'parameters.dart';
import 'server.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A JSON-RPC 2.0 client *and* server.
/// This supports bidirectional peer-to-peer communication with another JSON-RPC
/// 2.0 endpoint. It sends both requests and responses across the same
/// communication channel and expects to connect to a peer that does the same.
class Peer implements Client, Server {
final StreamChannel<dynamic> _channel;
/// The underlying client that handles request-sending and response-receiving
/// logic.
late final Client _client;
/// The underlying server that handles request-receiving and response-sending
/// logic.
late final Server _server;
/// A stream controller that forwards incoming messages to [_server] if
/// they're requests.
final _serverIncomingForwarder = StreamController(sync: true);
/// A stream controller that forwards incoming messages to [_client] if
/// they're responses.
final _clientIncomingForwarder = StreamController(sync: true);
late final Future done = Future.wait([_client.done, _server.done]);
bool get isClosed => _client.isClosed || _server.isClosed;
ErrorCallback? get onUnhandledError => _server.onUnhandledError;
bool get strictProtocolChecks => _server.strictProtocolChecks;
/// Creates a [Peer] that communicates over [channel].
/// Note that the peer won't begin listening to [channel] until [Peer.listen]
/// is called.
/// Unhandled exceptions in callbacks will be forwarded to [onUnhandledError].
/// If this is not provided, unhandled exceptions will be swallowed.
/// If [strictProtocolChecks] is false, the underlying [Server] will accept
/// some requests which are not conformant with the JSON-RPC 2.0
/// specification. In particular, requests missing the `jsonrpc` parameter
/// will be accepted.
Peer(StreamChannel<String> channel,
{ErrorCallback? onUnhandledError, bool strictProtocolChecks = true})
: this.withoutJson(
onUnhandledError: onUnhandledError,
strictProtocolChecks: strictProtocolChecks);
/// Creates a [Peer] that communicates using decoded messages over [channel].
/// Unlike [], this doesn't read or write JSON strings. Instead, it
/// reads and writes decoded maps or lists.
/// Note that the peer won't begin listening to [channel] until
/// [Peer.listen] is called.
/// Unhandled exceptions in callbacks will be forwarded to [onUnhandledError].
/// If this is not provided, unhandled exceptions will be swallowed.
/// If [strictProtocolChecks] is false, the underlying [Server] will accept
/// some requests which are not conformant with the JSON-RPC 2.0
/// specification. In particular, requests missing the `jsonrpc` parameter
/// will be accepted.
{ErrorCallback? onUnhandledError, bool strictProtocolChecks = true}) {
_server = Server.withoutJson(
StreamChannel(, _channel.sink),
onUnhandledError: onUnhandledError,
strictProtocolChecks: strictProtocolChecks);
_client = Client.withoutJson(
StreamChannel(, _channel.sink));
// Client methods.
Future sendRequest(String method, [Object? parameters]) =>
_client.sendRequest(method, parameters);
void sendNotification(String method, [Object? parameters]) =>
_client.sendNotification(method, parameters);
void withBatch(Function() callback) => _client.withBatch(callback);
// Server methods.
void registerMethod(String name, Function callback) =>
_server.registerMethod(name, callback);
void registerFallback(Function(Parameters parameters) callback) =>
// Shared methods.
Future listen() {
_server.listen(); {
if (message is Map) {
if (message.containsKey('result') || message.containsKey('error')) {
} else {
} else if (message is List &&
message.isNotEmpty &&
message.first is Map) {
if (message.first.containsKey('result') ||
message.first.containsKey('error')) {
} else {
} else {
// Non-Map and -List messages are ill-formed, so we pass them to the
// server since it knows how to send error responses.
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
_serverIncomingForwarder.addError(error, stackTrace);
}, onDone: close);
return done;
Future close() {
return done;