blob: f049df0aa51b2f7542a6a4de154361d4a568d927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
import 'package:initialize/transformer.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// A plug which allows an initializer to write out an [InitEntry] given some
/// [InitializerData] from an annotation that was found.
abstract class InitializerPlugin {
/// Whether or not this plugin should be applied to an [Initializer] given
/// some [InitializerData]. If [true] is returned then this plugin will take
/// ownership of this [InitializerData] and no subsequent plugins will have
/// an opportunity to access it.
bool shouldApply(InitializerPluginData data);
/// Returns a [String] or [null]. The [String] should represent dart code
/// which creates a new [InitEntry] and that entry is added to the static
/// initializers list. If [null] is returned then no entry is added at all for
/// this [InitializerData].
String apply(InitializerPluginData data);
/// A class which wraps all the default data passed to an [InitializerPlugin]
/// for each annotation.
class InitializerPluginData {
final InitializerData initializer;
final AssetId bootstrapId;
final Map<LibraryElement, String> libraryPrefixes;
final TransformLogger logger;
final Resolver resolver;
InitializerPluginData(this.initializer, this.bootstrapId,
this.libraryPrefixes, this.resolver, this.logger);
/// The basic [InitializerPlugin]. This generates a new [InitEntry] to be added
/// to the static initializers list, and applies to every item it sees.
class DefaultInitializerPlugin implements InitializerPlugin {
const DefaultInitializerPlugin();
/// Applies to everything. Put other plugins before this one to override this
/// behaviour.
bool shouldApply(InitializerPluginData data) => true;
/// Creates a normal [InitEntry] string.
String apply(InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var target = buildTarget(pluginData);
var meta = buildMeta(pluginData);
return 'new InitEntry($meta, $target)';
/// Builds a [String] representing the meta of an [InitEntry] given an
/// [ElementAnnotation] that was found.
String buildMeta(InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var logger = pluginData.logger;
var elementAnnotation = pluginData.initializer.annotationElement;
var elementAnnotationElement = elementAnnotation.element;
if (elementAnnotationElement is ConstructorElement) {
return buildConstructorMeta(elementAnnotation, pluginData);
} else if (elementAnnotationElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return buildPropertyMeta(elementAnnotation, pluginData);
} else {
logger.error('Unsupported annotation type. Only constructors and '
'properties are supported as initializers.');
return null;
/// Builds a [String] representing the meta of an [InitEntry] given an
/// [ElementAnnotation] whose element was a [ConstructorElement].
String buildConstructorMeta(
ElementAnnotation elementAnnotation, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var logger = pluginData.logger;
var node = pluginData.initializer.targetNode;
var metaPrefix =
var annotation = pluginData.initializer.annotationNode;
if (annotation == null) {
'Initializer annotations are only supported on libraries, classes, '
'and top level methods. Found $node.');
var clazz =;
var constructor = annotation.constructorName == null
? ''
: '.${annotation.constructorName}';
var args = buildArgumentList(annotation.arguments, pluginData);
return 'const $metaPrefix.${clazz}$constructor$args';
/// Builds a [String] representing the meta of an [InitEntry] given an
/// [ElementAnnotation] whose element was a [PropertyAccessorElement].
String buildPropertyMeta(
ElementAnnotation annotation, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var metaPrefix = pluginData.libraryPrefixes[annotation.element.library];
return '$metaPrefix.${}';
/// Builds a [String] for the target of an [InitEntry] given an [Element] that
/// was annotated.
String buildTarget(InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var element = pluginData.initializer.targetElement;
var logger = pluginData.logger;
if (element is LibraryElement) {
return buildLibraryTarget(element, pluginData);
} else if (element is ClassElement) {
return buildClassTarget(element, pluginData);
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
return buildFunctionTarget(element, pluginData);
} else {
logger.error('Initializers can only be applied to top level functions, '
'libraries, and classes.');
return null;
/// Builds a [String] for the target of an [InitEntry] given [element] which
/// is an annotated class.
String buildClassTarget(
ClassElement element, InitializerPluginData pluginData) =>
buildSimpleTarget(element, pluginData);
/// Builds a [String] for the target of an [InitEntry] given [element] which
/// is an annotated function.
String buildFunctionTarget(
FunctionElement element, InitializerPluginData pluginData) =>
buildSimpleTarget(element, pluginData);
/// Builds a [String] for the target of an [InitEntry] for a simple [Element].
/// This is just the library prefix followed by the element name.
String buildSimpleTarget(Element element, InitializerPluginData pluginData) =>
/// Builds a [String] for the target of an [InitEntry] given [element] which
/// is an annotated library.
String buildLibraryTarget(
LibraryElement element, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var bootstrapId = pluginData.bootstrapId;
var logger = pluginData.logger;
var segments = element.source.uri.pathSegments;
var package = segments[0];
var libraryPath;
var packageString;
if (bootstrapId.package == package &&
bootstrapId.path.startsWith('${segments[1]}/')) {
// reset `package` to null, we will do a relative path in this case.
packageString = 'null';
libraryPath = path.url.relative(
path.url.joinAll(segments.getRange(1, segments.length)),
from: path.url.dirname(path.url.join(bootstrapId.path)));
} else if (segments[1] == 'lib') {
packageString = "'$package'";
libraryPath = path.url.joinAll(segments.getRange(2, segments.length));
} else {
logger.error('Unable to import `${element.source.uri.path}` from '
return "const LibraryIdentifier"
"(#${}, $packageString, '$libraryPath')";
/// Builds a [String] representing an [ArgumentList] taking into account the
/// [libraryPrefixes] from [pluginData].
String buildArgumentList(
ArgumentList args, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
var first = true;
for (var arg in args.arguments) {
if (!first) buffer.write(', ');
first = false;
Expression expression;
if (arg is NamedExpression) {
buffer.write('${}: ');
expression = arg.expression;
} else {
expression = arg;
buffer.write(buildExpression(expression, pluginData));
return buffer.toString();
/// Builds a [String] representing [expression] taking into account the
/// [libraryPrefixes] from [pluginData].
String buildExpression(
Expression expression, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var logger = pluginData.logger;
var libraryPrefixes = pluginData.libraryPrefixes;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (expression is StringLiteral && expression.stringValue != null) {
} else if (expression is BooleanLiteral ||
expression is DoubleLiteral ||
expression is IntegerLiteral ||
expression is NullLiteral) {
} else if (expression is ListLiteral) {
buffer.write('const [');
var first = true;
for (Expression listExpression in expression.elements) {
if (!first) buffer.write(', ');
first = false;
buffer.write(buildExpression(listExpression, pluginData));
} else if (expression is MapLiteral) {
buffer.write('const {');
var first = true;
for (MapLiteralEntry entry in expression.entries) {
if (!first) buffer.write(', ');
first = false;
buffer.write(buildExpression(entry.key, pluginData));
buffer.write(': ');
buffer.write(buildExpression(entry.value, pluginData));
} else if (expression is Identifier) {
var element = expression.bestElement;
if (element == null) {
logger.error('Unable to get `bestElement` for expression: $expression');
} else if (!element.isPublic) {
// Inline the evaluated value of private identifiers.
buffer.write(_evaluateExpression(expression, pluginData));
} else {
element.library, () => 'i${libraryPrefixes.length}');
if (element is ClassElement) {
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var variable = element.variable;
if (variable is FieldElement) {
} else {
logger.error('Unsupported argument to initializer constructor.');
} else if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
buffer.write(buildExpression(, pluginData));
} else if (expression is InstanceCreationExpression) {
logger.error('Unsupported expression in initializer, found $expression. '
'Instance creation expressions are not supported (yet). Instead, '
'please assign it to a const variable and use that instead.');
} else {
buffer.write(_evaluateExpression(expression, pluginData));
return buffer.toString();
Expression expression, InitializerPluginData pluginData) {
var logger = pluginData.logger;
var result = pluginData.resolver.evaluateConstant(
pluginData.initializer.targetElement.library, expression);
if (!result.isValid) {
logger.error('Invalid expression in initializer, found $expression. '
'And got the following errors: ${result.errors}.');
return null;
var value = _getValue(result.value);
if (value == null) {
logger.error('Unsupported expression in initializer, found '
'$expression. Please file a bug at '
if (value is String) value = _stringValue(value);
return value;
// Returns an expression for a string value. Wraps it in single quotes and
// escapes existing single quotes and escapes.
_stringValue(String value) {
value = value.replaceAll(r'\', r'\\').replaceAll(r"'", r"\'");
return "'$value'";
// Gets an actual value for a [DartObject].
_getValue(DartObject object) {
if (object == null) return null;
var value = object.toBoolValue() ??
object.toDoubleValue() ??
object.toIntValue() ??
if (value == null) {
value = object.toListValue();
if (value != null) {
return element) => _getValue(element)).toList();
Map<DartObject, DartObject> map = object.toMapValue();
if (map != null) {
Map result = {};
map.forEach((DartObject key, DartObject value) {
dynamic mappedKey = _getValue(key);
if (mappedKey != null) {
result[mappedKey] = _getValue(value);
return result;
return value;