blob: 200680c688b3f5d626fe93a78d769f0bd8da501e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// A [Runner] runs a function, potentially in a different scope
/// or even isolate.
library isolate.runner;
import 'dart:async' show Future, FutureOr;
/// Calls a function with an argument.
/// The function can be run in a different place from where the `Runner`
/// resides, e.g., in a different isolate.
class Runner {
/// Request that [function] be called with the provided arguments.
/// The arguments will be applied to the function in the same way as by
/// [Function.apply], but it may happen in a different isolate or setting.
/// It's necessary that the function can be sent through a [SendPort]
/// if the call is performed in another isolate.
/// That means the other isolate should be created using [Isolate.spawn]
/// so that it is running the same code as the sending isolate,
/// and the function must be a static or top-level function.
/// Waits for the result of the call, and completes the returned future
/// with the result, whether it's a value or an error.
/// If the returned future does not complete before `timeLimit` has passed,
/// the [onTimeout] action is executed instead, and its result (whether it
/// returns or throws) is used as the result of the returned future.
/// If `onTimeout` is omitted, a timeout will cause the returned future to
/// complete with a [TimeoutException].
/// The default implementation runs the function in the current isolate.
Future<R> run<R, P>(FutureOr<R> Function(P argument) function, P argument,
{Duration? timeout, FutureOr<R> Function()? onTimeout}) {
var result = Future.sync(() => function(argument));
if (timeout != null) {
result = result.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: onTimeout);
return result;
/// Stop the runner.
/// If the runner has allocated resources, e.g., an isolate, it should
/// be released. No further calls to [run] should be made after calling
/// stop.
Future<void> close() => Future.value();