blob: 1512ec9b63f4f82506e3b26c581e70eb32214f18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library initialize.mirror_loader;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:initialize/initialize.dart';
Queue<Function> loadInitializers(
{List<Type> typeFilter, InitializerFilter customFilter}) {
return new InitializationCrawler(typeFilter, customFilter).run();
// Crawls a library and all its dependencies for `Initializer` annotations using
// mirrors
class InitializationCrawler {
// Set of all visited annotations, keys are the declarations that were
// annotated, values are the annotations that have been processed.
static final _annotationsFound =
new Map<DeclarationMirror, Set<InstanceMirror>>();
// If non-null, then only these annotations should be processed.
final List<Type> typeFilter;
// If non-null, then only annotations which return true when passed to this
// function will be processed.
final InitializerFilter customFilter;
// The root library that we start parsing from.
LibraryMirror _root;
InitializationCrawler(this.typeFilter, this.customFilter,
{LibraryMirror root}) {
_root = root == null ? currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary : root;
// The primary function in this class, invoke it to crawl and collect all the
// annotations into a queue of init functions.
Queue<Function> run() => _readLibraryDeclarations(_root);
// Reads Initializer annotations on this library and all its dependencies in
// post-order.
Queue<Function> _readLibraryDeclarations(LibraryMirror lib,
[Set<LibraryMirror> librariesSeen, Queue<Function> queue]) {
if (librariesSeen == null) librariesSeen = new Set<LibraryMirror>();
if (queue == null) queue = new Queue<Function>();
// First visit all our dependencies.
for (var dependency in _sortedLibraryDependencies(lib)) {
// Skip dart: imports, they never use this package.
if (dependency.targetLibrary.uri.toString().startsWith('dart:')) continue;
if (librariesSeen.contains(dependency.targetLibrary)) continue;
_readLibraryDeclarations(dependency.targetLibrary, librariesSeen, queue);
// Second parse the library directive annotations.
_readAnnotations(lib, queue);
// Last, parse all class and method annotations.
for (var declaration in _sortedLibraryDeclarations(lib)) {
_readAnnotations(declaration, queue);
// Check classes for static annotations which are not supported
if (declaration is ClassMirror) {
for (var classDeclaration in declaration.declarations.values) {
_readAnnotations(classDeclaration, queue);
return queue;
Iterable<LibraryDependencyMirror> _sortedLibraryDependencies(
LibraryMirror lib) => new List.from(lib.libraryDependencies)
..sort((a, b) {
var aScheme = a.targetLibrary.uri.scheme;
var bScheme = b.targetLibrary.uri.scheme;
if (aScheme != 'file' && bScheme == 'file') return -1;
if (bScheme != 'file' && aScheme == 'file') return 1;
return _relativeLibraryUri(a).compareTo(_relativeLibraryUri(b));
String _relativeLibraryUri(LibraryDependencyMirror lib) {
if (lib.targetLibrary.uri.scheme == 'file' &&
lib.sourceLibrary.uri.scheme == 'file') {
return path.relative(lib.targetLibrary.uri.path,
from: path.dirname(lib.sourceLibrary.uri.path));
return lib.targetLibrary.uri.toString();
Iterable<DeclarationMirror> _sortedLibraryDeclarations(LibraryMirror lib) =>
.where((d) => d is ClassMirror || d is MethodMirror)
..sort((a, b) {
if (a is MethodMirror && b is ClassMirror) return -1;
if (a is ClassMirror && b is MethodMirror) return 1;
return _declarationName(a).compareTo(_declarationName(b));
String _declarationName(DeclarationMirror declaration) =>
// Reads annotations on declarations and adds them to `_initQueue` if they are
// initializers.
void _readAnnotations(DeclarationMirror declaration, Queue<Function> queue) {
var annotations =
declaration.metadata.where((m) => _filterMetadata(declaration, m));
for (var meta in annotations) {
// Initialize super classes first, if they are in the same library,
// otherwise we throw an error. This can only be the case if there are
// cycles in the imports.
if (declaration is ClassMirror && declaration.superclass != null) {
if (declaration.superclass.owner == declaration.owner) {
_readAnnotations(declaration.superclass, queue);
} else {
var superMetas = declaration.superclass.metadata
.where((m) => _filterMetadata(declaration.superclass, m))
if (superMetas.isNotEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'We have detected a cycle in your import graph when running '
'initializers on ${declaration.qualifiedName}. This means the '
'super class ${declaration.superclass.qualifiedName} has a '
'dependency on this library (possibly transitive).');
var annotatedValue;
if (declaration is ClassMirror) {
annotatedValue = declaration.reflectedType;
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror) {
if (declaration.owner is! LibraryMirror) {
// TODO(jakemac): Support static class methods.
annotatedValue = (declaration.owner as ObjectMirror)
} else if (declaration is LibraryMirror) {
annotatedValue = declaration.qualifiedName;
} else {
queue.addLast(() => meta.reflectee.initialize(annotatedValue));
// Filter function that returns true only if `meta` is an `Initializer`,
// it passes the `typeFilter` and `customFilter` if they exist, and it has not
// yet been seen.
bool _filterMetadata(DeclarationMirror declaration, InstanceMirror meta) {
if (meta.reflectee is! Initializer) return false;
if (typeFilter != null &&
!typeFilter.any((t) => meta.reflectee.runtimeType == t)) {
return false;
if (customFilter != null && !customFilter(meta.reflectee)) return false;
if (!_annotationsFound.containsKey(declaration)) {
_annotationsFound[declaration] = new Set<InstanceMirror>();
if (_annotationsFound[declaration].contains(meta)) return false;
return true;
final _TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTIONS_ONLY = new UnsupportedError(
'Only top level methods are supported for initializers');
final _UNSUPPORTED_DECLARATION = new UnsupportedError(
'Initializers are only supported on libraries, classes, and top level '