blob: 1390d16a785614026ad0af83aee08448632c3681 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
import 'locale_deprecations.dart';
import 'locale_extensions.dart';
import 'locale_implementation.dart';
/// A parser for [Unicode Locale
/// Identifiers](
class LocaleParser {
/// Language subtag of Unicode Language Identifier.
String _languageCode = 'und';
/// Script subtag of Unicode Language Identifier.
String _scriptCode;
/// Region subtag of Unicode Language Identifier.
String _countryCode;
/// Variant subtags of Unicode Language Identifier.
List<String> _variants;
/// Unicode Locale Extensions, also known as "U Extension".
Map<String, String> _uExtensions;
/// Transformed Extensions, also known as "T Extension".
Map<String, String> _tExtensions;
/// Private-Use Extensions.
String _xExtensions;
/// Other Extensions.
Map<String, String> _otherExtensions;
/// List of problems with the localeId the parser tried to parse.
/// An empty list indicates problem-free parsing.
final List<String> problems = <String>[];
/// Produces a Locale instance for the parser's current state.
/// Returns null if the Locale would be syntactically invalid.
LocaleImplementation toLocale() {
if (problems.isNotEmpty) return null;
LocaleExtensions extensions;
if (_uExtensions != null ||
_tExtensions != null ||
_otherExtensions != null ||
_xExtensions != null) {
extensions = LocaleExtensions(
_uExtensions, _tExtensions, _otherExtensions, _xExtensions);
return LocaleImplementation.unsafe(
scriptCode: _scriptCode,
countryCode: _countryCode,
variants: _variants,
extensions: extensions,
/// Subtags of the Locale Identifier, as split by [separators].
List<String> _subtags;
/// RegExp that matches Unicode Locale Identifier subtag separators.
static final separators = RegExp('[-_]');
/// Last accepted subtag.
String _accepted;
/// Last accepted subtag.
String accepted() => _accepted;
/// Last accepted list of subtags (for variants).
List<String> _acceptedList;
/// Last accepted list of subtags (for variants).
List<String> acceptedList() => _acceptedList;
/// Current subtag pending acceptance.
String _current;
/// Current subtag pending acceptance.
String current() => _current;
/// Index of the current subtag.
int _currentIndex;
/// Advance to the next subtag (see [current] and [accepted]).
void advance() {
_accepted = _current;
if (_currentIndex < _subtags.length) {
_current = _subtags[_currentIndex];
} else {
_current = null;
/// Returns true if all subtags have been parsed.
bool atEnd() {
return _currentIndex >= _subtags.length;
/// Parses [Unicode CLDR Locale
/// Identifiers](
/// This method does not parse all BCP 47 tags. See [BCP 47
/// Conformance]( for
/// details.
/// localeId may not be null.
/// Parsing failed if there are any entries in [problems].
LocaleParser(String localeId) {
assert(localeId != null);
// Calling toLowerCase unconditionally should be efficient if
// string_patch.dart is in use:
localeId = localeId.toLowerCase();
if (localeId == 'root') {
_subtags = localeId.split(separators);
_currentIndex = 0;
_current = _subtags[0];
var scriptFound = false;
if (acceptLanguage()) {
_languageCode = replaceDeprecatedLanguageSubtag(accepted());
scriptFound = acceptScript();
} else {
scriptFound = acceptScript();
if (!scriptFound) {
problems.add('bad language/script');
if (scriptFound) {
_scriptCode = toCapCase(accepted());
if (acceptRegion()) {
_countryCode = replaceDeprecatedRegionSubtag(accepted().toUpperCase());
_variants = acceptedList();
if (!atEnd()) {
problems.add('bad subtag "${current()}"');
/// Consumes all remaining subtags, if syntactically valid.
/// If parsing fails, `atEnd()` will be false and/or [problems] will not be
/// empty.
void processExtensions() {
while (acceptSingleton()) {
var singleton = accepted();
if (singleton == 'u') {
} else if (singleton == 't') {
} else if (singleton == 'x') {
} else {
/// Consumes tags matched by `unicode_locale_extensions` in the specification,
/// except that the 'u' singleton must already be accepted.
/// If parsing fails, `atEnd()` will be false and/or [problems] will not be
/// empty.
void processUExtensions() {
if (_uExtensions != null) {
problems.add('duplicate "u"');
_uExtensions = <String, String>{};
var empty = true;
final attributes = <String>[];
while (acceptLowAlphaNumeric3to8()) {
if (attributes.isNotEmpty) {
empty = false;
_uExtensions[''] = attributes.join('-');
// unicode_locale_extensions: collect "(sep keyword)*".
while (acceptUExtensionKey()) {
empty = false;
var key = accepted();
final typeParts = <String>[];
while (acceptLowAlphaNumeric3to8()) {
if (!_uExtensions.containsKey(key)) {
if (typeParts.length == 1 && typeParts[0] == 'true') {
_uExtensions[key] = '';
} else {
_uExtensions[key] = typeParts.join('-');
} else {
problems.add('duplicate "$key"');
if (empty) {
problems.add('empty "u"');
/// Consumes tags matched by `transformed_extensions` in the specification,
/// except that the 't' singleton must already be accepted.
/// If parsing fails, `atEnd()` will be false and/or [problems] will not be
/// empty.
void processTExtensions() {
if (_tExtensions != null) {
problems.add('duplicate "t"');
_tExtensions = <String, String>{};
var empty = true;
final tlang = <String>[];
if (acceptLanguage()) {
empty = false;
if (acceptScript()) {
if (acceptRegion()) {
_tExtensions[''] = tlang.join('-');
// transformed_extensions: collect "(sep tfield)*".
while (acceptTExtensionKey()) {
var tkey = accepted();
final tvalueParts = <String>[];
while (acceptLowAlphaNumeric3to8()) {
if (tvalueParts.isNotEmpty) {
empty = false;
if (!_tExtensions.containsKey(tkey)) {
_tExtensions[tkey] = tvalueParts.join('-');
} else {
problems.add('duplicate "$tkey"');
} else {
problems.add('empty "$tkey"');
if (empty) {
problems.add('empty "t"');
/// Consumes tags matched by `pu_extensions` in the specification, except that
/// the 'x' singleton must already be accepted.
/// If parsing fails, `atEnd()` will be false and/or [problems] will not be
/// empty.
void processPrivateUseExtensions() {
final values = <String>[];
while (acceptLowAlphaNumeric1to8()) {
if (values.isNotEmpty) {
_xExtensions = values.join('-');
/// Consumes tags matched by `other_extensions` in the specification, except
/// that the singleton in question must already be accepted and passed as
/// parameter.
/// If parsing fails, `atEnd()` will be false and/or [problems] will not be
/// empty.
void processOtherExtensions(String singleton) {
final values = <String>[];
while (acceptLowAlphaNumeric2to8()) {
if (values.isEmpty) return;
if (_otherExtensions == null) {
_otherExtensions = <String, String>{};
} else if (_otherExtensions.containsKey(singleton)) {
problems.add('duplicate "$singleton"');
_otherExtensions[singleton] = values.join('-');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a language subtag.
bool acceptLanguage() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_languageRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _languageRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z]{2,3}$|^[a-z]{5,8}$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a script subtag.
bool acceptScript() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_scriptRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _scriptRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z]{4}$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a region subtag.
bool acceptRegion() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_regionRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _regionRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z]{2}$|^\d{3}$');
/// Advances, collecting subtags in [_acceptedList], as long as the current
/// subtag is a variant subtag.
/// Does not return a boolean: when done, _acceptedList will contain the
/// collected subtags.
void acceptVariants() {
_acceptedList = [];
while (!atEnd() && _variantRegExp.hasMatch(current())) {
static final _variantRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z\d]{5,8}$|^\d[a-z\d]{3}$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a singleton.
bool acceptSingleton() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_singletonRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _singletonRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z]$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is alphanumeric, with length
/// ranging from 1 to 8.
bool acceptLowAlphaNumeric1to8() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_alphaNumeric1to8RegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _alphaNumeric1to8RegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z\d]{1,8}$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is alphanumeric, with length
/// ranging from 2 to 8.
bool acceptLowAlphaNumeric2to8() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_alphaNumeric1to8RegExp.hasMatch(current()) || current().length < 2) {
return false;
return true;
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is alphanumeric, with length
/// ranging from 3 to 8.
bool acceptLowAlphaNumeric3to8() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_alphaNumeric1to8RegExp.hasMatch(current()) || current().length < 3) {
return false;
return true;
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a valid U Extension key.
bool acceptUExtensionKey() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_uExtensionKeyRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _uExtensionKeyRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z\d][a-z]$');
/// Advances and returns true if current subtag is a valid T Extension key
/// (`tkey` in the specification).
bool acceptTExtensionKey() {
if (atEnd()) return false;
if (!_tExtensionKeyRegExp.hasMatch(current())) return false;
return true;
static final _tExtensionKeyRegExp = RegExp(r'^[a-z]\d$');