blob: 1e2522013eb8f12e28df2e018757be181d50d92d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library json_rpc_2.parameters;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'exception.dart';
/// A wrapper for the parameters to a server method.
/// JSON-RPC 2.0 allows parameters that are either a list or a map. This class
/// provides functions that not only assert that the parameters object is the
/// correct type, but also that the expected arguments exist and are themselves
/// the correct type.
/// Example usage:
/// server.registerMethod("subtract", (params) {
/// return params["minuend"].asNum - params["subtrahend"].asNum;
/// });
class Parameters {
/// The name of the method that this request called.
final String method;
/// The underlying value of the parameters object.
/// If this is accessed for a [Parameter] that was not passed, the request
/// will be automatically rejected. To avoid this, use [Parameter.valueOr].
final value;
Parameters(this.method, this.value);
/// Returns a single parameter.
/// If [key] is a [String], the request is expected to provide named
/// parameters. If it's an [int], the request is expected to provide
/// positional parameters. Requests that don't do so will be rejected
/// automatically.
/// Whether or not the given parameter exists, this returns a [Parameter]
/// object. If a parameter's value is accessed through a getter like [value]
/// or [Parameter.asNum], the request will be rejected if that parameter
/// doesn't exist. On the other hand, if it's accessed through a method with a
/// default value like [Parameter.valueOr] or [Parameter.asNumOr], the default
/// value will be returned.
Parameter operator [](key) {
if (key is int) {
if (key < value.length) {
return new Parameter._(method, value[key], this, key);
} else {
return new _MissingParameter(method, this, key);
} else if (key is String) {
if (value.containsKey(key)) {
return new Parameter._(method, value[key], this, key);
} else {
return new _MissingParameter(method, this, key);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('Parameters[] only takes an int or a string, was '
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a [List] and returns it.
List get asList {
return value;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a [Map] and returns it.
Map get asMap {
return value;
/// Asserts that [value] is a positional argument list.
void _assertPositional() {
if (value is List) return;
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('Parameters for method "$method" '
'must be passed by position.');
/// Asserts that [value] is a named argument map.
void _assertNamed() {
if (value is Map) return;
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('Parameters for method "$method" '
'must be passed by name.');
/// A wrapper for a single parameter to a server method.
/// This provides numerous functions for asserting the type of the parameter in
/// question. These functions each have a version that asserts that the
/// parameter exists (for example, [asNum] and [asString]) and a version that
/// returns a default value if the parameter doesn't exist (for example,
/// [asNumOr] and [asStringOr]). If an assertion fails, the request is
/// automatically rejected.
/// This extends [Parameters] to make it easy to access nested parameters. For
/// example:
/// // "params.value" is "{'scores': {'home': [5, 10, 17]}}"
/// params['scores']['home'][2].asInt // => 17
class Parameter extends Parameters {
// The parent parameters, used to construct [_path].
final Parameters _parent;
/// The key used to access [this], used to construct [_path].
final _key;
/// A human-readable representation of the path of getters used to get this.
/// Named parameters are represented as `.name`, whereas positional parameters
/// are represented as `[index]`. For example: `"foo[0].bar.baz"`. Named
/// parameters that contain characters that are neither alphanumeric,
/// underscores, or hyphens will be JSON-encoded. For example: `"foo
/// bar"."baz.bang"`. If quotes are used for an individual component, they
/// won't be used for the entire string.
/// An exception is made for single-level parameters. A single-level
/// positional parameter is just represented by the index plus one, because
/// "parameter 1" is clearer than "parameter [0]". A single-level named
/// parameter is represented by that name in quotes.
String get _path {
if (_parent is! Parameter) {
return _key is int ? (_key + 1).toString() : JSON.encode(_key);
quoteKey(key) {
if (key.contains(new RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]'))) return JSON.encode(key);
return key;
computePath(params) {
if (params._parent is! Parameter) {
return params._key is int ? "[${params._key}]" : quoteKey(params._key);
var path = computePath(params._parent);
return params._key is int ?
"$path[${params._key}]" : "$path.${quoteKey(params._key)}";
return computePath(this);
/// Whether this parameter exists.
final exists = true;
Parameter._(String method, value, this._parent, this._key)
: super(method, value);
/// Returns [value], or [defaultValue] if this parameter wasn't passed.
valueOr(defaultValue) => value;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a number and returns it.
/// [asNumOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
num get asNum => _getTyped('a number', (value) => value is num);
/// Asserts that [value] is a number and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
num asNumOr(num defaultValue) => asNum;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is an integer and returns it.
/// [asIntOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
/// Note that which values count as integers varies between the Dart VM and
/// dart2js. The value `1.0` will be considered an integer under dart2js but
/// not under the VM.
int get asInt => _getTyped('an integer', (value) => value is int);
/// Asserts that [value] is an integer and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
/// Note that which values count as integers varies between the Dart VM and
/// dart2js. The value `1.0` will be considered an integer under dart2js but
/// not under the VM.
int asIntOr(int defaultValue) => asInt;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a boolean and returns it.
/// [asBoolOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
bool get asBool => _getTyped('a boolean', (value) => value is bool);
/// Asserts that [value] is a boolean and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
bool asBoolOr(bool defaultValue) => asBool;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a string and returns it.
/// [asStringOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting
/// the request if [value] doesn't exist.
String get asString => _getTyped('a string', (value) => value is String);
/// Asserts that [value] is a string and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
String asStringOr(String defaultValue) => asString;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a [List] and returns it.
/// [asListOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
List get asList => _getTyped('an Array', (value) => value is List);
/// Asserts that [value] is a [List] and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
List asListOr(List defaultValue) => asList;
/// Asserts that [value] exists and is a [Map] and returns it.
/// [asMapOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
Map get asMap => _getTyped('an Object', (value) => value is Map);
/// Asserts that [value] is a [Map] and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
Map asMapOr(Map defaultValue) => asMap;
/// Asserts that [value] exists, is a string, and can be parsed as a
/// [DateTime] and returns it.
/// [asDateTimeOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting
/// the request if [value] doesn't exist.
DateTime get asDateTime => _getParsed('date/time', DateTime.parse);
/// Asserts that [value] exists, is a string, and can be parsed as a
/// [DateTime] and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
DateTime asDateTimeOr(DateTime defaultValue) => asDateTime;
/// Asserts that [value] exists, is a string, and can be parsed as a
/// [Uri] and returns it.
/// [asUriOr] may be used to provide a default value instead of rejecting the
/// request if [value] doesn't exist.
Uri get asUri => _getParsed('URI', Uri.parse);
/// Asserts that [value] exists, is a string, and can be parsed as a
/// [Uri] and returns it.
/// If [value] doesn't exist, this returns [defaultValue].
Uri asUriOr(Uri defaultValue) => asUri;
/// Get a parameter named [named] that matches [test], or the value of calling
/// [orElse].
/// [type] is used for the error message. It should begin with an indefinite
/// article.
_getTyped(String type, bool test(value)) {
if (test(value)) return value;
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('Parameter $_path for method '
'"$method" must be $type, but was ${JSON.encode(value)}.');
_getParsed(String description, parse(String value)) {
var string = asString;
try {
return parse(string);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
// DateTime.parse doesn't actually include any useful information in the
// FormatException, just the string that was being parsed. There's no use
// in including that in the RPC exception. See issue 17753.
var message = error.message;
if (message == string) {
message = '';
} else {
message = '\n$message';
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('Parameter $_path for method '
'"$method" must be a valid $description, but was '
void _assertPositional() {
// Throw the standard exception for a mis-typed list.
void _assertNamed() {
// Throw the standard exception for a mis-typed map.
/// A subclass of [Parameter] representing a missing parameter.
class _MissingParameter extends Parameter {
get value {
throw new RpcException.invalidParams('Request for method "$method" is '
'missing required parameter $_path.');
final exists = false;
_MissingParameter(String method, Parameters parent, key)
: super._(method, null, parent, key);
valueOr(defaultValue) => defaultValue;
num asNumOr(num defaultValue) => defaultValue;
int asIntOr(int defaultValue) => defaultValue;
bool asBoolOr(bool defaultValue) => defaultValue;
String asStringOr(String defaultValue) => defaultValue;
List asListOr(List defaultValue) => defaultValue;
Map asMapOr(Map defaultValue) => defaultValue;
DateTime asDateTimeOr(DateTime defaultValue) => defaultValue;
Uri asUriOr(Uri defaultValue) => defaultValue;