blob: 52adb78b640a8b91ecac583a807e74ae7cc941fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Defines messages exchanged between the cronet_http native and Dart code.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
enum CacheMode {
/// An event message sent when the response headers are received.
/// If [StartRequest.followRedirects] was false, then the first response,
/// regardless of whether it is a redirect or not, will be returned. Otherwise,
/// this is the response after all redirects have been followed.
/// See
/// [UrlRequest.Callback.onResponseStarted](,-urlresponseinfo-info)
class ResponseStarted {
Map<String?, List<String?>?> headers;
int statusCode;
String statusText;
bool isRedirect;
/// An event message sent when part of the response body has been received.
/// See
/// [UrlRequest.Callback.onReadCompleted](,-urlresponseinfo-info,-bytebuffer-bytebuffer)
class ReadCompleted {
Uint8List data;
enum ExceptionType {
enum EventMessageType { responseStarted, readCompleted, tooManyRedirects }
/// Encapsulates a message sent from Cronet to the Dart client.
class EventMessage {
EventMessageType type;
// Set if [type] == responseStarted;
ResponseStarted? responseStarted;
// Set if [type] == readCompleted;
ReadCompleted? readCompleted;
class CreateEngineRequest {
CacheMode? cacheMode;
int? cacheMaxSize;
bool? enableBrotli;
bool? enableHttp2;
bool? enablePublicKeyPinningBypassForLocalTrustAnchors;
bool? enableQuic;
String? storagePath;
String? userAgent;
class CreateEngineResponse {
String? engineId;
String? errorString;
ExceptionType? errorType;
class StartRequest {
String engineId;
String url;
String method;
Map<String?, String?> headers;
Uint8List body;
int maxRedirects;
bool followRedirects;
class StartResponse {
// The channel that the caller should listen to for events related to the
// HTTP request.
String eventChannel;
abstract class HttpApi {
// Create a new CronetEngine with the given properties and returns it's id.
CreateEngineResponse createEngine(CreateEngineRequest request);
// Free the resources associated with the CronetEngine.
void freeEngine(String engineId);
/// Starts an HTTP request using an existing CronetEngine and returns a
/// channel where future results will be streamed.
StartResponse start(StartRequest request);
// Pigeon does not generate code for classes that are not used in an API.
// So create a dummy method that includes classes that will be used for
// other purposes e.g. are sent over an `EventChannel`.
void dummy(EventMessage message);