blob: 4e87eb75c3e579943e34561850934200e1409f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Used primarily for currency formatting, this number-like class stores
/// millionths of a currency unit, typically as an Int64.
/// It supports no operations other than being used for Intl number formatting.
abstract class MicroMoney {
factory MicroMoney(micros) => _MicroMoney(micros);
/// Used primarily for currency formatting, this stores millionths of a
/// currency unit, typically as an Int64.
/// This private class provides the operations needed by the formatting code.
class _MicroMoney implements MicroMoney {
final dynamic _micros;
static const _multiplier = 1000000;
dynamic get _integerPart => _micros ~/ _multiplier;
int get _fractionPart => (this - _integerPart)._micros.toInt().abs();
bool get isNegative => _micros.isNegative;
_MicroMoney abs() => isNegative ? _MicroMoney(_micros.abs()) : this;
// Note that if this is done in a general way there's a risk of integer
// overflow on JS when multiplying out the [other] parameter, which may be
// an Int64. In formatting we only ever subtract out our own integer part.
_MicroMoney operator -(other) {
if (other is _MicroMoney) return _MicroMoney(_micros - other._micros);
return _MicroMoney(_micros - (other * _multiplier));
_MicroMoney operator +(other) {
if (other is _MicroMoney) return _MicroMoney(_micros + other._micros);
return _MicroMoney(_micros + (other * _multiplier));
_MicroMoney operator ~/(divisor) {
if (divisor is! int) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
divisor, 'divisor', '_MicroMoney ~/ only supports int arguments.');
return _MicroMoney((_integerPart ~/ divisor) * _multiplier);
_MicroMoney operator *(other) {
if (other is! int) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
other, 'other', '_MicroMoney * only supports int arguments.');
return _MicroMoney(
(_integerPart * other) * _multiplier + (_fractionPart * other));
/// Note that this only really supports remainder from an int,
/// not division by another MicroMoney
_MicroMoney remainder(other) {
if (other is! int) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
other, 'other', '_MicroMoney.remainder only supports int arguments.');
return _MicroMoney(_micros.remainder(other * _multiplier));
double toDouble() => _micros.toDouble() / _multiplier;
int toInt() => _integerPart.toInt();
String toString() {
var beforeDecimal = '$_integerPart';
var decimalPart = '';
var fractionPart = _fractionPart;
if (fractionPart != 0) {
decimalPart = '.$fractionPart';
return '$beforeDecimal$decimalPart';