blob: a525773316a7cc0229cce47c36ab2b8c6ea30183 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A [Client] implementation based on the
/// [Foundation URL Loading System](
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:http_profile/http_profile.dart';
import 'cupertino_api.dart';
final _digitRegex = RegExp(r'^\d+$');
/// This class can be removed when `package:http` v2 is released.
class _StreamedResponseWithUrl extends StreamedResponse
implements BaseResponseWithUrl {
final Uri url;
_StreamedResponseWithUrl(, super.statusCode,
{required this.url,
class _TaskTracker {
final responseCompleter = Completer<URLResponse>();
final BaseRequest request;
final responseController = StreamController<Uint8List>();
final HttpClientRequestProfile? profile;
int numRedirects = 0;
Uri? lastUrl; // The last URL redirected to.
_TaskTracker(this.request, this.profile);
void close() {
/// A HTTP [Client] based on the
/// [Foundation URL Loading System](
/// For example:
/// ```
/// void main() async {
/// var client = CupertinoClient.defaultSessionConfiguration();
/// final response = await client.get(
/// Uri.https('', '/books/v1/volumes', {'q': '{http}'}));
/// if (response.statusCode != 200) {
/// throw HttpException('bad response: ${response.statusCode}');
/// }
/// final decodedResponse =
/// jsonDecode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes)) as Map;
/// final itemCount = decodedResponse['totalItems'];
/// print('Number of books about http: $itemCount.');
/// for (var i = 0; i < min(itemCount, 10); ++i) {
/// print(decodedResponse['items'][i]['volumeInfo']['title']);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
class CupertinoClient extends BaseClient {
static final Map<URLSessionTask, _TaskTracker> _tasks = {};
URLSession? _urlSession;
String? _findReasonPhrase(int statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case HttpStatus.continue_:
return 'Continue';
case HttpStatus.switchingProtocols:
return 'Switching Protocols';
case HttpStatus.ok:
return 'OK';
case HttpStatus.created:
return 'Created';
case HttpStatus.accepted:
return 'Accepted';
case HttpStatus.nonAuthoritativeInformation:
return 'Non-Authoritative Information';
case HttpStatus.noContent:
return 'No Content';
case HttpStatus.resetContent:
return 'Reset Content';
case HttpStatus.partialContent:
return 'Partial Content';
case HttpStatus.multipleChoices:
return 'Multiple Choices';
case HttpStatus.movedPermanently:
return 'Moved Permanently';
case HttpStatus.found:
return 'Found';
case HttpStatus.seeOther:
return 'See Other';
case HttpStatus.notModified:
return 'Not Modified';
case HttpStatus.useProxy:
return 'Use Proxy';
case HttpStatus.temporaryRedirect:
return 'Temporary Redirect';
case HttpStatus.badRequest:
return 'Bad Request';
case HttpStatus.unauthorized:
return 'Unauthorized';
case HttpStatus.paymentRequired:
return 'Payment Required';
case HttpStatus.forbidden:
return 'Forbidden';
case HttpStatus.notFound:
return 'Not Found';
case HttpStatus.methodNotAllowed:
return 'Method Not Allowed';
case HttpStatus.notAcceptable:
return 'Not Acceptable';
case HttpStatus.proxyAuthenticationRequired:
return 'Proxy Authentication Required';
case HttpStatus.requestTimeout:
return 'Request Time-out';
case HttpStatus.conflict:
return 'Conflict';
case HttpStatus.gone:
return 'Gone';
case HttpStatus.lengthRequired:
return 'Length Required';
case HttpStatus.preconditionFailed:
return 'Precondition Failed';
case HttpStatus.requestEntityTooLarge:
return 'Request Entity Too Large';
case HttpStatus.requestUriTooLong:
return 'Request-URI Too Long';
case HttpStatus.unsupportedMediaType:
return 'Unsupported Media Type';
case HttpStatus.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable:
return 'Requested range not satisfiable';
case HttpStatus.expectationFailed:
return 'Expectation Failed';
case HttpStatus.internalServerError:
return 'Internal Server Error';
case HttpStatus.notImplemented:
return 'Not Implemented';
case HttpStatus.badGateway:
return 'Bad Gateway';
case HttpStatus.serviceUnavailable:
return 'Service Unavailable';
case HttpStatus.gatewayTimeout:
return 'Gateway Time-out';
case HttpStatus.httpVersionNotSupported:
return 'Http Version not supported';
return null;
static _TaskTracker _tracker(URLSessionTask task) => _tasks[task]!;
static void _onComplete(
URLSession session, URLSessionTask task, Error? error) {
final taskTracker = _tracker(task);
if (error != null) {
final exception = ClientException(
error.localizedDescription ?? 'Unknown', taskTracker.request.url);
if (taskTracker.profile != null &&
taskTracker.profile!.requestData.endTime == null) {
// Error occurred during the request.
} else {
// Error occurred during the response.
if (taskTracker.responseCompleter.isCompleted) {
} else {
} else {
assert(taskTracker.profile == null ||
taskTracker.profile!.requestData.endTime != null);
if (!taskTracker.responseCompleter.isCompleted) {
StateError('task completed without an error or response'));
static void _onData(URLSession session, URLSessionTask task, Data data) {
final taskTracker = _tracker(task);
static URLRequest? _onRedirect(URLSession session, URLSessionTask task,
HTTPURLResponse response, URLRequest request) {
final taskTracker = _tracker(task);
if (taskTracker.request.followRedirects &&
taskTracker.numRedirects <= taskTracker.request.maxRedirects) {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
method: request.httpMethod,
location: request.url!.toString()));
taskTracker.lastUrl = request.url;
return request;
return null;
static URLSessionResponseDisposition _onResponse(
URLSession session, URLSessionTask task, URLResponse response) {
final taskTracker = _tracker(task);
return URLSessionResponseDisposition.urlSessionResponseAllow;
/// A [Client] with the default configuration.
factory CupertinoClient.defaultSessionConfiguration() {
final config = URLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration();
return CupertinoClient.fromSessionConfiguration(config);
/// A [Client] configured with a [URLSessionConfiguration].
factory CupertinoClient.fromSessionConfiguration(
URLSessionConfiguration config) {
final session = URLSession.sessionWithConfiguration(config,
onComplete: _onComplete,
onData: _onData,
onRedirect: _onRedirect,
onResponse: _onResponse);
return CupertinoClient._(session);
void close() {
_urlSession = null;
/// Returns true if [stream] includes at least one list with an element.
/// Since [_hasData] consumes [stream], returns a new stream containing the
/// equivalent data.
static Future<(bool, Stream<List<int>>)> _hasData(
Stream<List<int>> stream) async {
final queue = StreamQueue(stream);
while (await queue.hasNext && (await queue.peek).isEmpty) {
return (await queue.hasNext,;
HttpClientRequestProfile? _createProfile(BaseRequest request) =>
requestMethod: request.method,
requestUri: request.url.toString());
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) async {
// The expected success case flow (without redirects) is:
// 1. send is called by BaseClient
// 2. send starts the request with UrlSession.dataTaskWithRequest and waits
// on a Completer
// 3. _onResponse is called with the HTTP headers, status code, etc.
// 4. _onResponse calls complete on the Completer that send is waiting on.
// 5. send continues executing and returns a StreamedResponse.
// StreamedResponse contains a Stream<UInt8List>.
// 6. _onData is called one or more times and adds that to the
// StreamController that controls the Stream<UInt8List>
// 7. _onComplete is called after all the data is read and closes the
// StreamController
if (_urlSession == null) {
throw ClientException(
'HTTP request failed. Client is already closed.', request.url);
final urlSession = _urlSession!;
final stream = request.finalize();
final profile = _createProfile(request);
profile?.connectionInfo = {
'package': 'package:cupertino_http',
'client': 'CupertinoClient',
'configuration': _urlSession!.configuration.toString(),
?..contentLength = request.contentLength
..followRedirects = request.followRedirects
..headersCommaValues = request.headers
..maxRedirects = request.maxRedirects;
final urlRequest = MutableURLRequest.fromUrl(request.url)
..httpMethod = request.method;
if (request.contentLength != null) {
profile?.requestData.headersListValues = {
'Content-Length': ['${request.contentLength}'],
'Content-Length', '${request.contentLength}');
if (request is Request) {
// Optimize the (typical) `Request` case since assigning to
// `httpBodyStream` requires a lot of expensive setup and data passing.
urlRequest.httpBody = Data.fromList(request.bodyBytes);
} else if (await _hasData(stream) case (true, final s)) {
// If the request is supposed to be bodyless (e.g. GET requests)
// then setting `httpBodyStream` will cause the request to fail -
// even if the stream is empty.
if (profile == null) {
urlRequest.httpBodyStream = s;
} else {
final splitter = StreamSplitter(s);
urlRequest.httpBodyStream = splitter.split();
// This will preserve Apple default headers - is that what we want?
final task = urlSession.dataTaskWithRequest(urlRequest);
final taskTracker = _TaskTracker(request, profile);
_tasks[task] = taskTracker;
final maxRedirects = request.followRedirects ? request.maxRedirects : 0;
late URLResponse result;
result = await taskTracker.responseCompleter.future;
final response = result as HTTPURLResponse;
if (request.followRedirects && taskTracker.numRedirects > maxRedirects) {
throw ClientException('Redirect limit exceeded', request.url);
final responseHeaders = response.allHeaderFields
.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key.toLowerCase(), value));
if (responseHeaders['content-length'] case final contentLengthHeader?
when !_digitRegex.hasMatch(contentLengthHeader)) {
throw ClientException(
'Invalid content-length header [$contentLengthHeader].',
final contentLength = response.expectedContentLength == -1
? null
: response.expectedContentLength;
final isRedirect = !request.followRedirects && taskTracker.numRedirects > 0;
?..contentLength = contentLength
..headersCommaValues = responseHeaders
..isRedirect = isRedirect
..reasonPhrase = _findReasonPhrase(response.statusCode)
..startTime =
..statusCode = response.statusCode;
return _StreamedResponseWithUrl(,
url: taskTracker.lastUrl ?? request.url,
contentLength: contentLength,
reasonPhrase: _findReasonPhrase(response.statusCode),
request: request,
isRedirect: isRedirect,
headers: responseHeaders,
/// A test-only class that makes the [HttpClientRequestProfile] data available.
class CupertinoClientWithProfile extends CupertinoClient {
HttpClientRequestProfile? profile;
HttpClientRequestProfile? _createProfile(BaseRequest request) =>
profile = super._createProfile(request);
CupertinoClientWithProfile._(super._urlSession) : super._();
factory CupertinoClientWithProfile.defaultSessionConfiguration() {
final config = URLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration();
final session = URLSession.sessionWithConfiguration(config,
onComplete: CupertinoClient._onComplete,
onData: CupertinoClient._onData,
onRedirect: CupertinoClient._onRedirect,
onResponse: CupertinoClient._onResponse);
return CupertinoClientWithProfile._(session);