blob: 318a18bd1eab91f0b4b8e32c4bcfbc4d93efe1a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.9
import 'package:intl/number_symbols.dart';
import 'constants.dart' as constants;
import 'intl_stream.dart';
import 'number_format.dart';
import 'number_format_parser.dart';
/// A one-time object for parsing a particular numeric string. One-time here
/// means an instance can only parse one string. This is implemented by
/// transforming from a locale-specific format to one that the system can parse,
/// then calls the system parsing methods on it.
class NumberParser {
/// The format for which we are parsing.
final NumberFormat format;
/// The text we are parsing.
final String text;
/// What we use to iterate over the input text.
final IntlStream input;
/// The result of parsing [text] according to [format]. Automatically
/// populated in the constructor.
num value;
/// The symbols used by our format.
NumberSymbols get symbols => format.symbols;
/// Where we accumulate the normalized representation of the number.
final StringBuffer _normalized = StringBuffer();
/// Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
/// a positive number.
bool gotPositive = false;
/// Did we see something that indicates this is, or at least might be,
/// a negative number.
bool gotNegative = false;
/// Did we see the required positive suffix at the end. Should
/// match [gotPositive].
bool gotPositiveSuffix = false;
/// Did we see the required negative suffix at the end. Should
/// match [gotNegative].
bool gotNegativeSuffix = false;
/// Should we stop parsing before hitting the end of the string.
bool done = false;
/// Have we already skipped over any required prefixes.
bool prefixesSkipped = false;
/// If the number is percent or permill, what do we divide by at the end.
int scale = 1;
String get _positivePrefix => format.positivePrefix;
String get _negativePrefix => format.negativePrefix;
String get _positiveSuffix => format.positiveSuffix;
String get _negativeSuffix => format.negativeSuffix;
int get _localeZero => format.localeZero;
/// Create a new [_NumberParser] on which we can call parse().
NumberParser(this.format, this.text) : input = IntlStream(text) {
scale = format.multiplier;
value = parse();
/// The strings we might replace with functions that return the replacement
/// values. They are functions because we might need to check something
/// in the context. Note that the ordering is important here. For example,
/// `symbols.PERCENT` might be " %", and we must handle that before we
/// look at an individual space.
Map<String, Function> get replacements =>
_replacements ??= _initializeReplacements();
Map<String, Function> _replacements;
Map<String, Function> _initializeReplacements() => {
symbols.DECIMAL_SEP: () => '.',
symbols.EXP_SYMBOL: () => 'E',
symbols.GROUP_SEP: handleSpace,
symbols.PERCENT: () {
scale = NumberFormatParser.PERCENT_SCALE;
return '';
symbols.PERMILL: () {
scale = NumberFormatParser.PER_MILLE_SCALE;
return '';
' ': handleSpace,
'\u00a0': handleSpace,
'+': () => '+',
'-': () => '-',
void invalidFormat() =>
throw FormatException('Invalid number: ${input.contents}');
/// Replace a space in the number with the normalized form. If space is not
/// a significant character (normally grouping) then it's just invalid. If it
/// is the grouping character, then it's only valid if it's followed by a
/// digit. e.g. '$12 345.00'
void handleSpace() =>
groupingIsNotASpaceOrElseItIsSpaceFollowedByADigit ? '' : invalidFormat();
/// Determine if a space is a valid character in the number. See
/// [handleSpace].
bool get groupingIsNotASpaceOrElseItIsSpaceFollowedByADigit {
if (symbols.GROUP_SEP != '\u00a0' || symbols.GROUP_SEP != ' ') return true;
var peeked = input.peek(symbols.GROUP_SEP.length + 1);
return asDigit(peeked[peeked.length - 1]) != null;
/// Turn [char] into a number representing a digit, or null if it doesn't
/// represent a digit in this locale.
int asDigit(String char) {
var charCode = char.codeUnitAt(0);
var digitValue = charCode - _localeZero;
if (digitValue >= 0 && digitValue < 10) {
return digitValue;
} else {
return null;
/// Check to see if the input begins with either the positive or negative
/// prefixes. Set the [gotPositive] and [gotNegative] variables accordingly.
void checkPrefixes({bool skip = false}) {
bool checkPrefix(String prefix) =>
prefix.isNotEmpty && input.startsWith(prefix);
// TODO(alanknight): There's a faint possibility of a bug here where
// a positive prefix is followed by a negative prefix that's also a valid
// part of the number, but that seems very unlikely.
if (checkPrefix(_positivePrefix)) gotPositive = true;
if (checkPrefix(_negativePrefix)) gotNegative = true;
// The positive prefix might be a substring of the negative, in
// which case both would match.
if (gotPositive && gotNegative) {
if (_positivePrefix.length > _negativePrefix.length) {
gotNegative = false;
} else if (_negativePrefix.length > _positivePrefix.length) {
gotPositive = false;
if (skip) {
if (gotPositive);
if (gotNegative);
/// If the rest of our input is either the positive or negative suffix,
/// set [gotPositiveSuffix] or [gotNegativeSuffix] accordingly.
void checkSuffixes() {
var remainder =;
if (remainder == _positiveSuffix) gotPositiveSuffix = true;
if (remainder == _negativeSuffix) gotNegativeSuffix = true;
/// We've encountered a character that's not a digit. Go through our
/// replacement rules looking for how to handle it. If we see something
/// that's not a digit and doesn't have a replacement, then we're done
/// and the number is probably invalid.
void processNonDigit() {
// It might just be a prefix that we haven't skipped. We don't want to
// skip them initially because they might also be semantically meaningful,
// e.g. leading %. So we allow them through the loop, but only once.
var foundAnInterpretation = false;
if (input.index == 0 && !prefixesSkipped) {
prefixesSkipped = true;
checkPrefixes(skip: true);
foundAnInterpretation = true;
for (var key in replacements.keys) {
if (input.startsWith(key)) {
// We haven't found either of these things, this seems invalid.
if (!foundAnInterpretation) {
done = true;
/// Parse [text] and return the resulting number. Throws [FormatException]
/// if we can't parse it.
num parse() {
if (text == symbols.NAN) return 0.0 / 0.0;
if (text == '$_positivePrefix${symbols.INFINITY}$_positiveSuffix') {
return 1.0 / 0.0;
if (text == '$_negativePrefix${symbols.INFINITY}$_negativeSuffix') {
return -1.0 / 0.0;
var parsed = parseNumber(input);
if (gotPositive && !gotPositiveSuffix) invalidNumber();
if (gotNegative && !gotNegativeSuffix) invalidNumber();
if (!input.atEnd()) invalidNumber();
return parsed;
/// The number is invalid, throw a [FormatException].
void invalidNumber() =>
throw FormatException('Invalid Number: ${input.contents}');
/// Parse the number portion of the input, i.e. not any prefixes or suffixes,
/// and assuming NaN and Infinity are already handled.
num parseNumber(IntlStream input) {
if (gotNegative) {
while (!done && !input.atEnd()) {
var digit = asDigit(input.peek());
if (digit != null) {
_normalized.writeCharCode(constants.asciiZeroCodeUnit + digit);;
} else {
var normalizedText = _normalized.toString();
num parsed = int.tryParse(normalizedText);
parsed ??= double.parse(normalizedText);
return parsed / scale;