blob: f33cb1398b66d96a5ea41370a0d8705edc0086a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
import 'package:json_rpc_2/error_code.dart' as error_code;
/// A controller used to test a [json_rpc.Server].
class ServerController {
/// The controller for the server's request stream.
final _requestController = new StreamController<String>();
/// The controller for the server's response sink.
final _responseController = new StreamController<String>();
/// The server.
json_rpc.Server get server => _server;
json_rpc.Server _server;
ServerController() {
_server = new json_rpc.Server(
new StreamChannel(, _responseController.sink));
/// Passes [request], a decoded request, to [server] and returns its decoded
/// response.
Future handleRequest(request) =>
/// Passes [request], a JSON-encoded request, to [server] and returns its
/// encoded response.
Future handleJsonRequest(String request) {
/// Expects that [controller]'s server will return an error response to
/// [request] with the given [errorCode], [message], and [data].
void expectErrorResponse(ServerController controller, request, int errorCode,
String message, {data}) {
var id;
if (request is Map) id = request['id'];
if (data == null) data = {'request': request};
expect(controller.handleRequest(request), completion(equals({
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': id,
'error': {
'code': errorCode,
'message': message,
'data': data
/// Returns a matcher that matches [Future]s that never complete.
Matcher get doesNotComplete => predicate((future) {
future.then(expectAsync((_) {
// This will never be called. [expectAsync] with `count: 0` ensures that an
// error will be thrown when [future] completes.
}, count: 0));
// Make sure there's enough time in the test for [expectAsync] to fail if it's
// going to.
expect(pumpEventQueue(), completes);
return true;
/// Returns a matcher that matches a [json_rpc.RpcException] with an
/// `invalid_params` error code.
Matcher throwsInvalidParams(String message) {
return throwsA(predicate((error) {
expect(error, new isInstanceOf<json_rpc.RpcException>());
expect(error.code, equals(error_code.INVALID_PARAMS));
expect(error.message, equals(message));
return true;
/// Returns a [Future] that completes after pumping the event queue [times]
/// times. By default, this should pump the event queue enough times to allow
/// any code to run, as long as it's not waiting on some external event.
Future pumpEventQueue([int times = 20]) {
if (times == 0) return new Future.value();
// We use a delayed future to allow microtask events to finish. The
// Future.value or Future() constructors use scheduleMicrotask themselves and
// would therefore not wait for microtask callbacks that are scheduled after
// invoking this method.
return new Future.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () => pumpEventQueue(times - 1));