blob: 3c7a539f8daa2a83a70d691f5ba836fa2e497b53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests the DateFormat library in dart. This file contains core tests that are
/// run regardless of where the locale data is found, so it doesn't expect to be
/// run on its own, but rather to be imported and run from another test file.
library date_time_format_tests;
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'date_time_format_test_data.dart';
var formatsToTest = const [
// TODO(alanknight): CLDR and ICU appear to disagree on these for Japanese
// DateFormat.YEAR_QUARTER,
// TODO(alanknight): Time zone support
// DateFormat.HOUR_MINUTE_TZ,
// DateFormat.HOUR_GENERIC_TZ,
// DateFormat.HOUR_TZ,
var icuFormatNamesToTest = const [
// It would be really nice to not have to duplicate this and just be able
// to use the names to get reflective access.
// TODO(alanknight): CLDR and ICU appear to disagree on these for Japanese.
// omit for the time being
// TODO(alanknight): Time zone support
// 'HOUR_TZ',
/// Exercise all of the formats we have explicitly defined on a particular
/// locale. [expectedResults] is a map from ICU format names to the
/// expected result of formatting [date] according to that format in
/// [localeName].
void testLocale(
String localeName, Map<String, String> expectedResults, DateTime date) {
var intl = Intl(localeName);
for (var i = 0; i < formatsToTest.length; i++) {
var skeleton = formatsToTest[i];
var format =;
var icuName = icuFormatNamesToTest[i];
var actualResult = format.format(date);
expect(expectedResults[icuName], equals(actualResult),
reason: 'Mismatch in $localeName, testing skeleton "$skeleton"');
void testRoundTripParsing(String localeName, DateTime date,
[bool forceAscii = false]) {
// In order to test parsing, we can't just read back the date, because
// printing in most formats loses information. But we can test that
// what we parsed back prints the same as what we originally printed.
// At least in most cases. In some cases, we can't even do that. e.g.
// the skeleton WEEKDAY can't be reconstructed at all, and YEAR_MONTH
// formats don't give us enough information to construct a valid date.
var badSkeletons = const [
for (var i = 0; i < formatsToTest.length; i++) {
var skeleton = formatsToTest[i];
if (!badSkeletons.any((x) => x == skeleton)) {
var format = DateFormat(skeleton, localeName);
if (forceAscii) format.useNativeDigits = false;
var actualResult = format.format(date);
var parsed = format.parseStrict(actualResult);
var thenPrintAgain = format.format(parsed);
expect(thenPrintAgain, equals(actualResult));
/// A shortcut for returning all the locales we have available.
List<String> allLocales() => DateFormat.allLocalesWithSymbols();
typedef SubsetFuncType = List<String> Function();
SubsetFuncType _subsetFunc;
List<String> _subsetValue;
List<String> get subset {
return _subsetValue ??= _subsetFunc();
// TODO(alanknight): Run specific tests for the en_ISO locale which isn't
// included in CLDR, and check that our patterns for it are correct (they
// very likely aren't).
void runDateTests(SubsetFuncType subsetFunc) {
assert(subsetFunc != null);
_subsetFunc = subsetFunc;
test('Multiple patterns', () {
var date =;
var multiple1 = DateFormat.yMd().add_jms();
var multiple2 = DateFormat('yMd').add_jms();
var separate1 = DateFormat.yMd();
var separate2 = DateFormat.jms();
var separateFormat = '${separate1.format(date)} ${separate2.format(date)}';
expect(multiple1.format(date), equals(multiple2.format(date)));
expect(multiple1.format(date), equals(separateFormat));
var customPunctuation = DateFormat('yMd').addPattern('jms', ':::');
var custom = '${separate1.format(date)}:::${separate2.format(date)}';
expect(customPunctuation.format(date), equals(custom));
test('Basic date format parsing', () {
var dateFormat = DateFormat('d');
expect(dateFormat.parsePattern('hh:mm:ss').map((x) => x.pattern).toList(),
orderedEquals(['hh', ':', 'mm', ':', 'ss']));
expect(dateFormat.parsePattern('hh:mm:ss').map((x) => x.pattern).toList(),
orderedEquals(['hh', ':', 'mm', ':', 'ss']));
test('Two-digit years', () {
withClock(Clock.fixed(DateTime(2000, 1, 1)), () {
var dateFormat = DateFormat('yy');
expect(dateFormat.parse('99'), DateTime(1999));
expect(dateFormat.parse('00'), DateTime(2000));
expect(dateFormat.parse('19'), DateTime(2019));
expect(dateFormat.parse('20'), DateTime(2020));
expect(dateFormat.parse('21'), DateTime(1921));
expect(dateFormat.parse('2000'), DateTime(2000));
dateFormat = DateFormat('MM-dd-yy');
expect(dateFormat.parse('12-31-19'), DateTime(2019, 12, 31));
expect(dateFormat.parse('1-1-20'), DateTime(2020, 1, 1));
expect(dateFormat.parse('1-2-20'), DateTime(1920, 1, 2));
expect(DateFormat('y').parse('99'), DateTime(99));
expect(DateFormat('yyy').parse('99'), DateTime(99));
expect(DateFormat('yyyy').parse('99'), DateTime(99));
test('Test ALL the supported formats on representative locales', () {
var aDate = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 0);
testLocale('en_US', english, aDate);
if (subset.length > 1) {
// Don't run if we have just one locale, so some of these won't be there.
testLocale('de_DE', german, aDate);
testLocale('fr_FR', french, aDate);
testLocale('ja_JP', japanese, aDate);
testLocale('el_GR', greek, aDate);
testLocale('de_AT', austrian, aDate);
test('Test round-trip parsing of dates', () {
var hours = [0, 1, 11, 12, 13, 23];
var months = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
// For locales that use non-ascii digits, e.g. 'ar', also test
// forcing ascii digits.
for (var locale in subset) {
var alsoForceAscii = DateFormat.d(locale).usesNativeDigits;
for (var month in months) {
var aDate = DateTime(2012, month, 27, 13, 58, 59, 012);
testRoundTripParsing(locale, aDate);
if (alsoForceAscii) {
testRoundTripParsing(locale, aDate, true);
for (var hour in hours) {
var aDate = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, hour, 58, 59, 123);
testRoundTripParsing(locale, aDate);
if (alsoForceAscii) {
testRoundTripParsing(locale, aDate, true);
// TODO(alanknight): The coverage for patterns and symbols differs
// at the source, in CLDR 25, so we can't guarantee that all patterns
// have symbols or vice versa. Wish we could.
test('Test malformed locales', () {
// Don't run if we have just one locale, which may not include these.
if (subset.length <= 1) return;
var aDate = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 0);
// Austrian is a useful test locale here because it differs slightly
// from the generic 'de' locale so we can tell the difference between
// correcting to 'de_AT' and falling back to just 'de'.
testLocale('de-AT', austrian, aDate);
testLocale('de_at', austrian, aDate);
testLocale('de-at', austrian, aDate);
test('Test format creation via Intl', () {
// Don't run if we have just one locale, which may not include these.
if (subset.length <= 1) return;
var intl = Intl('ja_JP');
var instanceJP ='jms');
var instanceUS ='jms', 'en_US');
var blank ='jms');
var date = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 0);
expect(instanceJP.format(date), equals('20:58:59'));
expect(instanceUS.format(date), equals('8:58:59 PM'));
expect(blank.format(date), equals('20:58:59'));
test('Test explicit format string', () {
// Don't run if we have just one locale, which may not include these.
if (subset.length <= 1) return;
var aDate = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 0);
// An explicit format that doesn't conform to any skeleton
var us = DateFormat(r'yy //// :W \\\\ dd:ss ^&@ M');
expect(us.format(aDate), equals(r'12 //// :W \\\\ 27:59 ^&@ 1'));
// The result won't change with locale unless we use fields that are words.
var greek = DateFormat(r'yy //// :W \\\\ dd:ss ^&@ M', 'el_GR');
expect(greek.format(aDate), equals(r'12 //// :W \\\\ 27:59 ^&@ 1'));
var usWithWords = DateFormat('yy / :W \\ dd:ss ^&@ MMM', 'en_US');
var greekWithWords = DateFormat('yy / :W \\ dd:ss ^&@ MMM', 'el_GR');
expect(usWithWords.format(aDate), equals(r'12 / :W \ 27:59 ^&@ Jan'));
expect(greekWithWords.format(aDate), equals(r'12 / :W \ 27:59 ^&@ Ιαν'));
var escaped = DateFormat(r"hh 'o''clock'");
expect(escaped.format(aDate), equals(r"08 o'clock"));
var reParsed = escaped.parse(escaped.format(aDate));
expect(escaped.format(reParsed), equals(escaped.format(aDate)));
var noSeparators = DateFormat('HHmmss');
expect(noSeparators.format(aDate), equals('205859'));
test('Test fractional seconds padding', () {
var one = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 1);
var oneHundred = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 100);
var fractional = DateFormat('hh:mm:ss.SSS', 'en_US');
expect(fractional.format(one), equals('08:58:59.001'));
expect(fractional.format(oneHundred), equals('08:58:59.100'));
var long = DateFormat('ss.SSSSSSSS', 'en_US');
expect(long.format(oneHundred), equals('59.10000000'));
expect(long.format(one), equals('59.00100000'));
test('Test parseUTC', () {
var local = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 1);
var utc = DateTime.utc(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 1);
// Getting the offset as a duration via difference() would be simpler,
// but doesn't work on dart2js in checked mode. See issue 4437.
var offset = utc.millisecondsSinceEpoch - local.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
var format = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
var localPrinted = format.format(local);
var parsed = format.parse(localPrinted);
var parsedUTC = format.parseUTC(format.format(utc));
var parsedOffset =
parsedUTC.millisecondsSinceEpoch - parsed.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
expect(parsedOffset, equals(offset));
expect(utc.hour, equals(parsedUTC.hour));
expect(local.hour, equals(parsed.hour));
test('Test 0-padding', () {
var someDate = DateTime(123, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
var format = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
expect(format.format(someDate), '0123-01-02 03:04:05');
test('Test default format', () {
var someDate = DateTime(2012, 1, 27, 20, 58, 59, 1);
var emptyFormat = DateFormat(null, 'en_US');
var knownDefault = DateFormat.yMMMMd('en_US').add_jms();
var result = emptyFormat.format(someDate);
var knownResult = knownDefault.format(someDate);
expect(result, knownResult);
test('Get symbols', () {
var emptyFormat = DateFormat(null, 'en_US');
var symbols = emptyFormat.dateSymbols;
expect(symbols.NARROWWEEKDAYS, ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S']);
test('Quarter calculation', () {
var quarters = [
var quarterFormat = DateFormat.QQQ();
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var month = i + 1;
var aDate = DateTime(2012, month, 27, 13, 58, 59, 012);
var formatted = quarterFormat.format(aDate);
expect(formatted, quarters[i]);
test('Quarter formatting', () {
var date = DateTime(2012, 02, 27);
var formats = {
'Q': '1',
'QQ': '01',
'QQQ': 'Q1',
'QQQQ': '1st quarter',
'QQQQQ': '00001'
formats.forEach((pattern, result) {
expect(DateFormat(pattern, 'en_US').format(date), result);
if (subset.contains('zh_CN')) {
// Especially test zh_CN formatting for `QQQ` and `yQQQ` because it
// contains a single `Q`.
expect(DateFormat.QQQ('zh_CN').format(date), '1季度');
expect(DateFormat.yQQQ('zh_CN').format(date), '2012年第1季度');
/// Generate a map from day numbers in the given [year] (where Jan 1 == 1)
/// to a Date object. If [year] is a leap year, then pass 1 for
/// [leapDay], otherwise pass 0.
Map<int, DateTime> generateDates(int year, int leapDay) =>
Iterable.generate(365 + leapDay, (n) => n + 1)
.map((day) {
// Typically a "date" would have a time value of zero, but we
// give them an hour value, because they can get created with an
// offset to the previous day in time zones where the daylight
// savings transition happens at midnight (e.g. Brazil).
var result = DateTime(year, 1, day, 3);
// TODO(alanknight): This is a workaround for
if (result.toUtc() == result) result = DateTime(year, 1, day);
return result;
void verifyOrdinals(Map<int, DateTime> dates) {
var f = DateFormat('D');
var withYear = DateFormat('yyyy D');
dates.forEach((number, date) {
var formatted = f.format(date);
expect(formatted, (number + 1).toString());
var formattedWithYear = withYear.format(date);
var parsed = withYear.parse(formattedWithYear);
// Only compare the date portion, because time zone changes (e.g. DST) can
// cause the hour values to be different.
expect(parsed.year, date.year);
expect(parsed.month, date.month);
reason: 'Mismatch between parsed ($parsed) and original ($date)');
test('Ordinal Date', () {
var f = DateFormat('D');
var dates = generateDates(2012, 1);
var nonLeapDates = generateDates(2013, 0);
// Check one hard-coded just to be on the safe side.
var aDate = DateTime(2012, 4, 27, 13, 58, 59, 012);
expect(f.format(aDate), '118');
// There are some very odd off-by-one bugs when parsing dates. Put in
// some very basic tests to try and get more information.
test('Simple Date Creation', () {
var format = DateFormat(DateFormat.NUM_MONTH);
var first = format.parse('7');
var second = format.parse('7');
var basic = DateTime(1970, 7);
var basicAgain = DateTime(1970, 7);
expect(first, second);
expect(first, basic);
expect(basic, basicAgain);
expect(first.month, 7);
test('Native digit default', () {
if (!subset.contains('ar')) return;
var nativeFormat = DateFormat.yMd('ar');
var date = DateTime(1974, 12, 30);
var native = nativeFormat.format(date);
expect(DateFormat.shouldUseNativeDigitsByDefaultFor('ar'), true);
DateFormat.useNativeDigitsByDefaultFor('ar', false);
expect(DateFormat.shouldUseNativeDigitsByDefaultFor('ar'), false);
var asciiFormat = DateFormat.yMd('ar');
var ascii = asciiFormat.format(date);
// This prints with RTL markers before the slashes. That doesn't seem good,
// but it's what the data says.
expect(ascii, '30\u200f/12\u200f/1974');
expect(native, '٣٠\u200f/١٢\u200f/١٩٧٤');
// Reset the value.
DateFormat.useNativeDigitsByDefaultFor('ar', true);
// This just tests the basic logic, which was in error, not
// formatting in different locales. See #215.
test('hours', () {
var oneToTwentyFour = DateFormat('kk');
var oneToTwelve = DateFormat('hh');
var zeroToTwentyThree = DateFormat('KK');
var zeroToEleven = DateFormat('HH');
var late = DateTime(2019, 1, 2, 0, 4, 6);
expect(oneToTwentyFour.format(late), '24');
expect(zeroToTwentyThree.format(late), '00');
expect(oneToTwelve.format(late), '12');
expect(zeroToEleven.format(late), '00');