blob: c5f5b106608d5021748e5e3f58acb40f9c501ae2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'date_computation.dart' as date_computation;
/// A class for holding onto the data for a date so that it can be built
/// up incrementally.
class DateBuilder {
// Default the date values to the EPOCH so that there's a valid date
// in case the format doesn't set them.
int year = 1970,
month = 1,
day = 1,
dayOfYear = 0,
hour = 0,
minute = 0,
second = 0,
fractionalSecond = 0;
bool pm = false;
bool utc = false;
/// Whether the century portion of [year] is ambiguous.
/// Ignored if `year < 0` or `year >= 100`.
bool _hasAmbiguousCentury = false;
/// The locale, kept for logging purposes when there's an error.
final String _locale;
/// The date result produced from [asDate].
/// Kept as a field to cache the result and to reduce the possibility of error
/// after we've verified.
DateTime? _date;
/// The number of times we've retried, for error reporting.
int _retried = 0;
/// Is this constructing a pure date.
/// This is important because some locales change times at midnight,
/// e.g. Brazil. So if we try to create a DateTime representing a date at
/// midnight on the day of transition it will jump forward or back 1 hour. If
/// it jumps forward that's mostly harmless if we only care about the
/// date. But if it jumps backwards that will change the date, which is
/// bad. Compensate by adjusting the time portion forward. But only do that
/// when we're explicitly trying to construct a date, which we can tell from
/// the format.
// We do set it, the analyzer just can't tell.
bool dateOnly = false;
/// The function we will call to create a DateTime from its component pieces.
/// This is normally only modified in tests that want to introduce errors.
final _DateTimeConstructor _dateTimeConstructor;
DateBuilder(this._locale, this._dateTimeConstructor);
// Functions that exist just to be closurized so we can pass them to a general
// method.
void setYear(int x) {
year = x;
/// Sets whether [year] should be treated as ambiguous because it lacks a
/// century.
void setHasAmbiguousCentury(bool isAmbiguous) {
_hasAmbiguousCentury = isAmbiguous;
void setMonth(int x) {
month = x;
void setDay(int x) {
day = x;
void setDayOfYear(int x) {
dayOfYear = x;
/// If [dayOfYear] has been set, return it, otherwise return [day], indicating
/// the day of the month.
int get dayOrDayOfYear => dayOfYear == 0 ? day : dayOfYear;
void setHour(int x) {
hour = x;
void setMinute(int x) {
minute = x;
void setSecond(int x) {
second = x;
void setFractionalSecond(int x) {
fractionalSecond = x;
int get hour24 => pm ? hour + 12 : hour;
/// Verify that we correspond to a valid date. This will reject out of
/// range values, even if the DateTime constructor would accept them. An
/// invalid message will result in throwing a [FormatException].
void verify(String s) {
_verify(month, 1, 12, 'month', s);
_verify(hour24, 0, 23, 'hour', s);
_verify(minute, 0, 59, 'minute', s);
_verify(second, 0, 59, 'second', s);
_verify(fractionalSecond, 0, 999, 'fractional second', s);
// Verifying the day is tricky, because it depends on the month. Create
// our resulting date and then verify that our values agree with it
// as an additional verification. And since we're doing that, also
// check the year, which we otherwise can't verify, and the hours,
// which will catch cases like '14:00:00 PM'.
var date = asDate();
// On rare occasions, possibly related to DST boundaries, a parsed date will
// come out as 1:00am. We compensate for the case of going backwards in
// _correctForErrors, but we may not be able to compensate for a midnight
// that doesn't exist. So tolerate an hour value of zero or one in these
// cases.
var minimumDate = dateOnly && date.hour == 1 ? 0 : date.hour;
_verify(hour24, minimumDate, date.hour, 'hour', s, date);
if (dayOfYear > 0) {
// We have an ordinal date, compute the corresponding date for the result
// and compare to that.
var leapYear = date_computation.isLeapYear(date);
var correspondingDay =
date_computation.dayOfYear(date.month,, leapYear);
dayOfYear, correspondingDay, correspondingDay, 'dayOfYear', s, date);
} else {
// We have the day of the month, compare directly.
_verify(day,,, 'day', s, date);
_verify(year, date.year, date.year, 'year', s, date);
void _verify(int value, int min, int max, String desc, String originalInput,
[DateTime? parsed]) {
if (value < min || value > max) {
var parsedDescription = parsed == null ? '' : ' Date parsed as $parsed.';
var errorDescription =
'Error parsing $originalInput, invalid $desc value: $value'
' in $_locale'
' with time zone offset ${parsed?.timeZoneOffset ?? 'unknown'}.'
' Expected value between $min and $max.$parsedDescription.';
if (_retried > 0) {
errorDescription += ' Failed after $_retried retries.';
throw FormatException(errorDescription);
/// Offsets a [DateTime] by a specified number of years.
/// All other fields of the [DateTime] normally will remain unaffected. An
/// exception is if the resulting [DateTime] otherwise would represent an
/// invalid date (e.g. February 29 of a non-leap year).
DateTime _offsetYear(DateTime dateTime, int offsetYears) =>
dateTime.year + offsetYears,
/// Return a date built using our values. If no date portion is set,
/// use the 'Epoch' of January 1, 1970.
DateTime asDate({int retries = 3}) {
// TODO(alanknight): Validate the date, especially for things which
// can crash the VM, e.g. large month values.
if (_date != null) return _date!;
DateTime preliminaryResult;
final hasCentury = !_hasAmbiguousCentury || year < 0 || year >= 100;
if (hasCentury) {
preliminaryResult = _dateTimeConstructor(year, month, dayOrDayOfYear,
hour24, minute, second, fractionalSecond, utc);
} else {
var now =;
if (utc) {
now = now.toUtc();
const lookBehindYears = 80;
var lowerDate = _offsetYear(now, -lookBehindYears);
var upperDate = _offsetYear(now, 100 - lookBehindYears);
var lowerCentury = (lowerDate.year ~/ 100) * 100;
var upperCentury = (upperDate.year ~/ 100) * 100;
preliminaryResult = _dateTimeConstructor(upperCentury + year, month,
dayOrDayOfYear, hour24, minute, second, fractionalSecond, utc);
// Our interval must be half-open since there otherwise could be ambiguity
// for a date that is exactly 20 years in the future or exactly 80 years
// in the past (mod 100). We'll treat the lower-bound date as the
// exclusive bound because:
// * It's farther away from the present, and we're less likely to care
// about it.
// * By the time this function exits, time will have advanced to favor
// the upper-bound date.
// We don't actually need to check both bounds.
if (preliminaryResult.compareTo(upperDate) <= 0) {
// Within range.
assert(preliminaryResult.compareTo(lowerDate) > 0);
} else {
preliminaryResult = _dateTimeConstructor(lowerCentury + year, month,
dayOrDayOfYear, hour24, minute, second, fractionalSecond, utc);
if (utc && hasCentury) {
_date = preliminaryResult;
} else {
_date = _correctForErrors(preliminaryResult, retries);
return _date!;
/// Given a local DateTime, check for errors and try to compensate for them if
/// possible.
DateTime _correctForErrors(DateTime result, int retries) {
// There are 3 kinds of errors that we know of
// 1 - Issue 15560, sometimes we get UTC even when we asked for local, or
// they get constructed as if in UTC and then have the offset subtracted.
// Retry, possibly several times, until we get something that looks valid,
// or we give up.
// 1a) - It appears that sometimes we get incorrect timezone offsets that
// are not directly related to UTC. Also check for those and retry or
// compensate.
// 2 - Timezone transitions. If we ask for the time during a timezone
// transition then it will offset it by that transition. This is
// particularly a problem if the timezone transition happens at midnight,
// and we're looking for a date with no time component. This happens in
// Brazil, and we can end up with 11:00pm the previous day. Add time to
// compensate.
// 3 - Invalid input which the constructor nevertheless accepts. Just return
// what it created, and verify will catch it if we're in strict mode.
// If we've exhausted our retries, just return the input - it's not just a
// flaky result.
if (retries <= 0) {
return result;
var leapYear = date_computation.isLeapYear(result);
var resultDayOfYear =
date_computation.dayOfYear(result.month,, leapYear);
// Check for the UTC failure. Are we expecting to produce a local time, but
// the result is UTC. However, the local time might happen to be the same as
// UTC. To be thorough, check if either the hour/day don't agree with what
// we expect, or is a new DateTime in a non-UTC timezone.
if (!utc &&
result.isUtc &&
(result.hour != hour24 || != resultDayOfYear ||
! {
// This may be a UTC failure. Retry and if the result doesn't look
// like it's in the UTC time zone, use that instead.
return asDate(retries: retries - 1);
if (dateOnly && result.hour != 0) {
// This could be a flake, try again.
var tryAgain = asDate(retries: retries - 1);
if (tryAgain != result) {
// Trying again gave a different answer, so presumably it worked.
return tryAgain;
// Trying again didn't work, try to force the offset.
var expectedDayOfYear = dayOfYear == 0
? date_computation.dayOfYear(month, day, leapYear)
: dayOfYear;
// If we're _dateOnly, then hours should be zero, but might have been
// offset to e.g. 11:00pm the previous day. Add that time back in. This
// might be because of an erratic error, but it might also be because of a
// time zone (Brazil) where there is no midnight at a daylight savings
// time transition. In that case we will retry, but eventually give up and
// return 1:00am on the correct date.
var daysPrevious = expectedDayOfYear - resultDayOfYear;
// For example, if it's the day before at 11:00pm, we offset by (24 - 23),
// so +1. If it's the same day at 1:00am, we offset by (0 - 1), so -1.
var offset = (daysPrevious * 24) - result.hour;
var adjusted = result.add(Duration(hours: offset));
// Check if the adjustment worked. This can fail on a time zone transition
// where midnight doesn't exist.
if (adjusted.hour == 0) {
return adjusted;
// Adjusting did not work. Just check if the adjusted date is right. And
// if it's not, just give up and return [result]. The scenario where this
// might correctly happen is if we're in a Brazil time zone, jump forward
// to 1:00 am because of a DST transition, and trying to go backwards 1
// hour takes us back to 11:00pm the day before. In that case the 1:00am
// answer on the correct date is preferable.
var adjustedDayOfYear =
date_computation.dayOfYear(adjusted.month,, leapYear);
if (adjustedDayOfYear != expectedDayOfYear) {
return result;
return adjusted;
// None of our corrections applied, just return the uncorrected date.
return result;
/// Defines a function type for creating DateTime instances.
typedef _DateTimeConstructor = DateTime Function(int year, int month, int day,
int hour24, int minute, int second, int fractionalSecond, bool utc);