blob: f84cd14750d473cef43b91c42a28bc32a60b2c4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:convert';
import 'bidi.dart';
import 'text_direction.dart';
// Suppress naming issues as changing them would be breaking.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
/// Bidi stands for Bi-directional text. According to
/// [Wikipedia](
/// Bi-directional text is text containing text in both text directionalities,
/// both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR). It generally involves text
/// containing different types of alphabets, but may also refer to
/// boustrophedon, which is changing text directionality in each row.
/// Utility class for formatting display text in a potentially
/// opposite-directionality context without garbling layout issues. Mostly a
/// very "slimmed-down" and dart-ified port of the Closure Birectional
/// formatting libary. If there is a utility in the Closure library (or ICU, or
/// elsewhere) that you would like this formatter to make available, please
/// contact the Dart team.
/// Provides the following functionality:
/// 1. *BiDi Wrapping*
/// When text in one language is mixed into a document in another, opposite-
/// directionality language, e.g. when an English business name is embedded in a
/// Hebrew web page, both the inserted string and the text following it may be
/// displayed incorrectly unless the inserted string is explicitly separated
/// from the surrounding text in a "wrapper" that declares its directionality at
/// the start and then resets it back at the end. This wrapping can be done in
/// HTML mark-up (e.g. a 'span dir=rtl' tag) or - only in contexts where mark-up
/// can not be used - in Unicode BiDi formatting codes (LRE|RLE and PDF).
/// Providing such wrapping services is the basic purpose of the BiDi formatter.
/// 2. *Directionality estimation*
/// How does one know whether a string about to be inserted into surrounding
/// text has the same directionality? Well, in many cases, one knows that this
/// must be the case when writing the code doing the insertion, e.g. when a
/// localized message is inserted into a localized page. In such cases there is
/// no need to involve the BiDi formatter at all. In the remaining cases, e.g.
/// when the string is user-entered or comes from a database, the language of
/// the string (and thus its directionality) is not known a priori, and must be
/// estimated at run-time. The BiDi formatter does this automatically.
/// 3. *Escaping*
/// When wrapping plain text - i.e. text that is not already HTML or HTML-
/// escaped - in HTML mark-up, the text must first be HTML-escaped to prevent
/// XSS attacks and other nasty business. This of course is always true, but the
/// escaping cannot be done after the string has already been wrapped in
/// mark-up, so the BiDi formatter also serves as a last chance and includes
/// escaping services.
/// Thus, in a single call, the formatter will escape the input string as
/// specified, determine its directionality, and wrap it as necessary. It is
/// then up to the caller to insert the return value in the output.
class BidiFormatter {
/// The direction of the surrounding text (the context).
TextDirection contextDirection;
/// Indicates if we should always wrap the formatted text in a <span<,.
final bool _alwaysSpan;
/// Create a formatting object with a direction. If [alwaysSpan] is true we
/// should always use a `span` tag, even when the input directionality is
/// neutral or matches the context, so that the DOM structure of the output
/// does not depend on the combination of directionalities.
BidiFormatter.LTR([alwaysSpan = false])
: contextDirection = TextDirection.LTR,
_alwaysSpan = alwaysSpan;
BidiFormatter.RTL([alwaysSpan = false])
: contextDirection = TextDirection.RTL,
_alwaysSpan = alwaysSpan;
BidiFormatter.UNKNOWN([alwaysSpan = false])
: contextDirection = TextDirection.UNKNOWN,
_alwaysSpan = alwaysSpan;
/// Is true if the known context direction for this formatter is RTL.
bool get isRTL => contextDirection == TextDirection.RTL;
/// Formats a string of a given (or estimated, if not provided) [direction]
/// for use in HTML output of the context directionality, so an
/// opposite-directionality string is neither garbled nor garbles what follows
/// it.
///If the input string's directionality doesn't match the context
/// directionality, we wrap it with a `span` tag and add a `dir` attribute
/// (either "dir=rtl" or "dir=ltr"). If alwaysSpan was true when constructing
/// the formatter, the input is always wrapped with `span` tag, skipping the
/// dir attribute when it's not needed.
/// If [resetDir] is true and the overall directionality or the exit
/// directionality of [text] is opposite to the context directionality,
/// a trailing unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality is
/// appended (LRM or RLM). If [isHtml] is false, we HTML-escape the [text].
String wrapWithSpan(String text,
{bool isHtml = false, bool resetDir = true, TextDirection direction}) {
direction ??= estimateDirection(text, isHtml: isHtml);
String result;
if (!isHtml) text = const HtmlEscape().convert(text);
var directionChange = contextDirection.isDirectionChange(direction);
if (_alwaysSpan || directionChange) {
var spanDirection = '';
if (directionChange) {
spanDirection = ' dir=${direction.spanText}';
result = '<span$spanDirection>$text</span>';
} else {
result = text;
return result + (resetDir ? _resetDir(text, direction, isHtml) : '');
/// Format [text] of a known (if specified) or estimated [direction] for use
/// in *plain-text* output of the context directionality, so an
/// opposite-directionality text is neither garbled nor garbles what follows
/// it. Unlike wrapWithSpan, this makes use of unicode BiDi formatting
/// characters instead of spans for wrapping. The returned string would be
/// RLE+text+PDF for RTL text, or LRE+text+PDF for LTR text.
/// If [resetDir] is true, and if the overall directionality or the exit
/// directionality of text are opposite to the context directionality,
/// a trailing unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality is
/// appended (LRM or RLM).
/// In HTML, the *only* valid use of this function is inside of elements that
/// do not allow markup, e.g. an 'option' tag.
/// This function does *not* do HTML-escaping regardless of the value of
/// [isHtml]. [isHtml] is used to designate if the text contains HTML (escaped
/// or unescaped).
String wrapWithUnicode(String text,
{bool isHtml = false, bool resetDir = true, TextDirection direction}) {
direction ??= estimateDirection(text, isHtml: isHtml);
var result = text;
if (contextDirection.isDirectionChange(direction)) {
var marker = direction == TextDirection.RTL ? Bidi.RLE : Bidi.LRE;
result = '$marker$text${Bidi.PDF}';
return result + (resetDir ? _resetDir(text, direction, isHtml) : '');
/// Estimates the directionality of [text] using the best known
/// general-purpose method (using relative word counts). A
/// TextDirection.UNKNOWN return value indicates completely neutral input.
/// [isHtml] is true if [text] HTML or HTML-escaped.
TextDirection estimateDirection(String text, {bool isHtml = false}) {
return Bidi.estimateDirectionOfText(text, isHtml: isHtml); //TODO~!!!
/// Returns a unicode BiDi mark matching the surrounding context's [direction]
/// (not necessarily the direction of [text]). The function returns an LRM or
/// RLM if the overall directionality or the exit directionality of [text] is
/// opposite the context directionality. Otherwise
/// return the empty string. [isHtml] is true if [text] is HTML or
/// HTML-escaped.
String _resetDir(String text, TextDirection direction, bool isHtml) {
// endsWithRtl and endsWithLtr are called only if needed (short-circuit).
if ((contextDirection == TextDirection.LTR &&
(direction == TextDirection.RTL ||
Bidi.endsWithRtl(text, isHtml))) ||
(contextDirection == TextDirection.RTL &&
(direction == TextDirection.LTR ||
Bidi.endsWithLtr(text, isHtml)))) {
return contextDirection == TextDirection.LTR ? Bidi.LRM : Bidi.RLM;
} else {
return '';