blob: a8fab7b3e675722e930ecdcde650e340444d1b36 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This script uses the extract_messages.dart library to find the Intl.message
* calls in the target dart files and produces ARB format output. See
library extract_to_arb;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:intl/extract_messages.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:intl/src/intl_message.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
main(List<String> args) {
var targetDir;
var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag("suppress-warnings", defaultsTo: false, callback: (x) =>
suppressWarnings = x, help: 'Suppress printing of warnings.');
parser.addFlag("warnings-are-errors", defaultsTo: false, callback: (x) =>
warningsAreErrors = x,
help: 'Treat all warnings as errors, stop processing ');
parser.addFlag("embedded-plurals", defaultsTo: true,
callback: (x) => allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders = x,
help: 'Allow plurals and genders to be embedded as part of a larger '
'string, otherwise they must be at the top level.');
parser.addOption("output-dir", defaultsTo: '.', callback: (value) => targetDir
= value, help: 'Specify the output directory.');
if (args.length == 0) {
print('Accepts Dart files and produces intl_messages.json');
print('Usage: extract_to_arb [options] [files.dart]');
var allMessages = {};
for (var arg in args.where((x) => x.contains(".dart"))) {
var messages = parseFile(new File(arg));
messages.forEach((k, v) => allMessages.addAll(toARB(v)));
var file = new File(path.join(targetDir, 'intl_messages.arb'));
if (hasWarnings && warningsAreErrors) {
* This is a placeholder for transforming a parameter substitution from
* the translation file format into a Dart interpolation. In our case we
* store it to the file in Dart interpolation syntax, so the transformation
* is trivial.
String leaveTheInterpolationsInDartForm(MainMessage msg, chunk) {
if (chunk is String) return chunk;
if (chunk is int) return "\$${msg.arguments[chunk]}";
return chunk.toCode();
* Convert the [MainMessage] to a trivial JSON format.
Map toARB(MainMessage message) {
if (message.messagePieces.isEmpty) return null;
var out = {};
out[] = icuForm(message);
out["@${}"] = arbMetadata(message);
return out;
Map arbMetadata(MainMessage message) {
var out = {};
var desc = message.description;
if (desc != null) {
out["description"] = desc;
out["type"] = "text";
var placeholders = {};
for (var arg in message.arguments) {
addArgumentFor(message, arg, placeholders);
out["placeholders"] = placeholders;
return out;
void addArgumentFor(MainMessage message, String arg, Map result) {
var extraInfo = {};
if (message.examples != null && message.examples[arg] != null) {
extraInfo["example"] = message.examples[arg];
result[arg] = extraInfo;
* Return a version of the message string with
* with ICU parameters "{variable}" rather than Dart interpolations "$variable".
String icuForm(MainMessage message) => message.expanded(
String turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(Message message, chunk,
{bool shouldEscapeICU: false}) {
if (chunk is String) {
return shouldEscapeICU? escape(chunk) : chunk;
if (chunk is int && chunk >= 0 && chunk < message.arguments.length) {
return "{${message.arguments[chunk]}}";
if (chunk is SubMessage) {
return chunk.expanded((message, chunk) => turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(
message, chunk, shouldEscapeICU: true));
if (chunk is Message) {
return chunk.expanded((message, chunk) => turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(
message, chunk, shouldEscapeICU: shouldEscapeICU));
throw new FormatException("Illegal interpolation: $chunk");
String escape(String s) {
return s.replaceAll("'", "''").replaceAll("{", "'{'").replaceAll("}", "'}'");