blob: 7cd428239de1ba9ae86b5263e3f7fa865758677c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'channel_manager.dart';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A JSON-RPC 2.0 client.
/// A client calls methods on a server and handles the server's responses to
/// those method calls. Methods can be called with [sendRequest], or with
/// [sendNotification] if no response is expected.
class Client {
final ChannelManager _manager;
/// The next request id.
var _id = 0;
/// The current batch of requests to be sent together.
/// Each element is a JSON-serializable object.
List _batch;
/// The map of request ids to pending requests.
final _pendingRequests = new Map<int, _Request>();
/// Returns a [Future] that completes when the underlying connection is
/// closed.
/// This is the same future that's returned by [listen] and [close]. It may
/// complete before [close] is called if the remote endpoint closes the
/// connection.
Future get done => _manager.done;
/// Whether the underlying connection is closed.
/// Note that this will be `true` before [close] is called if the remote
/// endpoint closes the connection.
bool get isClosed => _manager.isClosed;
/// Creates a [Client] that communicates over [channel].
/// Note that the client won't begin listening to [responses] until
/// [Client.listen] is called.
Client(StreamChannel<String> channel)
: this.withoutJson(
/// Creates a [Client] that communicates using decoded messages over
/// [channel].
/// Unlike [new Client], this doesn't read or write JSON strings. Instead, it
/// reads and writes decoded maps or lists.
/// Note that the client won't begin listening to [responses] until
/// [Client.listen] is called.
Client.withoutJson(StreamChannel channel)
: _manager = new ChannelManager("Client", channel) {
_manager.done.whenComplete(() {
for (var request in _pendingRequests.values) {
new StateError("The client closed with pending requests."),
}).catchError((_) {
// Avoid an unhandled error.
/// Starts listening to the underlying stream.
/// Returns a [Future] that will complete when the connection is closed or
/// when it has an error. This is the same as [done].
/// [listen] may only be called once.
Future listen() => _manager.listen(_handleResponse);
/// Closes the underlying connection.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes when all resources have been released.
/// This is the same as [done].
Future close() => _manager.close();
/// Sends a JSON-RPC 2 request to invoke the given [method].
/// If passed, [parameters] is the parameters for the method. This must be
/// either an [Iterable] (to pass parameters by position) or a [Map] with
/// [String] keys (to pass parameters by name). Either way, it must be
/// JSON-serializable.
/// If the request succeeds, this returns the response result as a decoded
/// JSON-serializable object. If it fails, it throws an [RpcException]
/// describing the failure.
/// Throws a [StateError] if the client is closed while the request is in
/// flight, or if the client is closed when this method is called.
Future sendRequest(String method, [parameters]) {
var id = _id++;
_send(method, parameters, id);
var completer = new Completer.sync();
_pendingRequests[id] = new _Request(completer, new Chain.current());
return completer.future;
/// Sends a JSON-RPC 2 request to invoke the given [method] without expecting
/// a response.
/// If passed, [parameters] is the parameters for the method. This must be
/// either an [Iterable] (to pass parameters by position) or a [Map] with
/// [String] keys (to pass parameters by name). Either way, it must be
/// JSON-serializable.
/// Since this is just a notification to which the server isn't expected to
/// send a response, it has no return value.
/// Throws a [StateError] if the client is closed when this method is called.
void sendNotification(String method, [parameters]) =>
_send(method, parameters);
/// A helper method for [sendRequest] and [sendNotification].
/// Sends a request to invoke [method] with [parameters]. If [id] is given,
/// the request uses that id.
void _send(String method, parameters, [int id]) {
if (parameters is Iterable) parameters = parameters.toList();
if (parameters is! Map && parameters is! List && parameters != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Only maps and lists may be used as JSON-RPC '
'parameters, was "$parameters".');
if (isClosed) throw new StateError("The client is closed.");
var message = <String, dynamic>{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": method
if (id != null) message["id"] = id;
if (parameters != null) message["params"] = parameters;
if (_batch != null) {
} else {
/// Runs [callback] and batches any requests sent until it returns.
/// A batch of requests is sent in a single message on the underlying stream,
/// and the responses are likewise sent back in a single message.
/// [callback] may be synchronous or asynchronous. If it returns a [Future],
/// requests will be batched until that Future returns; otherwise, requests
/// will only be batched while synchronously executing [callback].
/// If this is called in the context of another [withBatch] call, it just
/// invokes [callback] without creating another batch. This means that
/// responses are batched until the first batch ends.
withBatch(callback()) {
if (_batch != null) return callback();
_batch = [];
return tryFinally(callback, () {
_batch = null;
/// Handles a decoded response from the server.
void _handleResponse(response) {
if (response is List) {
} else {
/// Handles a decoded response from the server after batches have been
/// resolved.
void _handleSingleResponse(response) {
if (!_isResponseValid(response)) return;
var request = _pendingRequests.remove(response["id"]);
if (response.containsKey("result")) {
} else {
request.completer.completeError(new RpcException(
data: response["error"]["data"]),
/// Determines whether the server's response is valid per the spec.
bool _isResponseValid(response) {
if (response is! Map) return false;
if (response["jsonrpc"] != "2.0") return false;
if (!_pendingRequests.containsKey(response["id"])) return false;
if (response.containsKey("result")) return true;
if (!response.containsKey("error")) return false;
var error = response["error"];
if (error is! Map) return false;
if (error["code"] is! int) return false;
if (error["message"] is! String) return false;
return true;
/// A pending request to the server.
class _Request {
/// The completer to use to complete the response future.
final Completer completer;
/// The stack chain from where the request was made.
final Chain chain;
_Request(this.completer, this.chain);