blob: 0bb0159984ecb14ba1263a6f545fe16a8c14480a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
part of 'date_format.dart';
/// This is a private class internal to DateFormat which is used for formatting
/// particular fields in a template. e.g. if the format is hh:mm:ss then the
/// fields would be 'hh', ':', 'mm', ':', and 'ss'. Each type of field knows
/// how to format that portion of a date.
abstract class _DateFormatField {
/// The format string that defines us, e.g. 'hh'
final String pattern;
/// The DateFormat that we are part of.
DateFormat parent;
/// Trimmed version of [pattern].
String _trimmedPattern;
_DateFormatField(this.pattern, this.parent) {
_trimmedPattern = pattern.trim();
/// Does this field potentially represent part of a Date, i.e. is not
/// time-specific.
bool get forDate => true;
/// Return the width of [pattern]. Different widths represent different
/// formatting options. See the comment for DateFormat for details.
int get width => pattern.length;
String fullPattern() => pattern;
String toString() => pattern;
/// Format date according to our specification and return the result.
String format(DateTime date) {
// Default implementation in the superclass, works for both types of
// literal patterns, and is overridden by _DateFormatPatternField.
return pattern;
/// Abstract method for subclasses to implementing parsing for their format.
void parse(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields);
/// Abstract method for subclasses to implementing 'loose' parsing for
/// their format, accepting input case-insensitively, and allowing some
/// delimiters to be skipped.
void parseLoose(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields);
/// Parse a literal field. We just look for the exact input.
void parseLiteral(IntlStream input) {
var found =;
if (found != pattern) {
/// Parse a literal field. We accept either an exact match, or an arbitrary
/// amount of whitespace.
/// Any whitespace which occurs before or after the literal field is trimmed
/// from the input stream. Any leading or trailing whitespace in the literal
/// field's format specification is also trimmed before matching is
/// attempted. Therefore, leading and trailing whitespace is optional, and
/// arbitrary additional whitespace may be added before/after the literal.
void parseLiteralLoose(IntlStream input) {
var found = input.peek(_trimmedPattern.length);
if (found == _trimmedPattern) {;
void _trimWhitespace(IntlStream input) {
while (!input.atEnd() && input.peek().trim().isEmpty) {;
/// Throw a format exception with an error message indicating the position.
void throwFormatException(IntlStream stream) {
throw FormatException('Trying to read $this from ${stream.contents} '
'at position ${stream.index}');
/// Represents a literal field - a sequence of characters that doesn't
/// change according to the date's data. As such, the implementation
/// is extremely simple.
class _DateFormatLiteralField extends _DateFormatField {
_DateFormatLiteralField(pattern, parent) : super(pattern, parent);
void parse(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
void parseLoose(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) =>
/// Represents a literal field with quoted characters in it. This is
/// only slightly more complex than a _DateFormatLiteralField.
class _DateFormatQuotedField extends _DateFormatField {
String _fullPattern;
String fullPattern() => _fullPattern;
_DateFormatQuotedField(pattern, parent)
: super(_patchQuotes(pattern), parent) {
_fullPattern = pattern;
void parse(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
void parseLoose(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) =>
static final _twoEscapedQuotes = RegExp(r"''");
static String _patchQuotes(String pattern) {
if (pattern == "''") {
return "'";
} else {
return pattern
.substring(1, pattern.length - 1)
.replaceAll(_twoEscapedQuotes, "'");
/// A field that parses 'loosely', meaning that we'll accept input that is
/// missing delimiters, has upper/lower case mixed up, and might not strictly
/// conform to the pattern, e.g. the pattern calls for Sep we might accept
/// sep, september, sEPTember. Doesn't affect numeric fields.
class _LoosePatternField extends _DateFormatPatternField {
_LoosePatternField(String pattern, parent) : super(pattern, parent);
/// Parse from a list of possibilities, but case-insensitively.
/// Assumes that input is lower case.
int parseEnumeratedString(IntlStream input, List<String> possibilities) {
var lowercasePossibilities = => x.toLowerCase()).toList();
try {
return super.parseEnumeratedString(input, lowercasePossibilities);
} on FormatException {
return -1;
/// Parse a month name, case-insensitively, and set it in [dateFields].
/// Assumes that [input] is lower case.
void parseMonth(input, dateFields) {
if (width <= 2) {
handleNumericField(input, dateFields.setMonth);
var possibilities = [symbols.MONTHS, symbols.SHORTMONTHS];
for (var monthNames in possibilities) {
var month = parseEnumeratedString(input, monthNames);
if (month != -1) {
dateFields.month = month + 1;
/// Parse a standalone day name, case-insensitively.
/// Assumes that input is lower case. Doesn't do anything
void parseStandaloneDay(input) {
// This is ignored, but we still have to skip over it the correct amount.
if (width <= 2) {
handleNumericField(input, (x) => x);
var possibilities = [
for (var dayNames in possibilities) {
var day = parseEnumeratedString(input, dayNames);
if (day != -1) {
/// Parse a standalone month name, case-insensitively, and set it in
/// [dateFields]. Assumes that input is lower case.
void parseStandaloneMonth(input, dateFields) {
if (width <= 2) {
handleNumericField(input, dateFields.setMonth);
var possibilities = [
for (var monthNames in possibilities) {
var month = parseEnumeratedString(input, monthNames);
if (month != -1) {
dateFields.month = month + 1;
/// Parse a day of the week name, case-insensitively.
/// Assumes that input is lower case. Doesn't do anything
void parseDayOfWeek(IntlStream input) {
// This is IGNORED, but we still have to skip over it the correct amount.
if (width <= 2) {
handleNumericField(input, (x) => x);
var possibilities = [symbols.WEEKDAYS, symbols.SHORTWEEKDAYS];
for (var dayNames in possibilities) {
var day = parseEnumeratedString(input, dayNames);
if (day != -1) {
* Represents a field in the pattern that formats some aspect of the
* date. Consists primarily of a switch on the particular pattern characters
* to determine what to do.
class _DateFormatPatternField extends _DateFormatField {
_DateFormatPatternField(pattern, parent) : super(pattern, parent);
/// Format date according to our specification and return the result.
String format(DateTime date) {
return formatField(date);
/// Parse the date according to our specification and put the result
/// into the correct place in dateFields.
void parse(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
parseField(input, dateFields);
/// Parse the date according to our specification and put the result
/// into the correct place in dateFields. Allow looser parsing, accepting
/// case-insensitive input and skipped delimiters.
void parseLoose(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
_LoosePatternField(pattern, parent).parse(input, dateFields);
bool _forDate;
/// Is this field involved in computing the date portion, as opposed to the
/// time.
/// The [pattern] will contain one or more of a particular format character,
/// e.g. 'yyyy' for a four-digit year. This hard-codes all the pattern
/// characters that pertain to dates. The remaining characters, 'ahHkKms' are
/// all time-related. See e.g. [formatField]
bool get forDate => _forDate ??= 'cdDEGLMQvyZz'.contains(pattern[0]);
/// Parse a field representing part of a date pattern. Note that we do not
/// return a value, but rather build up the result in [builder].
void parseField(IntlStream input, DateBuilder builder) {
try {
switch (pattern[0]) {
case 'a':
parseAmPm(input, builder);
case 'c':
case 'd':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setDay);
break; // day
// Day of year. Setting month=January with any day of the year works
case 'D':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setDayOfYear);
break; // dayofyear
case 'E':
case 'G':
break; // era
case 'h':
parse1To12Hours(input, builder);
case 'H':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setHour);
break; // hour 0-23
case 'K':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setHour);
break; //hour 0-11
case 'k':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setHour, -1);
break; //hr 1-24
case 'L':
parseStandaloneMonth(input, builder);
case 'M':
parseMonth(input, builder);
case 'm':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setMinute);
break; // minutes
case 'Q':
break; // quarter
case 'S':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setFractionalSecond);
case 's':
handleNumericField(input, builder.setSecond);
case 'v':
break; // time zone id
case 'y':
parseYear(input, builder);
case 'z':
break; // time zone
case 'Z':
break; // time zone RFC
} catch (e) {
/// Formatting logic if we are of type FIELD
String formatField(DateTime date) {
switch (pattern[0]) {
case 'a':
return formatAmPm(date);
case 'c':
return formatStandaloneDay(date);
case 'd':
return formatDayOfMonth(date);
case 'D':
return formatDayOfYear(date);
case 'E':
return formatDayOfWeek(date);
case 'G':
return formatEra(date);
case 'h':
return format1To12Hours(date);
case 'H':
return format0To23Hours(date);
case 'K':
return format0To11Hours(date);
case 'k':
return format24Hours(date);
case 'L':
return formatStandaloneMonth(date);
case 'M':
return formatMonth(date);
case 'm':
return formatMinutes(date);
case 'Q':
return formatQuarter(date);
case 'S':
return formatFractionalSeconds(date);
case 's':
return formatSeconds(date);
case 'v':
return formatTimeZoneId(date);
case 'y':
return formatYear(date);
case 'z':
return formatTimeZone(date);
case 'Z':
return formatTimeZoneRFC(date);
return '';
/// Return the symbols for our current locale.
DateSymbols get symbols => parent.dateSymbols;
String formatEra(DateTime date) {
var era = date.year > 0 ? 1 : 0;
return width >= 4 ? symbols.ERANAMES[era] : symbols.ERAS[era];
String formatYear(DateTime date) {
// TODO(alanknight): Proper handling of years <= 0
var year = date.year;
if (year < 0) {
year = -year;
return width == 2 ? padTo(2, year % 100) : padTo(width, year);
/// We are given [input] as a stream from which we want to read a date. We
/// can't dynamically build up a date, so the caller has a list of the
/// constructor arguments and a position at which to set it
/// (year,month,day,hour,minute,second,fractionalSecond) and gives us a setter
/// for it.
/// Then after all parsing is done we construct a date from the
/// arguments.
/// This method handles reading any of the numeric fields. The [offset]
/// argument allows us to compensate for zero-based versus one-based values.
void handleNumericField(IntlStream input, void Function(int) setter,
[int offset = 0]) {
var result = input.nextInteger(
digitMatcher: parent.digitMatcher,
zeroDigit: parent.localeZeroCodeUnit);
if (result == null) throwFormatException(input);
setter(result + offset);
/// We are given [input] as a stream from which we want to read a date. We
/// can't dynamically build up a date, so the caller has a list of the
/// constructor arguments and a position at which to set it
/// (year,month,day,hour,minute,second,fractionalSecond) and gives us a setter
/// for it.
/// Then after all parsing is done we construct a date from the
/// arguments. This method handles reading any of string fields from an
/// enumerated set.
int parseEnumeratedString(IntlStream input, List<String> possibilities) {
var results = IntlStream(possibilities)
.findIndexes((each) => input.peek(each.length) == each);
if (results.isEmpty) throwFormatException(input);
(a, b) => possibilities[a].length.compareTo(possibilities[b].length));
var longestResult = results.last;[longestResult].length);
return longestResult;
void parseYear(IntlStream input, DateBuilder builder) {
handleNumericField(input, builder.setYear);
builder.setHasAmbiguousCentury(width == 2);
String formatMonth(DateTime date) {
switch (width) {
case 5:
return symbols.NARROWMONTHS[date.month - 1];
case 4:
return symbols.MONTHS[date.month - 1];
case 3:
return symbols.SHORTMONTHS[date.month - 1];
return padTo(width, date.month);
void parseMonth(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
List<String> possibilities;
switch (width) {
case 5:
possibilities = symbols.NARROWMONTHS;
case 4:
possibilities = symbols.MONTHS;
case 3:
possibilities = symbols.SHORTMONTHS;
return handleNumericField(input, dateFields.setMonth);
dateFields.month = parseEnumeratedString(input, possibilities) + 1;
String format24Hours(DateTime date) {
var hour = date.hour == 0 ? 24 : date.hour;
return padTo(width, hour);
String formatFractionalSeconds(DateTime date) {
// Always print at least 3 digits. If the width is greater, append 0s
var basic = padTo(3, date.millisecond);
if (width - 3 > 0) {
var extra = padTo(width - 3, 0);
return basic + extra;
} else {
return basic;
String formatAmPm(DateTime date) {
var hours = date.hour;
var index = (hours >= 12) && (hours < 24) ? 1 : 0;
var ampm = symbols.AMPMS;
return ampm[index];
void parseAmPm(input, dateFields) {
// If we see a 'PM' note it in an extra field.
var ampm = parseEnumeratedString(input, symbols.AMPMS);
if (ampm == 1) = true;
String format1To12Hours(DateTime date) {
var hours = date.hour;
if (date.hour > 12) hours = hours - 12;
if (hours == 0) hours = 12;
return padTo(width, hours);
void parse1To12Hours(IntlStream input, DateBuilder dateFields) {
handleNumericField(input, dateFields.setHour);
if (dateFields.hour == 12) dateFields.hour = 0;
String format0To11Hours(DateTime date) {
return padTo(width, date.hour % 12);
String format0To23Hours(DateTime date) {
return padTo(width, date.hour);
String formatStandaloneDay(DateTime date) {
switch (width) {
case 5:
return symbols.STANDALONENARROWWEEKDAYS[date.weekday % 7];
case 4:
return symbols.STANDALONEWEEKDAYS[date.weekday % 7];
case 3:
return symbols.STANDALONESHORTWEEKDAYS[date.weekday % 7];
return padTo(1,;
void parseStandaloneDay(IntlStream input) {
// This is ignored, but we still have to skip over it the correct amount.
List<String> possibilities;
switch (width) {
case 5:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONENARROWWEEKDAYS;
case 4:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONEWEEKDAYS;
case 3:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONESHORTWEEKDAYS;
return handleNumericField(input, (x) => x);
parseEnumeratedString(input, possibilities);
String formatStandaloneMonth(DateTime date) {
switch (width) {
case 5:
return symbols.STANDALONENARROWMONTHS[date.month - 1];
case 4:
return symbols.STANDALONEMONTHS[date.month - 1];
case 3:
return symbols.STANDALONESHORTMONTHS[date.month - 1];
return padTo(width, date.month);
void parseStandaloneMonth(input, dateFields) {
List<String> possibilities;
switch (width) {
case 5:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONENARROWMONTHS;
case 4:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONEMONTHS;
case 3:
possibilities = symbols.STANDALONESHORTMONTHS;
return handleNumericField(input, dateFields.setMonth);
dateFields.month = parseEnumeratedString(input, possibilities) + 1;
String formatQuarter(DateTime date) {
var quarter = ((date.month - 1) / 3).truncate();
switch (width) {
case 4:
return symbols.QUARTERS[quarter];
case 3:
return symbols.SHORTQUARTERS[quarter];
return padTo(width, quarter + 1);
String formatDayOfMonth(DateTime date) {
return padTo(width,;
String formatDayOfYear(DateTime date) => padTo(
date.month,, date_computation.isLeapYear(date)));
String formatDayOfWeek(DateTime date) {
// Note that Dart's weekday returns 1 for Monday and 7 for Sunday.
return (width >= 4
? symbols.WEEKDAYS
: symbols.SHORTWEEKDAYS)[(date.weekday) % 7];
void parseDayOfWeek(IntlStream input) {
// This is IGNORED, but we still have to skip over it the correct amount.
var possibilities = width >= 4 ? symbols.WEEKDAYS : symbols.SHORTWEEKDAYS;
parseEnumeratedString(input, possibilities);
void parseEra(IntlStream input) {
var possibilities = width >= 4 ? symbols.ERANAMES : symbols.ERAS;
parseEnumeratedString(input, possibilities);
String formatMinutes(DateTime date) {
return padTo(width, date.minute);
String formatSeconds(DateTime date) {
return padTo(width, date.second);
String formatTimeZoneId(DateTime date) {
// TODO(alanknight): implement time zone support
throw UnimplementedError();
String formatTimeZone(DateTime date) {
throw UnimplementedError();
String formatTimeZoneRFC(DateTime date) {
throw UnimplementedError();
/// Return a string representation of the object padded to the left with
/// zeros. Primarily useful for numbers.
String padTo(int width, Object toBePrinted) =>
parent._localizeDigits('$toBePrinted'.padLeft(width, '0'));