blob: 09144e2f28f180ea3c0566f5302f6af4a9b4a02c [file] [log] [blame]
/// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
/// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
/// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests for compact format numbers, e.g. 1.2M rather than 1,200,000
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart';
import 'compact_number_test_data.dart' as testdata;
/// A place to put a case that's causing a problem and have it run first when
/// debugging
var interestingCases = {
// "mn" : [["4321", "4.32M", "whatever"]]
main() {
// ICU doesn't support compact currencies yet, so we don't have a way to
// generate automatic data for comparison. Hard-coded a couple of cases as a
// smoke test. JPY is a useful test because it has no decimalDigits and
// different grouping than USD, as well as a different currency symbol and
// suffixes.
testCurrency("ja", 1.2345, "¥1", "¥1");
testCurrency("ja", 1, "¥1", "¥1");
testCurrency("ja", 12, "¥12", "¥10");
testCurrency("ja", 123, "¥123", "¥100");
testCurrency("ja", 1234, "¥1230", "¥1000");
testCurrency("ja", 12345, "¥1.23\u4E07", "¥1\u4E07");
testCurrency("ja", 123456, "¥12.3\u4E07", "¥10\u4E07");
testCurrency("ja", 1234567, "¥123\u4e07", "¥100\u4e07");
testCurrency("ja", 12345678, "¥1230\u4e07", "¥1000\u4e07");
testCurrency("ja", 123456789, "¥1.23\u5104", "¥1\u5104");
testCurrency("ja", 0.9876, "¥1", "¥1");
testCurrency("ja", 9, "¥9", "¥9");
testCurrency("ja", 98, "¥98", "¥100");
testCurrency("ja", 987, "¥987", "¥1000");
testCurrency("ja", 9876, "¥9880", "¥1\u4E07");
testCurrency("ja", 98765, "¥9.88\u4E07", "¥10\u4E07");
testCurrency("ja", 987656, "¥98.8\u4E07", "¥100\u4E07");
testCurrency("ja", 9876567, "¥988\u4e07", "¥1000\u4e07");
testCurrency("ja", 98765678, "¥9880\u4e07", "¥1\u5104");
testCurrency("ja", 987656789, "¥9.88\u5104", "¥10\u5104");
testCurrency("en_US", 1.2345, r"$1.23", r"$1");
testCurrency("en_US", 1, r"$1.00", r"$1");
testCurrency("en_US", 12, r"$12.00", r"$10");
testCurrency("en_US", 12.3, r"$12.30", r"$10");
testCurrency("en_US", 123, r"$123", r"$100");
testCurrency("en_US", 1234, r"$1.23K", r"$1K");
testCurrency("en_US", 12345, r"$12.3K", r"$10K");
testCurrency("en_US", 123456, r"$123K", r"$100K");
testCurrency("en_US", 1234567, r"$1.23M", r"$1M");
testCurrency(String locale, num number, String expected, String expectedShort) {
test("Compact currency for $locale, $number", () {
var format = new NumberFormat.compactSimpleCurrency(locale: locale);
var result = format.format(number);
expect(result, expected);
var shortFormat = new NumberFormat.compactSimpleCurrency(locale: locale);
shortFormat.significantDigits = 1;
var shortResult = shortFormat.format(number);
expect(shortResult, expectedShort);
// TODO(alanknight): Don't just skip the whole locale if there's one problem
// case.
// TODO(alanknight): Fix the problems, or at least figure out precisely where
// the differences are.
var problemLocalesShort = [
"am", // AM Suffixes differ, not sure why.
"ca", // For CA, CLDR rules are different. Jumps from 0000 to 00 prefix, so
// 11 digits prints as 11900.
"es_419", // Some odd formatting rules for these which seem to be different
// from CLDR. wants e.g. '160000000000k' Actual: '160 B'
"es_ES", // The reverse of es_419 for a few cases. We're printing a longer
// form.
"es_US", // Like es_419 but not as many of them. e.g. Expected: '87700k'
// Actual: '87.7 M'
"es_MX", // like es_419
"fr_CA", // Several where PyICU isn't compacting. Expected: '988000000'
// Actual: '988 M'.
"gsw", // Suffixes disagree
"in", // IN not compacting 54321, looks similar to tr.
"id", // ID not compacting 54321, looks similar to tr.
"ka", // K Slight difference in the suffix
"lo", "mk", "my",
"pt_PT", // Seems to differ in appending mil or not after thousands. pt_BR
// does it.
"th", // TH Expected abbreviations as '1.09 พ.ล.' rather than '1.09 พ'
"tr", // TR Doesn't have a 0B format, goes directly to 00B, as a result 54321
// just prints as 54321
"ur", // UR Fails one with Expected: '15 ٹریلین' Actual: '150 کھرب'
/// Locales that have problems in the long format.
/// These are mostly minor differences in the characters, and many I can't read,
/// but I'm suspicious many of them are essentially the difference between
/// million and millions, which we don't distinguish. That's definitely the case
/// with e.g. DE, but our data definitely has Millionen throughout.
//TODO(alanknight): Narrow these down to particular numbers. Often it's just
// 999999.
var problemLocalesLong = [
"be", "bg", "bs",
"ca", "cs", "da", "de", "de_AT", "de_CH", "el", "es", "es_419", "es_ES",
"es_MX", "es_US", "et", "fi",
"fil", // FIL is different, seems like a genuine difference in suffixes
"fr", "fr_CA", "ga", "gl",
"gsw", // GSW seems like we have long forms and pyICU doesn't
"hr", "is", "it", "lo", // LO seems to be picking up a different pattern.
"lt", "lv", "mk", "nb", "ne", "no", "no_NO", "pl",
"pt", // PT has some issues with scale as well, but I think it's differences
// in the patterns.
"pt_BR", "pt_PT", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sr", "sr_Latn", "sv", "te", "tl",
void validate(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
validateShort(locale, expected);
validateLong(locale, expected);
/// Check each bit of test data against the short compact format, both
/// formatting and parsing.
void validateShort(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
if (problemLocalesShort.contains(locale)) {
print("Skipping problem locale '$locale' for SHORT compact number tests");
var shortFormat = new NumberFormat.compact(locale: locale);
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
test("Validate $locale SHORT for ${data.first}", () {
validateNumber(number, shortFormat, data[1]);
var int64Number = new Int64(number);
test("Validate Int64 SHORT on $locale for ${data.first}", () {
validateNumber(int64Number, shortFormat, data[1]);
// TODO(alanknight): Make this work for MicroMoney
void validateLong(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
if (problemLocalesLong.contains(locale)) {
print("Skipping problem locale '$locale' for LONG compact number tests");
var longFormat = new NumberFormat.compactLong(locale: locale);
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
test("Validate $locale LONG for ${data.first}", () {
validateNumber(number, longFormat, data[2]);
void validateNumber(number, NumberFormat format, String expected) {
var formatted = format.format(number);
var ok = closeEnough(formatted, expected);
if (!ok) {
"$formatted ${formatted.codeUnits}", "$expected ${expected.codeUnits}");
var parsed = format.parse(formatted);
var rounded = roundForPrinting(number, format);
expect((parsed - rounded) / rounded < 0.001, isTrue);
/// Duplicate a bit of the logic in formatting, where if we have a
/// number that will round to print differently depending on the number
/// of significant digits, we need to check that as well, e.g.
/// 999999 may print as 1M.
roundForPrinting(number, NumberFormat format) {
var originalLength = NumberFormat.numberOfIntegerDigits(number);
var additionalDigits = originalLength - format.significantDigits;
if (additionalDigits > 0) {
var divisor = pow(10, additionalDigits);
// If we have an Int64, value speed over precision and make it double.
var rounded = (number.toDouble() / divisor).round() * divisor;
return rounded;
return number.toDouble();
final _nbsp = 0xa0;
final _nbspString = new String.fromCharCode(_nbsp);
/// Return true if the strings are close enough to what we
/// expected to consider a pass.
/// In particular, there seem to be minor differences between what PyICU is
/// currently producing and the CLDR data. So if the strings differ only in the
/// presence or absence of a period at the end or of a space between the number
/// and the suffix, consider it close enough and return true.
bool closeEnough(String result, String reference) {
var expected = reference.replaceAll(' ', _nbspString);
if (result == expected) {
return true;
if ('$result.' == expected) {
return true;
if (result == '$expected.') {
return true;
if (_oneSpaceOnlyDifference(result, expected)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Do the two strings differ only by a single space being
/// omitted in one of them.
/// We assume non-breaking spaces because we
/// know that's what the Intl data uses. We already know the strings aren't
/// equal because that's checked first in the only caller.
bool _oneSpaceOnlyDifference(String result, String expected) {
var resultWithoutSpaces =
new String.fromCharCodes(result.codeUnits.where((x) => x != _nbsp));
var expectedWithoutSpaces =
new String.fromCharCodes(expected.codeUnits.where((x) => x != _nbsp));
var resultDifference = result.length - resultWithoutSpaces.length;
var expectedDifference = expected.length - expectedWithoutSpaces.length;
return (resultWithoutSpaces == expectedWithoutSpaces &&
resultDifference <= 1 &&
expectedDifference <= 1);