blob: 1911ee3b686acca095b8f97575740226f9d8510b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jakemac): swap this to @TestOn('pub-serve') once
// is completed.
library initialize.initializer_custom_filter_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:initialize/initialize.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:initialize/src/initialize_tracker.dart';
main() {
test('filter option limits which types of annotations will be ran', () {
var originalSize;
return runPhase(1)
.then((_) {
// Even though Baz extends Bar, only Baz should be run.
expect(InitializeTracker.seen, [Baz]);
.then((_) => runPhase(2))
.then((_) {
expect(InitializeTracker.seen, [Baz, foo]);
.then((_) => runPhase(3))
.then((_) {
expect(InitializeTracker.seen, [Baz, foo, Foo]);
.then((_) => runPhase(4))
.then((_) {
expect(InitializeTracker.seen, [Baz, foo, Foo, Bar]);
.then((_) {
originalSize = InitializeTracker.seen.length;
.then((_) => runPhase(1))
.then((_) => runPhase(2))
.then((_) => runPhase(3))
.then((_) => runPhase(4))
.then((_) => run())
.then((_) {
expect(InitializeTracker.seen.length, originalSize);
Future runPhase(int phase) => run(
customFilter: (Initializer meta) =>
meta is PhasedInitializer && meta.phase == phase);
class Foo {}
foo() {}
class Bar {}
class Baz extends Bar {}
// Initializer that has a phase associated with it, this can be used in
// combination with a custom filter to run intialization in phases.
class PhasedInitializer extends InitializeTracker {
final int phase;
const PhasedInitializer(this.phase);