blob: 4fb11635f0232c6906cf57ecdf143ab137eea628 [file] [log] [blame]
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// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
/// Represents directionality of text.
/// In most cases, it is preferable to use bidi_formatter.dart, which provides
/// bidi functionality in the given directional context, instead of using
/// bidi_utils.dart directly.
class TextDirection {
static const LTR = TextDirection._('LTR', 'ltr');
static const RTL = TextDirection._('RTL', 'rtl');
// If the directionality of the text cannot be determined and we are not using
// the context direction (or if the context direction is unknown), then the
// text falls back on the more common ltr direction.
static const UNKNOWN = TextDirection._('UNKNOWN', 'ltr');
/// Textual representation of the directionality constant. One of
/// 'LTR', 'RTL', or 'UNKNOWN'.
final String value;
/// Textual representation of the directionality when used in span tag.
final String spanText;
const TextDirection._(this.value, this.spanText);
/// Returns true if [otherDirection] is known to be different from this
/// direction.
bool isDirectionChange(TextDirection otherDirection) =>
otherDirection != TextDirection.UNKNOWN && this != otherDirection;