blob: 0df98d9909e4f7b51aaad15d550ef87d63cdcbda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library initialize;
// The `loader_replacer` transformer will replace this with a static_loader.
import 'src/mirror_loader.dart' as loader;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
part 'src/init_method.dart';
part 'src/initializer.dart';
/// Top level function which crawls the dependency graph and runs initializers.
/// If [typeFilter] and/or [customFilter] are supplied then only those types of
/// annotations will be parsed. If both filters are supplied they are treated
/// as an AND.
/// If [from] is supplied then initializers will be found starting from the
/// library at the supplied uri.
/// **Warning**: Do not use [from] directly in your code unless you are building
/// a framework that will use a transformer to remove this argument later. This
/// parameter is supported in Dartium, but [run] will throw if you use the
/// argument after building an application with `pub build` or `pub serve`.
Future run({List<Type> typeFilter, InitializerFilter customFilter, Uri from}) {
return _runInitQueue(loader.loadInitializers(
typeFilter: typeFilter, customFilter: customFilter, from: from));
Future _runInitQueue(Queue<Function> initializers) {
if (initializers.isEmpty) return new Future.value(null);
var initializer = initializers.removeFirst();
var val = initializer();
if (val is! Future) val = new Future.value(val);
return val.then((_) => _runInitQueue(initializers));