blob: bf4520f4543b704941565233491a22bab36c3af1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library initialize.transformer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/assets.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/src/dart_sdk.dart' as dart_sdk;
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' as dom;
import 'package:html/parser.dart' show parse;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'build/initializer_plugin.dart';
export 'build/initializer_plugin.dart';
/// Create a new [Asset] which inlines your [Initializer] annotations into
/// a new file that bootstraps your application.
Asset generateBootstrapFile(Resolver resolver, Transform transform,
AssetId primaryAssetId, AssetId newEntryPointId,
{bool errorIfNotFound: true, List<InitializerPlugin> plugins,
bool appendDefaultPlugin: true}) {
if (appendDefaultPlugin) {
if (plugins == null) plugins = [];
plugins.add(const DefaultInitializerPlugin());
return new _BootstrapFileBuilder(
resolver, transform, primaryAssetId, newEntryPointId, errorIfNotFound,
plugins: plugins).run();
/// Transformer which removes the mirror-based initialization logic and replaces
/// it with static logic.
class InitializeTransformer extends Transformer {
final Resolvers _resolvers;
final Iterable<Glob> _entryPointGlobs;
final bool _errorIfNotFound;
final List<InitializerPlugin> plugins;
InitializeTransformer(List<String> entryPoints,
{bool errorIfNotFound: true, this.plugins})
: _entryPointGlobs = => new Glob(e)),
_errorIfNotFound = errorIfNotFound,
_resolvers = new Resolvers.fromMock(dart_sdk.mockSdkSources);
factory InitializeTransformer.asPlugin(BarbackSettings settings) =>
new InitializeTransformer(_readFileList(settings, 'entry_points'));
bool isPrimary(AssetId id) => _entryPointGlobs.any((g) => g.matches(id.path));
Future apply(Transform transform) {
if ('.dart')) {
return _buildBootstrapFile(transform);
} else if ('.html')) {
return transform.primaryInput.readAsString().then((html) {
var document = parse(html);
var originalDartFile =
_findMainScript(document,, transform);
return _buildBootstrapFile(transform, primaryId: originalDartFile)
.then((AssetId newDartFile) {
return _replaceEntryWithBootstrap(transform, document,, originalDartFile, newDartFile);
} else {
'Invalid entry point ${}. Must be either a '
'.dart or .html file.');
return new Future.value();
// Returns the AssetId of the newly created bootstrap file.
Future<AssetId> _buildBootstrapFile(Transform transform,
{AssetId primaryId}) {
if (primaryId == null) primaryId =;
var newEntryPointId = new AssetId(primaryId.package,
return transform.hasInput(newEntryPointId).then((exists) {
if (exists) {
.error('New entry point file $newEntryPointId already exists.');
return null;
return _resolvers.get(transform, [primaryId]).then((resolver) {
resolver, transform, primaryId, newEntryPointId,
errorIfNotFound: _errorIfNotFound, plugins: plugins));
return newEntryPointId;
// Finds the first (and only) dart script on an html page and returns the
// [AssetId] that points to it
AssetId _findMainScript(
dom.Document document, AssetId entryPoint, Transform transform) {
var scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/dart"]');
if (scripts.length != 1) {
transform.logger.error('Expected exactly one dart script in $entryPoint '
'but found ${scripts.length}.');
return null;
var src = scripts[0].attributes['src'];
if (src == null) {
// TODO(jakemac): Support inline scripts,
transform.logger.error('Inline scripts are not supported at this time, '
return null;
return uriToAssetId(
entryPoint, src, transform.logger, scripts[0].sourceSpan);
// Replaces script tags pointing to [originalDartFile] with [newDartFile] in
// [entryPoint].
void _replaceEntryWithBootstrap(Transform transform, dom.Document document,
AssetId entryPoint, AssetId originalDartFile, AssetId newDartFile) {
var found = false;
var scripts = document
.where((script) {
var assetId = uriToAssetId(entryPoint, script.attributes['src'],
transform.logger, script.sourceSpan);
return assetId == originalDartFile;
if (scripts.length != 1) {
'Expected exactly one script pointing to $originalDartFile in '
'$entryPoint, but found ${scripts.length}.');
scripts[0].attributes['src'] = path.url.relative(newDartFile.path,
from: path.dirname(entryPoint.path));
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(entryPoint, document.outerHtml));
// Class which builds a bootstrap file.
class _BootstrapFileBuilder {
final Resolver _resolver;
final Transform _transform;
final bool _errorIfNotFound;
AssetId _entryPoint;
AssetId _newEntryPoint;
/// The resolved initialize library.
LibraryElement _initializeLibrary;
/// The resolved Initializer class from the initialize library.
ClassElement _initializer;
/// Queue for intialization annotations.
final _initQueue = new Queue<InitializerData>();
/// All the annotations we have seen for each element
final _seenAnnotations = new Map<Element, Set<ElementAnnotation>>();
/// The list of [InitializerPlugin]s to apply. The first plugin which asks to
/// be applied to a given initializer is the only one that will apply.
List<InitializerPlugin> _plugins;
TransformLogger _logger;
_BootstrapFileBuilder(this._resolver, this._transform, this._entryPoint,
this._newEntryPoint, this._errorIfNotFound,
{List<InitializerPlugin> plugins}) {
_logger = _transform.logger;
_initializeLibrary =
_resolver.getLibrary(new AssetId('initialize', 'lib/initialize.dart'));
if (_initializeLibrary != null) {
_initializer = _initializeLibrary.getType('Initializer');
} else if (_errorIfNotFound) {
_logger.warning('Unable to read "package:initialize/initialize.dart". '
'This file must be imported via $_entryPoint or a transitive '
_plugins = plugins != null ? plugins : [const DefaultInitializerPlugin()];
/// Creates and returns the new bootstrap file.
Asset run() {
var entryLib = _resolver.getLibrary(_entryPoint);
return new Asset.fromString(_newEntryPoint, _buildNewEntryPoint(entryLib));
/// Reads Initializer annotations on this library and all its dependencies in
/// post-order.
void _readLibraries(LibraryElement library, [Set<LibraryElement> seen]) {
if (seen == null) seen = new Set<LibraryElement>();
// Visit all our dependencies.
for (var library in _sortedLibraryDependencies(library)) {
// Don't include anything from the sdk.
if (library.isInSdk) continue;
if (seen.contains(library)) continue;
_readLibraries(library, seen);
// Read annotations in this order: library, top level methods, classes.
for (var method in _topLevelMethodsOfLibrary(library, seen)) {
for (var clazz in _classesOfLibrary(library, seen)) {
readSuperClassAnnotations(InterfaceType superClass) {
if (superClass == null) return;
if (_readAnnotations(superClass.element) &&
superClass.element.library != clazz.library) {
'We have detected a cycle in your import graph when running '
'initializers on ${}. This means the super class '
'${} has a dependency on this library '
'(possibly transitive).');
bool _readAnnotations(Element element) {
var found = false;
if (element.metadata.isEmpty) return found;
var metaNodes;
var node = element.node;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier && node.parent is LibraryIdentifier) {
metaNodes = node.parent.parent.metadata;
} else if (node is ClassDeclaration || node is FunctionDeclaration) {
metaNodes = node.metadata;
} else {
return found;
metaNodes.where((Annotation metaNode) {
// First filter out anything that is not a Initializer.
var meta = metaNode.elementAnnotation;
var e = meta.element;
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return _isInitializer(e.variable.evaluationResult.value.type);
} else if (e is ConstructorElement) {
return _isInitializer(e.returnType);
return false;
}).where((Annotation metaNode) {
var meta = metaNode.elementAnnotation;
_seenAnnotations.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Set<ElementAnnotation>());
return !_seenAnnotations[element].contains(meta);
}).forEach((Annotation metaNode) {
var meta = metaNode.elementAnnotation;
_initQueue.addLast(new InitializerData._(node, metaNode));
found = true;
return found;
String _buildNewEntryPoint(LibraryElement entryLib) {
var importsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
var initializersBuffer = new StringBuffer();
var libraryPrefixes = new Map<LibraryElement, String>();
// Import the static_loader, initializer, and original entry point.
.writeln("import 'package:initialize/src/static_loader.dart';");
importsBuffer.writeln("import 'package:initialize/initialize.dart';");
libraryPrefixes[entryLib] = 'i0';
while (_initQueue.isNotEmpty) {
var next = _initQueue.removeFirst();
next.targetElement.library, () => 'i${libraryPrefixes.length}');
() => 'i${libraryPrefixes.length}');
// Run the first plugin which asks to be ran and then stop.
var data = new InitializerPluginData(
next, _newEntryPoint, libraryPrefixes, _resolver, _logger);
var plugin = _plugins.firstWhere((p) => p.shouldApply(data), orElse: () {
_logger.error('No InitializerPlugin handled the annotation: '
'${next.annotationElement} on: ${next.targetElement}.');
if (plugin == null) continue;
var text = plugin.apply(data);
if (text != null) initializersBuffer.writeln('$text,');
.forEach((lib, prefix) => _writeImport(lib, prefix, importsBuffer));
// TODO(jakemac): copyright and library declaration
return new DartFormatter().format('''
main() {
_writeImport(LibraryElement lib, String prefix, StringBuffer buffer) {
AssetId id = (lib.source as dynamic).assetId;
if (id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
var packagePath = id.path.replaceFirst('lib/', '');
buffer.write("import 'package:${id.package}/${packagePath}'");
} else if (id.package != _newEntryPoint.package) {
_logger.error("Can't import `${id}` from `${_newEntryPoint}`");
} else if (path.url.split(id.path)[0] ==
path.url.split(_newEntryPoint.path)[0]) {
var relativePath = path.url.relative(id.path,
from: path.url.dirname(_newEntryPoint.path));
buffer.write("import '${relativePath}'");
} else {
_logger.error("Can't import `${id}` from `${_newEntryPoint}`");
buffer.writeln(' as $prefix;');
bool _isInitializer(InterfaceType type) {
// If `_initializer` wasn't found then it was never loaded (even
// transitively), and so no annotations can be initializers.
if (_initializer == null) return false;
if (type == null) return false;
if (type.element.type == _initializer.type) return true;
if (_isInitializer(type.superclass)) return true;
for (var interface in type.interfaces) {
if (_isInitializer(interface)) return true;
return false;
/// Retrieves all top-level methods that are visible if you were to import
/// [lib]. This includes exported methods from other libraries too.
List<FunctionElement> _topLevelMethodsOfLibrary(
LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryElement> seen) {
var methods = [];
var orderedExports = new List.from(library.exports)
..sort((a, b) => a.uriOffset.compareTo(b.uriOffset));
for (var export in orderedExports) {
if (seen.contains(export.exportedLibrary)) continue;
methods.addAll(_topLevelMethodsOfLibrary(export.exportedLibrary, seen));
for (CompilationUnitElement unit in _orderedUnits(library)) {
methods.addAll(new List.from(unit.functions)
..sort((a, b) => a.nameOffset.compareTo(b.nameOffset)));
return methods;
/// Retrieves all classes that are visible if you were to import [lib]. This
/// includes exported classes from other libraries.
List<ClassElement> _classesOfLibrary(
LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryElement> seen) {
var classes = [];
var orderedExports = new List.from(library.exports)
..sort((a, b) => a.uriOffset.compareTo(b.uriOffset));
for (var export in orderedExports) {
if (seen.contains(export.exportedLibrary)) continue;
classes.addAll(_classesOfLibrary(export.exportedLibrary, seen));
for (var unit in _orderedUnits(library)) {
classes.addAll(new List.from(unit.types)
..sort((a, b) => a.nameOffset.compareTo(b.nameOffset)));
return classes;
List<CompilationUnitElement> _orderedUnits(LibraryElement library) {
var definingUnit = library.definingCompilationUnit;
// The first item is the source library, remove it for now.
return new List.from(library.units)
..sort((a, b) {
if (a == definingUnit) return 1;
if (b == definingUnit) return -1;
return a.uri.compareTo(b.uri);
Iterable<LibraryElement> _sortedLibraryDependencies(LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(jakemac): Investigate supporting annotations on part-of directives.
getLibrary(UriReferencedElement element) {
if (element is ImportElement) return element.importedLibrary;
if (element is ExportElement) return element.exportedLibrary;
return (new List.from(library.imports)
..sort((a, b) => a.nameOffset.compareTo(b.nameOffset))).map(getLibrary);
/// An [Initializer] annotation and the target of that annotation.
class InitializerData {
/// The target [AstNode] of the annotation.
final AstNode targetNode;
/// The [Annotation] representing the annotation itself.
final Annotation annotationNode;
/// The [ElementAnnotation] representing the annotation itself.
ElementAnnotation get annotationElement => annotationNode.elementAnnotation;
/// The target [Element] of the annotation.
Element get targetElement {
if (targetNode is SimpleIdentifier &&
targetNode.parent is LibraryIdentifier) {
return (targetNode.parent.parent as LibraryDirective).element;
} else if (targetNode is ClassDeclaration ||
targetNode is FunctionDeclaration) {
return (targetNode as dynamic).element;
} else {
return null;
InitializerData._(this.targetNode, this.annotationNode);
// Reads a file list from a barback settings configuration field.
_readFileList(BarbackSettings settings, String field) {
var value = settings.configuration[field];
if (value == null) return null;
var files = [];
bool error;
if (value is List) {
files = value;
error = value.any((e) => e is! String);
} else if (value is String) {
files = [value];
error = false;
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
print('Bad value for "$field" in the initialize transformer. '
'Expected either one String or a list of Strings.');
return files;